Gangsta Rap Chapter 7 Novea Lindsay

CMS 298: Gangsta Rap

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Gangsta RapChapter 7

Novea Lindsay

Page 2: CMS 298: Gangsta Rap

Hip-Hop Music…

“…Is and will be a major force in popular culture”(p. 236)

Conveys:◦Social Imagery◦Sartorial Expression◦Personal Style◦Location

Demographics Socio-economic Status

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Hip-Hop Music

Contains a multitude of sub-genres

Contains social and political commentary Race Nationalsim Economic Class

Deeply connected to the African American community

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Gangsta is About African Americans

Recording artists are predominantly African American

Primarily connected to African Americans Songs, musics videos, collaborations, public

appearances, racial epitheths are primarily African American

Gangsta rap “is anything but real” (240).

Music genre represents itself as being representative of African American culture.

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“An enduring mainstay of racist ideoloy is the belief that African Americans are

prone to violence…” (p. 241).

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Gangsta rap voices the notion that African Americans are violent beings.

Reinforces racist view that African Americans are inherently violent

The imitation of behavior presented in rap songs and music videos furthers the stereotype of the violent African American

References to firearms and aggressive behavior suggest a preoccupation with violent behavior.

Perpetuates racist stereotypes about African Americans◦Encourages some to believe such falsehoods

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“The false claim that African American are preoccupied with sex to a degree

unknown in other cultures has serves racist purposed for hundred of years”(p. 241)

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Gangsta Rap identifies males as its main subject:

Disrespects women Objectifies women

Views females as objects useful only for satisfying male sexual desires

Male Gaze Music videos adopt a male perspective through which

vaules are assigned to males and females. Men = Important, desirable, center of attention Women = sexual objects

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Song Content◦ Negative representations of females

bitch” and “ho”◦ Creates “a general climate of disrespect for women” ( p.


Such negative depictions facilitate the perpetuation of stereotypes and racism towards African Americans

For instance: if they cannot respect “their” women, why should they be expected to be respected by anyone else.

Confirms the racist belief through song lyrics and music videos that African Americans are obsessed with sex.

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“We think it shameful and morally questionable to be constantly obsessed

with material things. Racist ideology moves in on that repressed feeling to

assert that African Americans are preoccupied with material things” (p. 243)

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Assumptions: African Americans are more likely to steal African Americans are more likely to obtain goods for the sake of showing them off.

“Eager to spend money for show rather than substance” (p. 243).

Assumptions enable people to repress those they deem immoral.

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Materialistic tendencies are conveyed through excess depicted in music videos.

Jewelry Gold Chains Precious Jewels ‘Grillz’

Song Content: Expensive Vehicles Mansions Lavish Parties Income

Large amount of material references that permeate gangsta rap enables racist beliefs as such references reinforce the notion that African Americans possess a deep preoccupation with material goods.

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Gangsta rap serves as an avenue of expression through which various

racial groups can unite and examine African American culture and its

relationship in American society on both a superficial and critical level.

Such music addresses assumptions rooted deep within the foundation of

America and perpetuates stereotypes misrepresentative of a body of


Yet, this genre of music allows individuals an opportunity to explore the

circumstances responsible for the creation of such stereotypes and the

repercussions of perpetuating such false misrepresentations.