Civil War 2 7th Issue Infowars Magazine

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Celebrities and Gun riGhtsWho makes more sense? Bruce Willis or Chris Rock?When celebrities open their mouths the world listens. With two celebrities talking about gun control in the media today, it is interesting to take a peek and find out if either of them makes any sense.steve Watson

it happened hereThe evidence of a police state that already exists.

paul Craig roberts

semi auto ConfisCation plansproposed in CaliforniaCalifornia lawmakers are proposing an anti-second amendment law that will rival the one recently passed in New York Kurt nimmo

radioaCtive silverWareRadioactive scrap metal imports on the rise, guess what gets manufactured with it

dhs is set to purChase a furhter 21.6 million rounds of ammunitionThis adds to the 1.6 billion bullets they have already obtained over the course of the last 10 months

paul Joseph Watson

after the tribulation New Movie Review

adan salazar

six Year old Girl expelledFor Bringing Plastic Toy Gun to Show and Tell

steve Watson

Civil War 2Why the Elite Would Lose a Civil War. Every indication clearly suggests that authorities in the U.S. are preparing for widespread civil unrest.

alex Jones










deClaration of independenCe 2.0. restorinG the republiC. A look back at when Alex Jones called for a second American Revolution led by states who would reconstitute the Republic under the terms of the Declaration of Independence, bill of rights and constitution.

paul Joseph Watson

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Join or dieposter

CrossWordpuZZleDave Mivshek

What’s behind the punishment for faKe Guns in sChools?

Should we assume that because cops and school officials can’t stop real crimes, they’re settling for stopping fake crimes?

paul Joseph Watson

nY street bodY sCannersMachines violate Fourth Amendment, and can

“unzip” DNA, according to studies

steve Watson

seCret virusWe know that GMO consumption has been linked to a host of serious

conditions, but one thing we are not so sure about is the recent discovery of a hidden viral gene deep within genetically modified crops

anthony Gucciardi50

30 58



Civil War 2: inside the mind of the establishment

artist profile


6th Graders asKed to desiGn “Communist” flaG

Curriculum used in 70 percent of school districts in Texas labeled “mind control”

paul Joseph Watson45

38hoW Comb

Congress Can Cut Their Hair to the Tune of 5.1 Million Taxpayer-Dollars But Can’t Cut Their Budget?

donna anderson

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Anthony Gucciardi

Paul Craig Roberts

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“Now who’s your daddy, Ms. and Mr. America???”

Christian schaper

“The only time I would ever consider using this weapon would be to convince my boss to keep my failure of a show on the air. Every one of my 14 viewers would agree.”

Cade ingramfort Worth, texas

“Piss on your Constitution you twits!”

luke harmon

“The name’s guns. Piers, Moreguns.”alex

“I don’t always support the Second Amendment, but when I do I use an ‘assault rifle’”


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Radio host Alex Jones has called for a second Ameri-can Revolution led by states, who would secede from the federal government and re-constitute the Republic un-der the terms of the Decla-ration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution.

The call for Americans to rally behind a restoration of the Republic and the Bill of

Rights comes on the back of a burgeoning secessionist movement that has swept the country with residents from all 50 states submitting petitions to the White House calling for states to withdraw from the union and form their own independent governments. The pe-titions have received a combined number of signatures totaling over a million.

During a nationwide broadcast Nov. 16, 2012, Jones laid out the battle plan for secession, emphasizing that states must first secede from the federal government, which has gone rogue, and then use the terms of the Declaration of Independence to restore the Republic, not create a new country.

Jones stressed that he was calling for a cultural resto-ration in the spirit of the Bill of Rights – a newly unified

America under the Constitution – and not a violent over-throw, noting that it was the states that created the Con-stitution and the federal government in the first place.

Jones noted that the only course to restoring liberty was clear – “To follow the founding document of the Republic, the Declaration of Independence, wherein it is clearly stated that it is the right and the duty of the American people, when their government becomes de-structive and tyrannical, to abolish and reconstitute it in a form that protects our liberties.”

“We are not calling for secession to form new sep-arate countries, we are calling for secession because the states created the Constitution, Bill of Rights and federal government, and the federal government itself has been hijacked by foreign special interests – mainly banking cartels,” said Jones.

“I am calling for people to be educated about how we can secede to restore the Republic,” said Jones, warn-ing that the media was attempting to characterize the entire movement as a plot to bring down America when in fact America has already been captured and taken over by the political and financial elite.

“This is the states putting their foot down and say-ing we are going to reconstitute the federal govern-ment under the Bill of Rights and Constitution, we’re going to kick out the bureaucrats, the lobbyists, the foreign criminals, and the Federal Reserve who have

taken over,” explained Jones.The radio host also put the call out for Congressman

Ron Paul to head up such a movement and utilize his vast network of grass roots liberty-loving activists to lead the charge, as well as using his contacts in each state to begin the process of secession in the legislature.

Harvard constitutional law scholar and adviser to Ron Paul, Edwin Viera, appeared on the syndicated ra-dio broadcast and agreed with Alex Jones’ constitution-al battle plan, with the Declaration of Independence as the centerpiece of legal authority.

Ron Paul’s former congressional chief of staff and founder of the Von Mises institute, Lew Rockwell, also appeared on the special broadcast and concurred with Jones’ strategy that now is the time to launch our offen-sive and restore the Republic.

The right of the people to reconstitute their govern-ment if it becomes oppressive and onerous is clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

“That to secure these rights, Governments are insti-tuted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to in-stitute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and

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Happiness,” reads the Preamble, Declaration of Inde-pendence, July 4, 1776.

In the aftermath of petitions from all 50 states to secede being posted on the White House website and signed by over a million Americans, the secessionist movement has been portrayed as anti-American, un-patriotic and even treasonous. In reality, as Ron Paul has emphasized, it is as American as apple pie and George Washington.

The most popular petition out of all 50 that have been posted on the White House website applies to Texas and reads as follows;

“The U.S. continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government’s neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the U.S. suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would pro-tect it’s citizens’ standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.”

The call for states to secede from the union, one now backed by over a million Americans, is part of a wid-er disenfranchisement with how the country has been

infested and hijacked by a crony political elite and the principles of the founders decimated.

As more than one million Americans express their disenfranchisement with the federal government by supporting a secessionist movement that has spread like wildfire, it is time to call for a new declaration of independence and a new commitment to restore the Republic in the face of an enemy that has subverted America from within.

The United States government has been seized by domestic and foreign banking cartels. This fact is so transparently obvious that talking heads on CNBC now laugh about it.

While Americans are being told to brace for tax hikes, spending cuts and a myriad of other austerity mea-sures, the Federal Reserve has been sending trillions of dollars to foreign banks.

The federal government is supposed to represent the states, but it doesn’t, it represents the interests of the political and banking elite who themselves have no al-legiance whatsoever to America.

Infowars is calling on patriots to start a movement to draft Ron Paul as the head of a brand new effort to restore the Republic, restore the Bill of Rights and opt out of the counterfeit America the banking elite has subverted and fashioned to serve their own interests.

The establishment media is already demonizing the

secessionist movement as a rag-tag group of fringe kooks and paranoid racists, when in reality as the Dai-ly Caller uncovered, it is comprised of former Marines, parents, business owners and ordinary mechanics.

Meanwhile, Obama supporters and other statists have called on the government to punish those putting their signatures to the secession petitions by having them stripped of their citizenship, deported and exiled.

It’s time to re-assert the narrative on secession and put it in its proper context, which is not an infantile reaction to the fact that Barack Obama won the elec-tion, but an expression of extreme uneasiness at the direction in which the country is heading, a wide-spread discontent that has been ongoing for long be-fore Obama even took office, and a new commitment calling on states to nullify unconstitutional laws and regulations and secede from the increasingly tyranni-cal federal government.

In Ron Paul’s Congressional farewell speech, he skew-ered authoritarianism in all its forms and captured the true spirit of liberty which should drive the movement to secede from the federal government and reconstitute America under the Declaration of Independence.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and a writer for In-fowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com. He is the author of “Order Out Of Chaos,” and also a host of the Infowars Nightly News.

written by Paul JosePh Watson

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There is a crucial economic imperative as to why the elite is seeking to engineer and exploit social unrest.

As respected investigative reporter Greg Palast exposed in 2001, the global banking elite, namely the World Bank and the IMF, have honed a technique that has allowed them to asset-strip nu-merous other countries in the past – that technique has come to be known at the “IMF riot.”

In April 2001, Palast obtained leaked World Bank documents that outlined a four step process on how to loot nations of their wealth and infrastructure, placing control of resources into the hands of the banking elite.

One of the final steps of the process, the “IMF riot,” detailed how the elite would plan for mass civil unrest ahead of time that would have the effect of scaring off investors and causing government bankruptcies.

“This economic arson has its bright side – for foreigners, who can then pick off remaining assets at fire sale prices,” writes Pa-last, adding, “A pattern emerges. There are lots of losers but the clear winners seem to be the western banks and US Treasury.”

In other words, the banking elite creates the very economic en-vironment – soaring interest rates, spiraling food prices, poverty, lower standards of living – that precipitates civil unrest – and then like a vulture swoops down to devour what remains of the coun-try’s assets on the cheap.

We have already seen this process unfold in places like Bolivia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Greece and Argentina. Next on the chopping block are Spain, Italy, Britain and France – all of which have seen widespread riots over the last two years.

As Ha-Joon Chang explains in the Guardian, the roots of Eu-rope’s riots were sparked by “governments inflicting an old-IMF-style programme on their own populations,” namely the same pro-grams of “austerity, privatisation and deregulation,” that caused the riots of the 80′s and 90′s in poorer countries.

Although the likes of the IMF and the World Bank have pillaged half of the globe with their economic terrorism, America remains the ultimate prize. The first step of the four step process for bank-ster seizure of a country – privatization of state-owned assets – is already well under way in America, with infrastructure being sold off to foreign corporations, with the aid of Goldman Sachs, at a frightening pace.

A key component of the banking elite’s insidious agenda to bring about an economic collapse in America by design also centers around the process of de-industrializing the country, eviscerat-ing the nation’s platform for self-sufficiency and replacing it with dependence on banker bailouts. This has already been largely achieved in Europe – with just about every major economy on the continent run by Goldman Sachs-affiliated technocrats.

In the United States, 32 per cent of manufacturing jobs have been lost since 2000, while 56,000 manufacturing facilities have been mothballed since 2001. The Obama administration has also de-clared war on the coal industry, with Obama himself promising to “bankrupt” anyone who tries to build a new coal plant. Meanwhile, China builds a new coal plant every two weeks.

Given the clear economic motive for stirring unrest in the United States, we’d expect to see preparations for domestic disorder in numerous different guises – and indeed the signs are everywhere.

EvERy indication clEaRly suggEsts that authoRitiEs in thE unitEd statEs aRE pREpaRing foR widEspREad civil unREst. this tREnd has not EmERgEd by accidEnt – it is paRt of a tRiEd and tEstEd mEthod usEd by thE banking ElitE to sEizE contRol of nations, stRip thEm of thEiR assEts and absoRb thEm into thE nEw woRld oRdER.


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NatioNal DefeNse authorizatioN act

The Obama administration’s passage of NDAA leg-islation that authorizes kidnapping and indefinite de-tention without trial of American citizens on U.S. soil serves to create the framework for mass arrests of pro-testers and journalists in a time of declared national emergency.

obama’s War oN WhistlebloWers

The Obama administration’s brazen and aggres-sive prosecution of whistleblowers for divulging gov-ernment corruption in the public interest is clearly a device designed to intimidate whistleblowers from speaking out when the proverbial hits the fan.

spyiNg oN social meDia for sigNs of uNrest

The Department of Homeland Security and other fed-eral agencies are actively engaged in spying on social media as well as news websites to look for reports or comments that “reflect adversely on the U.S. govern-ment and the DHS.” The government is on the lookout for the ‘tipping point’ when heated online rhetoric spills onto the streets in the form of unrest.

builDiNg huge spy ceNters to track uNrest

The NSA is building the country’s biggest spy cen-ter in the middle of the Utah desert. The purpose of the data facility is to intercept, “all forms of commu-nication, including the complete contents of private emails, cell phone calls, and Google searches, as well as all sorts of personal data trails—parking receipts, travel itineraries, bookstore purchases, and other digi-tal “pocket litter.”

By creating a gigantic database of every communi-cation imaginable, the NSA hopes to monitor and pre-empt the spread of mass civil unrest in America.

prepariNg DroNes for Domestic oppressioN

Last week, the Justice Department re-affirmed its po-sition that the Obama administration can use armed drones to assassinate Americans. Under the NDAA, the whole of the United States has been declared a “battle-field,” meaning that drones may soon be used to exe-cute American citizens on U.S. soil.

A government that resorts to killing its own citizens without any legal process whatsoever is clearly a dic-tatorship engaged in domestic oppression. The only

imaginable scenario under which this program would be justifiable was if the U.S. was under a state of martial law and the government was on the verge of collapse.

prepariNg for martial laW

Preparation for martial law can be seen in numerous different guises, but perhaps the most chilling is a na-tionwide FEMA program which is training pastors and other religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their congregations to “obey the government” in preparation for the implementation of martial law, property and firearm seizures, mass vacci-nation programs and forced relocation.

characteriziNg the americaN people as the NeW target of the War oN terror

The U.S. Army’s Operating Concept 2016-2028 dic-tates that the military’s “full spectrum operations” will include “operations within American borders.” Scenar-ios where Americans form into militia groups and be-come “insurrectionists” as a result of an economic col-lapse and have to be eliminated by the U.S. Army have already been mapped out by military planners.

A leaked U.S. Army manual also reveals plans for the military to carry out “Civil Disturbance Operations” during which troops will be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.

The Department of Homeland Security’s ‘See Some-thing, Say Something’ program habitually portrays middle class Americans as terrorists. In addition, nu-merous DHS-funded reports have characterized “lib-erty lovers” and other constitutionalists as domestic terrorists.

Every indication presents us with the inescapable re-ality that the US government is preparing for mass civil unrest at some point over the next five to ten years. When we look at the recent history of nations that have suffered financial collapse, domestic disorder is clearly a key component of a deliberate agenda on behalf of the banking elite to undermine and loot economies – con-fiscating national sovereignty in the process.

On the next page, we’ll explore why the elite, al-though keen on provoking mass social unrest and even civil war, are destined to lose the battle.


thE dEpaRtmEnt of homEland sEcuRity has puRchasEd ovER 1.6 billion Rounds of ammunition in thE last 10 months alonE. at thE hEight of combat opERations in iRaq, thE u.s. aRmy only usEd 5.5 million bullEts a month. why has thE dhs stockpilEd Enough bullEts foR a 30-yEaR waR if it is not pREpaRing foR somE foRm of domEstic disoRdER?

written by alex JonesWWW.prisonplanet.Com 13

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despite the fact that the banking elite wants to generate riots and stir social disorder in order to collapse the U.S. economy so they can buy up real assets on the cheap, if such chaos was to spill over into a full blown civil war, the consequences for the

technocrats would be disastrous.In part one we explored why the elite routinely

generate civil unrest in countries as a tactic of driving down confidence, scaring away investors and setting themselves up as the saviors in or-der to loot what’s left of the economy for next to nothing.

We also documented how authorities in Amer-ica are clearly in a preparatory phase for mass civil unrest to break out within the next 5 to 10 years.

However, basic figures, along with the lessons of recent history, clearly suggest that should such disorder spiral into a new civil war, which many suggest is the very outcome federal agencies are gearing up for (the DHS alone has purchased enough bullets to wage a 30 year conflict), the result for the elite is inevitable failure.

It is imperative to stress that ordinary Ameri-cans do not want a civil war. This is not some-thing we or anyone we associate with is actively calling to initiate. This is simply a warning to the power structure that their policies are setting the stage for this very outcome – and it’s not going to end well for them.

Al Sharpton recently suggested that Americans should accept government regulation of the Sec-ond Amendment because the primary reason the founders put the right to bear arms in the con-stitution – to defend against government tyran-ny – is no longer applicable. Sharpton brazenly implied that the government would just be able to drone strike all Americans who resisted being disarmed.

“First of all, if the government were to come

to disarm you, you would not be able to use an automatic weapon to defend yourself. Let’s be se-rious. We’re in a world of drones now so the Sec-ond Amendment would not help you in that area. It is absurd to try to cite that,” said Sharpton.

In reality, even if a tiny minority of armed Americans chose to resist government oppres-sion – the odds would be stacked hugely in their favor.

Consider the recent story about the manhunt for former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner.

It took the vast resources and manpower of the Los Angeles Police Department and numerous other law enforcement bodies and federal agen-cies over a week to track down one guy - one guy!

As part of that manhunt, LAPD officers showed themselves to be bumbling incompetents – en-gaging in frenzied shootings of innocent peo-ple who looked nothing like Dorner and eventu-ally having to burn Dorner alive inside a cabin in order to apprehend him.

If it takes the LAPD over a week to find and kill one guy, how much effort do you think would be required to disarm or kill 100 million Ameri-can gun owners without meaningful resistance?

Consider the US occupation of Afghanistan that has now entered its 12th year.

A total of almost 500,000 coalition forces and Afghan National Security Forces have failed to defeat Taliban insurgents numbering just 25,000 – a ratio of 20 to 1 – in over 12 years of combat operations.

If the finest of the US military and their al-lies cannot defeat 25,000 ragtag insurgents in 12 years, how on earth are 100 million Americans going to be subdued?

Consider the 2003 invasion of Iraq.17,000 troops working on the grounds of

the Baghdad Airport couldn’t even secure the road leading to the airport months after the in-vasion.

If 17,000 troops can’t even control a single road, how does the government plan to success-

Consider the faCt that there are almost 100 million gun oWners in the united states, Who in total oWn over 300 million firearms and rising.there are only around 1.4

million aCtive duty Person-nel in the entire u.s. military – that inCludes the army, ma-rine CorPs, navy, air forCe and Coast guard. even if you inClude national guard re-serves, the total figure is less than 2.3 million.even if Just five PerCent

of ameriCan gun oWners aC-tively resisted in a Civil War, that Would be five million ameriCans – more than dou-ble the entire u.s. military and national guard, many of Whom are already engaged overseas. so even if the gov-ernment used the military to fire uPon u.s. Citizens, the trooPs Would be easily out-numbered.


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fully occupy an entire country in the event of martial law?

When a population is under occupation and they are being oppressed, the zeal for resistance knows no bounds.

Victory is achieved by refusing to submit – re-sistance is victory.

The banking elite which controls the US gov-ernment – the same elite that has engineered ri-ots in other countries – most recently Greece – as part of a process of turning those nations into empty vassals that can be easily looted for their wealth, infrastructure and resources, must real-ize that it cannot win a civil war in the United States.

Such an eventuality would result in massive bloodshed on both sides – and the elite simply doesn’t have the numbers to claim victory.

This is a warning to the technocrats – do not try to divide and conquer the American people, the police, and the military. Stop characterizing patriotic, freedom loving Americans as domestic terrorists. Do not try to initiate a civil war that would achieve nothing but carnage and a sus-tained breakdown of society.

As top constitutional scholars like Dr. Edwin Vieira and Lew Rockwell have noted, one of the reasons why the federal government is so petri-fied of the American people rising up to re-assert their God-given rights in the face of an establish-ment which is arming to the teeth against them, is the threat posed to their illegal power monop-oly by the prospect of secession.

Secession is not about destroying America, it is about reinvigorating America as the found-ers envisioned it, and in the process disengag-ing from the very forces – the offshore banking elite – who are themselves working feverishly to destroy America so that they may be the first to slice up and devour the dead carcass of a once great nation, just as they have done to numerous other countries over the last three decades.


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California lawmakers are proposing an anti-Second Amendment law that will ri-val the one recently passed in New York. Democrats in control of the state Legisla-ture unveiled ten proposals they boasted will make California the most restrictive state in the nation for possessing legally purchased firearms.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, San Francis-co Mayor Ed Lee, and police officials from around the state rolled out the anti-Second Amendment effort on Thursday during a news conference in Sacramento, the state capital.

“California has always been a leader on the issue of gun safety,” Villaraigosa said. “New York has stepped up and stepped forward. California needs to answer the call.”

The new law would outlaw all semiautomatic weap-ons in the state and force gun owners to load bullets one at a time. CBS News reports that authorities also want to make prohibitions apply to current gun owners, thus resulting in confiscation.

California senator Dianne Feinstein has made appar-ent on numerous occasions the ultimate plan is to con-fiscate all firearms. In 1995, she told CBS’ 60 Minutes

that she has worked to have “Mr. and Mrs. America” turn in their guns to the government.

“Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an op-tion — keep your gun but permit it,” New York governor Andrew Cuomo stated prior to the passage of a histori-cally restrictive gun law in the state.

In addition, California will impose new rules on am-munition sales. Ammo buyers will be required to pay a fee and undergo a background check by the state De-partment of Justice every time bullets are sold, thus re-cording all ammunition sales and purchaser information with the state.

In addition to a mandatory state-wide gun registra-tion, the law would make the sale and current posses-sion of magazines holding more than ten bullets illegal.

So-called “bullet buttons” and certain shotguns will also become illegal if the legislation is enacted.

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said he is confident Democrats will leverage majorities in the As-sembly and Senate and send the draconian measures to the state’s Democratic governor, Jerry Brown.

“It strikes me as if these folks are playing some sort of game of one-upsmanship with New York at the expense of law-abiding citizens, and that’s just unconscionable,”

Sam Paredes, executive director of Gun Owners of Cali-fornia, told CBS News.

Republicans stated the obvious. “The laws they are (proposing) would have made no difference in the Con-necticut shooting whatsoever,” Sen. Dan Logue said.

and then in missouri...

Democrats around the country are in a race to destroy the Second Amendment and another outrage is going down in Missouri.

Democrats, Rory Ellinger and Jill Schupp, have intro-duced House Bill 545, a law that with the stroke of a pen will turn thousands of law-abiding Missourians into class C felons. It will ban the possession, sale, transfer or manufacture of semi-automatic rifles and magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds.

The law is in effect de facto confiscation demanding the “surrender” of firearms to the government.

“Any person who, prior to the effective date of this law,


written by Kurt nimmo

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was legally in possession of an assault weapon or large capacity magazine shall have 90 days from such effec-tive date to do any of the following without being sub-ject to prosecution,” the proposed law states.” Residents will be ordered to “remove the assault weapon or large capacity magazine from the state of Missouri… Render the assault weapon permanently inoperable; or… Sur-render the assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruc-tion, subject to specific agency regulations.”

Missouri’s proposed law is strikingly similar to one rcently enacted in New York:



Following California Senator Dianne Feinstein’s high-profile effort to introduce legislation calling for outlawing semi-automatic firearms and a national “gun safety” campaign initiated by the Obama administra-tion, Democrats around the country began calling for government confiscation of firearms and the destruction of the Second Amendment.

Feinstein, a long time opponent of the Second Amend-ment, told CBS in 1995 that the ultimate plan is to have “Mr. and Mrs. America” turn in their guns to the gov-ernment.

In December, New York governor Andrew Cuomo be-gan an aggressive effort to restrict firearms in the state and confiscate the weapons of citizens who do not com-ply with retroactive rules on so-called assault weapons.

“Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an op-tion — keep your gun but permit it,” Cuomo said.

Prior to passage, Cuomo declared the Second Amend-ment “is a scourge on society” as Democrats said the legislation does not endanger the constitutional right to



own firearms.On Jan. 13, 2013, H.R. 226 was introduced in the

House of Representatives by Connecticut Democrat Rep. Rosa DeLauro. The bill will amend the 1986 IRS code and allow a credit if taxpayers “surrender” their guns to the government.

Cited as the “Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act,” the proposed legis-lation represents another effort to convince citizens that they must voluntarily turn in their guns as a civic duty and to do their part to reduce “gun violence” and pro-tect children, as Obama said on January 16.

“The bill is yet more evidence that federal and state governments are now pulling out all stops short of door-to-door confiscation in their coordinated effort to dis-arm the American people,” we reported on Infowars.com at the time.

In February, Democrats worked feverishly on “a fac-simile of the President’s plan, which was also the im-petus behind the bevy of gun control bills that are now circulating the Senate,” S.H. Blannelberry wrote.

Kurt Nimmo is the editor at Infowars.com and the au-thor of “Another Day in the Empire: Life in Neoconser-vative America.”

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the department of homeland seCuritY purChases 21.6 million more rounds of ammunition

written by Paul JosePh Watson

This adds to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

the Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.

A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.

The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 packagings of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).

The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 packagings of 40,000 rounds).

An approximation of how many rounds of ammunition the DHS has now secured over the last 10 months stands at around 1.625 billion. In March 2012, ATK announced that they had agreed to provide the DHS with a maximum of 450 million bullets over four years, a story that prompted questions about why the feds were buying ammunition in such large quantities. In September last year, the federal agency purchased a further 200 million bullets.

To put that in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, U.S. soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.

Such massive quantities of ammo purchases have stoked fears that the agency is preparing for some kind of domestic unrest. In 2011, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.

The federal agency’s primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but

information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative political ideology with domestic extremism.

A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as

Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.

“extreme right-wing” terrorists.In August 2012, the DHS censored information relating

to the amount of bullets purchased by the federal agency on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, citing an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation that could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.

As we highlighted in previous issues, the DHS’ previous ammunition solicitation was awarded to Evian Group, an organization that was formed just five days before the announcement of the solicitation and appeared to be little more than a front organization since it didn’t have a genuine physical address, a website, or even a phone number.

While Americans are being browbeaten with rhetoric about the necessity to give up semi-automatic firearms in the name of preventing school shootings, the federal government is arming itself to the teeth with both ammunition and guns. Last September, the DHS purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”

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he Bush regime’s response to 9/11 and the Obama regime’s validation of this response have destroyed ac-countable democratic government in the United States. So much unac-countable power has been concen-trated in the executive branch that the U.S. Constitution is no longer an

operable document.Whether a person believes the official story of 9/11

which rests on unproven government assertions or be-lieves the documented evidence provided by a large number of scientists, first responders, and structural engineers and architects, the result is the same. 9/11 was used to create an open-ended “war on terror” and a police state. It is extraordinary that so many Americans believe that “it can’t happen here” when it already has.

We have had a decade of highly visible evidence of the construction of a police state: the PATRIOT Act, illegal spying on Americans in violation of the Foreign Intelli-gence Surveillance Act, the initiation of wars of aggres-sion–war crimes under the Nuremberg Standard–based on intentional lies, the Justice Department’s concocted legal memos justifying the executive branch’s violation of domestic and international laws against torture, the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens in violation of the constitutionally protected rights of habeas corpus and due process, the use of secret evidence and secret “ex-pert witnesses” who cannot be cross-examined against defendants in trials, the creation of military tribunals in order to evade federal courts, secret legal memos giving the president authority to launch preemptive cy-ber attacks on any country without providing evidence that the country constitutes a threat, and the Obama regime’s murder of U.S. citizens without evidence or due process.

As if this were not enough, the Obama regime now creates new presidential powers by crafting se-cret laws, refusing to disclose the legal reasoning on which the asserted power rests. In other words, laws now originate in secret executive branch memos and not in acts of Congress. Congress? We don’t need no stinking Congress.

Despite laws protecting whistleblowers and the me-dia and the U.S. Military Code which requires soldiers to report war crimes, whistleblowers such as CIA agent John Kiriakou, media such as Julian Assange, and soldiers such as Bradley Manning are persecuted and prosecuted for revealing U.S. government crimes. http://www.infor-mationclearinghouse.info/article33804.html The crimi-nals go free, and those who report the crimes are punished.

The justification for the American police state is the “war on terror,” a hoax kept alive by the FBI’s “sting operations.” Normally speaking, a sting operation is when a policewoman poses as a prostitute in order to ensnare a “John,” or a police officer poses as a drug dealer or user in order to ensnare drug users or deal-ers. The FBI’s “sting operation” goes beyond these vic-timless crimes that fill up U.S. prisons.

The FBI’s sting operations are different. They are just as victimless as no plot ever happens, but the FBI doesn’t pose as bomb makers for terrorists who have a plot but lack the weapon. Instead, the FBI has the plot and looks for a hapless or demented person or group, or for a Muslim enraged over the latest Washington insult to him and/or his religion. When the FBI locates its victim, its agents approach the selected perpetrator pretending to be Al-Qaeda or some such and ply the selected perpetrator with money, the promise of fame, or threats until the victim signs on to the FBI’s plot and is arrested.

Trevor Aaronson in his book, The Terror Factory: In-side the FBI’s War on Terrorism, documents that the FBI has so far concocted 150 “terrorist plots” and that almost all of the other “terrorist cases” are cases unre-lated to terrorism, such as immigration, with a terror charge tacked on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?-feature=player_embedded&v=LpTOrNQ3G9Q#! The presstitute American media doesn’t ask why, if there is so much real terrorism requiring an Ameri-can war against it, the FBI has to invent and solicit terrorist plots.

Neither does the media inquire how the Taliban, which resists the U.S. invasion and attempted occu-pation of Afghanistan, fighting the U.S. superpower to a standstill after 11 years, came to be designated

as terrorists. Nor does the U.S. presstitute media want to know how tribesmen in remote regions of Pakistan came to be designated as “terrorists” deserving of U.S. drone attacks on the citizens, schools and medical clin-ics of a country with which the U.S. is not at war.

Instead the media protects and perpetrates the hoax that has given America the police state. The Ameri-can media has become Leni Riefenstahl, as has Hol-lywood with the anti-Muslim propaganda film, “Zero Dark Thirty.” This propaganda film is a hate crime that spreads Islamophobia. Nevertheless, the film is likely to win awards and to sink Americans into both tyranny and a hundred-year war in the name of fighting the Muslim threat.

What I learned many years ago as a professor is that movies are important molders of Americans‘ attitudes. Once, after giving a thorough explanation of the Rus-sian Revolution that led to communist rule, a student raised his hand and said: “That’s not the way it hap-pened in the movie.”

At first I thought he was making a witty joke, but then I realized that he thought that the truth resided in the movie, not in the professor who was well versed in the subject. Ever since I have been puzzled how the US has survived for so long, considering the ignorance of its population. Americans have lived in the power of the U.S. economy. Now that this power is waning, sooner or later Americans will have to come to terms with reality.

It is a reality that will be unfamiliar to them.Some Americans claim that we have had police states

during other wartimes and that once the war on ter-ror is won, the police state will be dismantled. Others claim that government will be judicious in its use of the power and that if you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.

These are reassurances from the deluded. The Bush/Obama police state is far more comprehensive than Lincoln’s, Wilson’s, or Roosevelt’s, and the war on terror is open-ended and is already three times lon-ger than World War II. The Police State is acquiring “squatter’s rights.”

Moreover, the government needs the police state

written by paul CraiG roberts

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in order to protect itself from accountability for its crimes, lies, and squandering of taxpayers‘ money. New precedents for executive power have been cre-ated in conjunction with the Federalist Society which, independent of the war on terror, advocates the “uni-tary executive” theory, which claims the president has powers not subject to check by Congress and the Judi-ciary. In other words, the president is a dictator if he prefers to be.

The Obama regime is taking advantage of this Repub-lican theory. The regime has used the Republican desire for a strong executive outside the traditional checks and balances together with the fear factor to complete the creation of the Bush/Cheney police state.

As Lawrence M. Stratton and I documented in our book, The Tyranny Of Good Intentions, prior to 9/11 law as a shield of the people was already losing ground to law as a weapon in the hands of the government. If the government wanted to get you, there were few if any barriers to a defendant being framed and convict-ed, least of all a brainwashed jury fearful of crime.


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I cannot say whether the U.S. justice system has ever served justice better than it has served the ambition of prosecutors. Already in the 1930s and 1940s U.S. Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland and U.S. At-torney General Robert Jackson were warning against prosecutors who sacrifice “fair dealing to build up statistics of success.” Certainly it is difficult to find in the ranks of federal prosecutors today Jackson’s “pros-ecutor who tempers zeal with human kindness, who seeks truth and not victims, who serves the law and not factional purposes, and who approaches his task with humility.”

Just consider the wrongful conviction of Alabama’s Democratic governor, Don Siegelman by what appar-ently was a Karl Rove plot to rid the South of Demo-cratic governors. The “Democratic” Obama regime has not investigated this false prosecution or given clem-ency to its innocent own. Remember how quickly Bush removed the prison sentence of Cheney’s operative who revealed the name of a CIA undercover agent? The Democrats are a cowed and cowardly political par-ty, fearful of justice, and as much a part of the corrupt police state as the Republicans.

Today the purpose of a prosecution is to serve the prosecutor’s career and that of the party that appoints him or her. A prosecutor’s career is served by high con-viction rates, which require plea bargains in which the evidence against a defendant is never tested in court or before a jury, and by high profile cases, which can launch a prosecutor into a political career, as Rudy Gi-uliana achieved with his frame-up of Michael Milken.

Glenn Greenwald explained how Internet freedom advocate Aaron Swartz was driven to his death by the ambition of two federal prosecutors, U.S. Attor-ney Carmen Ortiz and Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Heymann, who had no aversion to destroying an innocent person with ridiculous and trumped-up charges in order to advance their careers. http://www.guardian.co.uk/com-mentisfree/2013/jan/16/ortiz-heymann-swartz-account-ability-abuse

It is rare for a prosecutor to suffer any consequence for bringing false charges, for consciously using and even paying for false evidence, and for lying to judge and jury. As prosecutors are rarely held accountable, they employ illegal and unethical methods and rou-tinely abuse their power. As judges are mainly con-cerned with clearing their court dockets, justice is rarely served in America, which explains why the U.S. has not only a larger percentage of its citizens in pris-on than any other country on earth, but also the larg-est absolute number of prisoners. The U.S. actually has more of its citizens in prison than “authoritarian” China which has a population four times larger than the U.S. The U.S., possibly the greatest human rights abuser in history, is constantly bringing human rights charges against China. Where are the human rights charges against Washington?

In America the collapse of law has gone beyond cor-rupt prosecutors and their concocted false prosecu-tions. Unless it needs or desires a show trial, a police state does not need prosecutors and courts. By pro-ducing legal memos that the president can both throw people into prison without a trial and execute them without a trial simply by stating that some official in the executive branch thinks the person has a possible or potential connection to terrorism, tyranny’s friends in the Justice (sic) Department have dispensed with the need for courts, prosecutors and trials.The Bush/Obama regime has made the executive branch judge, juror, and executioner. All that is needed is an unprov-en assertion by some executive branch official. Here

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we have the epitome of evil.Evidence is no longer required for the president of the

U.S. to imprison people for life or to deprive them of their life. A secret Justice Department memo has been leaked to NBC News that reveals the tyrannical rea-soning that authorizes the executive branch to execute American citizens on the basis of belief alone without the requirement of evidence that they are terrorists or associated with terrorists. http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/02/04/16843014-exclu-sive-justice-department-memo-reveals-legal-case-for-drone-strikes-on-americans?lite

In “freedom and democracy” America, innocent un-til proven guilty is no longer the operative legal prin-ciple. If the government says you are guilty, you are. Period. No evidence required for your termination. Even Stalin pretended to have evidence.

The United States government is working its way step by step toward the determination that any and every critic of the government is guilty of providing “aid and comfort” to Washington’s “terrorist ene-mies,” which includes the elected Hamas government in Gaza. The only critics exempted from this rule-in-the-making are the neoconservatives who criticize the US government for being too slow to throttle both its critics and “anti-semites,” such as former U.S. Presi-

dent Jimmy Carter, who criticize the Israeli govern-ment’s illegal appropriation of Palestinian lands. Most of Palestine has been stolen by Israel with Washing-ton acquiesce and aid. Therefore, nothing is left for a “two-state solution.”

There is no doubt whatsoever that the Israeli gov-ernment’s theft of Palestine is illegal; yet, Washing-ton, on which Israel is totally dependent, does noth-ing about law. Law, we don’t need no stinking law.” Washington has might. Might is right. Get used to it.

Not only for Palestinians has law ceased to exist, but also for Americans, and for Washington’s NATO pup-pets in the U.K. and Europe, pitiful remnants of once great nations now complicit in Washington’s crimes against humanity. The Open Society Justice Initia-tive, a NGO based in New York, has issued a report that documents that 54 governments are involved in Washington’s rendition and torture program. Twen-ty-five of the governments that help Washington to kidnap, disappear, and torture people are Europe-an. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/05/cia-rendition-report-uk-court

The opening decade of the 21st century has seen the destruction of all the law that was devised to protect the innocent and the vulnerable since the rise of the now de-funct moral conscience of the West. The West’s moral con-

science never applied outside of itself. What happened to people in Europe’s colonies and to native inhabitants of the U.S. and Australia is a very different story.

Nevertheless, despite its lack of coverage to the powerless, the principle of the rule of law was a promising principle. Now America under Bush and Obama, two peas of the same pod, has abandoned the principle itself.

The Obama police state will be worse than the the Bush/Cheney police state. Unlike conservatives who in times past were suspicious of government power, Obamabots believe that government power is a force for good if it is in the right hands. As Obama’s sup-porters see him as a member of an oppressed minori-ty, they are confident that Obama will not misuse his power. This belief is akin to the belief that, as Jews suffered so much at the hands of Hitler, Israel would be fair to the Palestinians.

Glenn Greenwald writes that “the most extremist power any political leader can assert is the power to target his own citizens for execution without any charges or due process, far from any battlefield. The Obama administration has not only asserted exactly that power in theory, but has exercised it in prac-tice.” http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ar-ticle33847.htm

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This is the power of a dictator. That Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were said to have this power was part of their demonization as “brutal dictators,” a justification for overthrowing their governments and murdering the dictators and their supporters.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the president of the United States now murders his political opponents just as Saddam Hussein murdered his. How long before crit-ics move from the no-fly list to the extermination list?

Additional reading: The legal analysis in the URL

below written by seasoned attorneys shows that Obama is a tyrant. The point made by the attorneys is too clear to be debatable. http://www.american-thinker.com/2013/02/assassin_in_chief.html

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously the editor of the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.


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When celebrities open their mouths the world listens. This is a fact. It may be a sad fact, but nevertheless, it is a fact. So with two celebrities talking about gun control in the media today, it is interest-ing to take a peek and find out if either of them makes any sense.

In comments to reporters, Die Hard star Bruce Willis noted that gun control laws pose a direct threat to wider freedoms under the bill of rights:

“I think that you can’t start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it’s all going to become undone,” Willis told The Associated Press.

“If you take one out or change one law, then why wouldn’t they take all your rights away from you?” the star added.

The 57-year-old actor also commented that in his opinion strict gun control legislation would do little to prevent mass shootings in the future:

“It’s a difficult thing and I really feel bad for those families,” he said. “I’m a father and it’s just a tragedy. But I don’t know how you legislate insanity. I don’t know what you do about it. I don’t even know how you begin to stop that.”

Now consider an opposing opinion from comedian Chris Rock, who today took to the podium at a press conference for the “De-mand A Plan” movement, which is lobbying to support the Obama administration’s proposals for strict gun control laws.

Rock said:“I am just here to support the President of the United States. The

President is our boss, but he is also… you know, the President and the First Lady are kinda like the Mom and the Dad of the country. And when your Dad says something you listen, and if you don’t it can bite you on the ass later on. So, I’m here to support the President.”

Go watch the video here, is there any part of it that should be transcribed? http://www.infowars.com/celebrities-and-gun-rights-who-makes-more-sense/

So, who makes most sense? Who has the most considered opinion? Not by any coincidence, it’s the guy who isn’t jumping on any kind of political bandwagon.

Most Hollywood celebrities love to be seen doing what they be-lieve is right for their careers. That’s why so many of them instantly put their faces behind the push for strict gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting in December.

Many were rightly exposed as hypocrites, given that they routinely star in movies and television productions in which depictions of gun violence is commonplace.

It gets to the point of ridiculousness when someone like Sylvester Stallone begins to lecture the American public on gun rights. In his last Rambo movie, Stallone shot to death 83 bad guys, and his latest film is called “Bullet To The Head”.

Steve Watson is a London-based writer and editor for Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com. He has a Masters degree in international rela-tions from the School of Politics at the University of Nottingham in England.

written by steve Watson


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After the Tribulation presents a profoundly convincing case that the doctrine known as the pre-tribulation rapture is on its face a false prophecy meant to distract otherwise well-mean-ing, god-fearing Christians from noticing that many of the predic-

tions put forth by the Book of Revelations are taking place right before our eyes.

The documentary follows Pastors Steve L. Anderson and Roger Jimenez as they explain to various congregations that the ideas disseminated by pre-tribulation rapture evangelical preachers have no basis in Bible fact and are not backed up by scripture.

The rapture, as depicted by several books and popu-lar movies, most notably the Left Behind series, is pro-moted as an event that could occur at any time, that one day, without warning, people will just vanish, “rap-tured” or summoned by God to join him in Heaven.

Pastors Anderson and Jimenez point out several pas-sages in the Bible that actually back up their claim that a tribulation must happen before any type of rapture occurs, but they also explain that many of the predic-tions prophesied in the Book of Revelations, like the Mark of the Beast and the implementation of a cashless society, are already taking place around us, and Chris-

tians following pre-tribulation rapture teachings will be “completely unprepared for what

the Bible has warned us is coming.”The film goes on to explain that Satan

was cast down from Heaven and now lives among us here on Earth, with the ultimate goal of ushering in a one-world government over which one man can reign supreme. The idea of a one-world government is specifically allud-ed to in Bible texts.

After the Tribulation not only discuss-es why it’s important to call out pre-trib-ulation rapture teachings as false, but that until we do, countless people will be doomed to trust and follow an an-ti-Christ figure who will emerge and pose as a savior for all mankind.

after the tribulation

written by adan salazar

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While millions of Americans are struggling to put a meal on the table, let alone come up with an extra 2-bits for a haircut, U.S. senators and their staff mem-bers have consistently been

racking up annual deficits of $340,000 annually to maintain their well-groomed appearance. And who’s picking up the tab? The American taxpayer, of course.

Since 1997, U.S. senators and their staff members have been lining up at The Senate Hair Care barber-shop in the basement of the Russell Office Building where they receive $20 haircuts and various other sa-lon services, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

The shop has consistently run annual deficits of $340,000 or more, and in 2012 the deficit rose to ex-ceed $400,000. All told, taxpayers have spent almost $5.2 million paying for haircuts, shaves, hairstyles, and haircare products so our senators and their staff members can look their very best while they tighten the noose on their constituents.

While it’s true that stylists for superstars and fash-ionistas might charge hundreds of dollars for a cut-and-style, the average American can walk into any neighborhood barbershop or salon and get a perfectly respectable haircut for $10 to $12. That’s 40 to 50 per-cent less than we’re paying for our representatives to have their hair styled.

Even at the lower price, most Americans have to scrimp and save before they can visit a salon, while senators merely have to put it on the taxpayers’ tab. And at the same time they’re getting their free hair-cuts, they’re getting ready to vote on $1.2 trillion in across-the-board spending cuts that are aimed directly at the poor and elderly. At least the legislators will look great, while informing America that the elderly will no longer be able to afford their medication because of Medicare cuts and that students will not be able to

advance their education because of student loans cuts and poor school systems’ federal assistance cuts.

Paul Leonard, an adjunct professor of political sci-ence at Wright State University and former lieutenant governor, said: “I think it is the ultimate hypocrisy for any legislator in Congress who is arguing for cuts from the social side of the budget to not include their own budget. They need to lead by example and make some serious cuts.”

The legislative-branch budget has grown 73 percent since 2000. The 2013 appropriations request is $4.5 billion, up 4.8 percent from 2012. Included in this sum is funding for the Senate Hair Care barbershop, con-gressional dining rooms, gymnasiums and many other conveniences that the average American could never afford, yet we are footing their bill. The justification for this expenditure operates under the theory that provid-ing these services close at hand allows congressional members to save time and focus on their jobs.

“It smacks of elitism,” said Mark Caleb Smith, direc-tor of the Center for Political Studies at Cedarville Uni-versity. “While trimming the Senate salon will do little to balance the budget, allowing it to run such a large deficit indicates a lack of seriousness, at best, and im-morality at worst. It looks shocking when juxtaposed with the financial and fiscal difficulties our nation is now encountering.”

America, I know you were worried, but Speaker John Boehner will still get free haircuts, stylings and warm shaves at his convenience, so he and the rest of Con-gress can continue in a stalemate in style.

Donna Anderson is a contributing writer for Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars Magazine. She believes Americans need to start paying more attention to the things that are going on around them—before it’s too late. Read more from Donna on Infowars.com and follow her on twitter @C2CWriter.

hoW Comb ConGress Can Cut their hair to the tune of 5.1 million taxpaYer-dollars but Can’t Cut their budGet?

written by donna anderson

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written by steve Watson

six-Year-old Girl expelled for brinGinG plastiC toY Gun to shoW and tell SCHOOLS ALL OVER THE COUNTRY ARE WEEDING OUT THE TERRORISTS

referenced in Jon Rappoport’s article on page 46 published Jan. 31, 2013 on Infowars.com

The deadly rise of extremism in Amer-ica continues as yet another child has been expelled from school for wielding a toy gun.

WLTX news reports that six-year-old Naomi McKinney brought a small transparent plastic toy gun to school for a show and tell, causing her

teachers to freak out.The kindergartner’s father told reporters that he was

called to Alice Drive Elementary in Sumter, South Car-olina, because his daughter “was fixing to be expelled.”

“I got in the car and rushed down there and when I got in there the principal told me that she had a gun at school and she pulls it out and it is a little clear plastic gun.” Hank McKinney said.

“You have to show some kind of judgment,” the father continued. “I know there is a lot going on with guns and schools and that is tragic but a six year old bringing a toy to school doesn’t know better.”

The school has expelled Naomi indefinitely, saying in a statement that weapons or replica weapons are prohib-ited. School officials refused to release any pictures or details of the offending item, saying they are “part of the child’s discipline record.”

“I’m sorry anything can be a weapon,” the father said. “A pencil is more of a weapon than the toy gun she brought to school.”

When the parents tried to appeal, the school sent them a letter saying that the girl would be subject to criminal trespassing charges if she is seen on the campus or at any school sponsored event.

Naomi will instead be assigned a home-based instruc-tor from the school district, according to officials.

When asked what her intentions were regarding the dangerous weapon, the girl said “I chose to bring it to school because I thought I could show my friends it be-

cause they might like seeing it.”When asked to react to her expulsion, Naomi said “I felt

bad because i didn’t want to miss all my friends”. Clearly she is very much a dangerous terror threat and has been dealt with accordingly.

This case is far from isolated, as we have seen over the past days and weeks, in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting. It is now a daily occurrence.

Yesterday we reported on the five-year-old in Massa-chusetts who faces suspension for building a small toy gun out of lego bricks and play-shooting his classmates.

Earlier this week, we reported on an incident that erupted when a discussion between two children about a toy nerf gun caused a lockdown and a massive armed police response at two elementary schools in the Bronx.

Earlier this month, a Long Island high school was also placed on lock down for 6 hours in response to a student carrying a toy nerf gun.

Another incident this month saw a five-year-old girl suspended after a three hour grilling, and described as a “terroristic threat”, when she brought a pink bubble gun to school.

Last week, a South Philadelphia elementary student was searched in front of classmates and threatened with arrest after she mistakenly brought a “paper gun” to school.

A 6-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school in Maryland for making a gun gesture with his hand and saying “pow”.

Days later another two 6-year-olds in Maryland were suspended for pointing their fingers into gun shapes while playing “cops and robbers” with each other.

In Oklahoma, a five-year-old boy was also recently sus-pended for making a gun gesture with his hand.

A 13-year-old Middle School seventh grade student in Pennsylvania was also suspended for the same hand gesture.

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the overwhelming scientific consensus is that any amount of radiation – no matter how small – can cause cancer and other serious health effects.

(Current safety standards are based on the ridiculous assumption that everyone ex-posed is a healthy man in his 20s – and that radioactive par-ticles ingested into the body cause no more damage than

radiation hitting the outside of the body. In the real world, however, even low doses of radiation can cause cancer. Moreover, small particles of radiation – called “internal emitters” – which get inside the body are much more dangerous than general exposures to ra-diation. See this and this. And radiation affects small children much more than full-grown adults.)

But the Department of Energy – the agency which is responsible for the design, testing and production of all U.S. nuclear weapons, promotes nuclear energy as one of its core functions, which has been covering up nu-clear accidents for decades, and has used mutant lines of human cells to promote voodoo, anti-scientific argu-ments – proposes letting radiation into our silverware.

Counterpunch notes:Even the deregulation-happy Wall St. Journal sound-

ed shocked: “The Department of Energy is proposing to allow the sale of tons of scrap metal from government nuclear sites — an attempt to reduce waste that critics say could lead to radiation-tainted belt buckles, surgi-cal implants and other consumer products.”

Having failed in the ‘80s and ‘90s to free the nucle-ar bomb factories and national laboratories of millions

of tons of their radioactively contaminated scrapand nickel, the DOE is trying again. Its latest proposal is moving ahead without even an Environmental Impact Statement. Those messy EISs involve public hearings, so you can imagine the DOE’s reluctance to face the public over adding yet more radiation to the doses we’re already accumulating.

Congressman Markey writes:A Department of Energy proposal to allow up to 14,000

metric tons of its radioactive scrap metal to be recycled into consumer products was called into question today by Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) due to concerns over pub-lic health. In a letter sent to DOE head Steven Chu, Rep. Markey expressed “grave concerns” over the potential of these metals becoming jewelry, cutlery, or other con-sumer products that could exceed healthy doses of ra-diation without any knowledge by the consumer. DOE made the proposal to rescind its earlier moratorium on radioactive scrap metal recycling in December, 2012.

The proposal follows an incident from 2012 involving Bed, Bath & Beyond stores in America recalling tissue holders made in India that were contaminated with the radio-isotope cobalt-60. Those products were shipped to 200 stores in 20 states. In response to that incident, a Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesperson advised members of the public to return the products even though the amount of contamination was not consid-ered to be a health risk.

This is not the first time this has happened.As the Progressive reported in 1998, radioactive scrap

metal was ending up in everything fromsilverware to frying pans and belt buckles:

The Department of Energy has a problem: what to do with millions of tons of radioactive material. So the DOE has come up with an ingenious plan to dispose of

its troublesome tons of nickel, copper, steel and alumi-num. It wants to let scrap companies collect the metal, try to take the radioactivity out, and sell the metal to foundries, which would in turn sell it to manufacturers who could use it for everyday household products: pots, pans, forks, spoons, even your eyeglasses.

You may not know this, but the government already permits some companies under special licenses, to buy, reprocess and sell radioactive metal: 7,500 tons in 1996, by one industry estimate. But the amount of this reprocessing could increase drastically if the DOE, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and the burgeoning radioactive metal processing industry get their way.

They are pressing for a new, lax standard that would do away with special permits and allow com-panies to buy and resell millions of tons of low-level radioactive metal.

The standard the companies seek could cause near-ly 100,000 cancer fatalities in the United States, by the NRC’s own estimate.

(A couple of years later, Congressman Markey suc-cessfully banned most radioactive scrap … but now DOE is trying to bring it back.)

Radioactive scrap is a global problem. As Bloomberg reported last year:

“The major risk we face in our industry is radiation,” said Paul de Bruin, radiation-safety chief for Jewom-etaal Stainless Processing, one of the world’s biggest stainless-steel scrap yards. “You can talk about security all you want, but I’ve found weapons-grade uranium in scrap. Where was the security?”

More than 120 shipments of contaminated goods, including cutlery, buckles and work tools such as hammers and screwdrivers, were denied U.S. entry

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between 2003 and 2008 after customs and the Depart-ment of Homeland Security boosted radiation monitor-ing at borders.

The department declined to provide updated figures or comment on how the metal tissue boxes at Bed, Bath & Beyond, tainted with cobalt-60 used in medical instru-ments to diagnose and treat cancer, evaded detection.

“The general public basically isn’t aware that they’re living in a radioactive world,” according to Ross Bart-ley, technical director for the recycling bureau, who said the contamination has led to lost sales. “Those tis-sue boxes are problematic because they’re radioactive and they had to be put in radioactive disposal.”

Abandoned medical scanners, food-processing devic-es and mining equipment containing radioactive met-als such as cesium-137 and cobalt-60 are picked up by scrap collectors, sold to recyclers and melted down by foundries, the IAEA says.

Dangerous scrap comes from derelict hospitals and military bases, as well as defunct government agencies that have lost tools with radioactive elements.

Chronic exposure to low doses of radiation can lead to cataracts, cancer and birth defects, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A 2005 study of more than 6,000 Taiwanese who lived in apartments built with radioactive reinforcing steel from 1983 to 2005 showed a statistically significant increase in leu-kemia and breast cancer.

India and China were the top sources of radioactive goods shipped to the U.S. through 2008, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Bartley, a met-allurgist who has tracked radioactive contamination since the early 1990s, said there’s no evidence the situ-ation has improved.

Two years after an Indian scrap-metal worker died

from radiation exposure, the world’s second-most pop-ulous country hasn’t installed alarms, the Ministry of Shipping said in December.

“The same thing could easily happen again tomorrow,” said Deepak Jain, 65, who owns the yard where the worker died. “We have no protection. The government promised a lot, but has delivered absolutely nothing.”

Indeed, we are being bombarded with low-level radi-ation from all sides:

Above-ground nuclear tests created “background” lev-els of radioactive cesium and iodine for the first time.

Countries dump everything from radiation from nu-clear meltdowns to radioactive submarines in the ocean and the air

In Japan, radioactive crops are being mixed into non-irradiated foods

The U.S. apparently signed a pact with Japan agree-ing that the U.S. will continue buying seafood from Japan, despite that food is not being tested for radio-active materials.

Much of our food is now intentionally irradiated (The government has even treated some people as

guinea pigs.)What can we do? Counterpunch notes:You can tell the DOE to continue to keep its radioac-

tive metal out of the commercial metal supply, com-merce, and our personal items. You can demand a full environmental impact statement. Comment deadline is Feb. 9, 2013. Email to: [email protected] (with an underscore after “scrap_”). Snail mail to: Jane Summerson / DOE NNSA / PO Box 5400, Bldg. 401K. AFB East / Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185

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An engineer who exposed fundamental flaws in the TSA’s body scanners and eventually sued the agency, has now filed suit against the City of New York for proposals to use the scanners on the streets.

Last month, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told CBS New York that

his department is looking to deploy Terahertz Imaging Detection scanners on the street in the war on “illegal guns.”

The technology measures energy radiating from the body up to 16 feet away and can detect anything blocking it.

Kelly noted that the scanners, currently being would be used in “reasonably suspicious circumstances” only, and were intended to cut down on the number of stop-and-frisks on the street, which many consider to be a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

The Commissioner suggested that once fully devel-oped, the devices would be mounted in squad cars, noting that making the technology portable was a top priority.

Noting that the deployment of such technology onto the streets would raise significant privacy issues, the police Commissioner said “We have involved our attor-neys as we go forward with this issue.”

Jonathan Corbett, an engineer and software designer, who runs the blog TSA Out Of Our Pants, announced this week that he has filed suit against New York City for “its testing and planned (or current?) deployment of terahertz imaging devices to be used on the general public from NYPD vans.”

Describing the devices as a “virtual stop-and-frisk,” Corbett notes that his civil complaint, comes attached with a motion for a preliminary injunction that would “prohibit use of the device on random people on their way to school, work, the theater, or the bar.”

“It is unfortunate that it seems that government at all levels is always in need of a fresh reminder that the cit-izens for whom it exists demand privacy, and that each technological advance is not a new tool to violate our privacy. However, as often as proves to be necessary, we will give them that reminder.” Corbett writes.

Corbett became the first person to sue the TSA relat-ing to it’s body scanners after the federal agency de-ployed them as a primary screening method in 2010.

A video Corbett produced showing him walking through a scanner with a concealed metal object went viral on the internet last year. The TSA failed to even

address the fact that Corbett had proven the body scan-ners could be easily defeated, and then it threatened journalists not to cover the story.

Corbett’s case was provided increased gravitas when a recent Homeland Security report noted that feder-al investigators have “identified vulnerabilities in the screening process” involving the scanners.

Members of Congress then invited him to present his findings in a hearing last May.

However, in October, the Supreme Court refused to reopen Corbett’s case against the TSA, after The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a previous dis-missal by federal courts in Florida.

health risKsIt is important to note that the scanners currently be-

ing developed for use in New York are not the same as the TSA’s backscatter scanners, which emit radiation, and have been cited as potential health threats.

However, it has been noted that the proposed technol-ogy in these street scanners would subject citizens to an-other documented health risk – the destruction of DNA.

Studies reveal that THz waves “unzip double-strand-ed DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication,” according to MIT’s Technology Review.

The scanners, which are much like the TSA’s airport ‘millimeter wave’ scanners, can create “bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replica-tion,” according to the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

For more information, also see this paper posted at the Cornell University Library.

The NYPD argues that the technology will only be used in exceptional circumstances, however, it is being fine-tuned with the help of the Department of Defense counter-terrorism unit, indicating that the intention is to scan people at rail stations or heavily populated plac-es such as sporting events.

Indeed, multiple sets of documents released under the Freedom Of Information Act have proven that the Department of Homeland Security has been planning for some time to use body scanners beyond airports.

The most recent, obtained by Jon Corbett, re-vealed that in the year prior to rolling out body scanners in airports, the TSA was drawing up long term plans to deploy the machines at “ferry termi-nals, railway, and mass transit stations” as well as unspecified “other locations”.

The DHS has claimed that it dropped plans for mobile body scanners a long time ago. However, a separate set of documents recently obtained by The Electronic

Privacy Information Center revealed that the DHS con-tinued to pursue the plans.

The DHS was still operating the program in March 2011, just two days prior to claiming it had “dropped the projects in a very early phase after testing showed flaws”.

Previous EPIC FOIA work also produced records showing that the DHS is actively moving to install scanners in all manner of public places,

The technologies include “intelligent video,” back-scatter x-ray, Millimeter Wave Radar, and Terahertz Wave, and could be deployed at subway platforms, sidewalks, sports arenas, and shopping malls.

EPIC filed a specific lawsuit against the DHS for at-tempting to keep the program secret.

In February 2011, EPIC discovered that the DHS had paid contractors “millions of dollars on mobile body scanner technology that could be used at railways, sta-diums, and elsewhere” on crowds of moving people.

According to the documents, the TSA plans to expand the use of these systems to peer under clothes and in-side bags away from airports.

The documents included a “Surface Transportation Security Priority Assessment” [PDF] which revealed details of conducting risk assessments and possible implementation of body scanners in “Mass transit, commuter and long-distance passenger rail, freight rail, commercial vehicles (including intercity buses), and pipelines, and related infrastructure (including roads and highways), that are within the territory of the United States.”

The DHS maintained that it had discontinued the pro-gram, but refused to provide the proof, invoking sev-eral FOIA exemption clauses, ironically including one that cited “invasion of personal privacy”.

EPIC also noted that the DHS has actively deployed “mobile body scanner technology in vans that are able to scan other vehicles while driving down public roadways.”

“These vans, known as ‘Z Backscatter Vans,’ are capable of seeing through vehicles and clothing and routinely store the images that they generate.” EPIC’s lawsuit notes.

As we previously reported, while the focus remained on the TSA’s use of naked body scanners at airports, the feds had already purchased hundreds of x-ray scanners mounted in vans that were being used to randomly scan vehicles, passengers and homes in complete violation of the Fourth amendment and with wanton disregard for any health consequences.

WSBTV reported on once instance of the mobile scan-ners being used to check trucks for explosive devices at an internal checkpoint set up by Homeland Security, the Department of Transportation, and the TSA. Offi-cials admitted there was no specific threat that justified the checkpoint, and although it was labeled a “count-er-terror operation,” the scans were also being conduct-ed in the name of “safety”.

The TSA has wholly failed to inform the American people before rolling out such technology. Indeed, EPIC continues to fight another ongoing lawsuit against the agency, which has already found that the TSA was in violation of federal law when it deployed scanners to airports in 2009 without holding public notifiction hearings. Since that time the TSA has completely ig-nored a court order to set the public comment process into motion.

enGineer files laW suit aGainst n.Y. street bodY sCanner maChinesVIOLATE FOURTH AMENDMENT, AND CAN “UNZIP” DNA ACCORDING TO STUDIES

written by steve Watson

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Sixth graders are being asked to design new flags for com-munist countries in school districts across Texas as part of a curriculum critics have decried as “mind control” intend-ed to make children sympathize with socialist ideals.

Creators of CSCOPE, an electronic curriculum manage-ment system used in over 70 per cent of school districts in Texas, were confronted by witnesses and members of the Senate Education Committee during a hearing last week in Austin, who complained that the material included in the

program was “anti-Christian at best and openly socialist at worst.”One lesson plan involved students being set the task of designing symbols

for communist flags. The plan, “showed different countries’ flags and in-structed students to “notice that socialist and communist countries use sym-bolism on their flags.” It went on to ask students what symbols they would use if they were to create a flag for a new socialist country.”

Senator Larry Taylor questioned whether the lesson was intended to influ-ence children into, “sympathizing with those types of countries.”

Other lesson plans, which are included to ensure teachers, “adhere to com-plicated state curriculum requirements,” portrayed participants in the Boston Tea Party as terrorists while promoting pro-Islamic ideals.

“Committee Chairman Dan Patrick, R-Houston, called it “a mess.” One wit-ness compared the system to “mind control,” and an algebra teacher wept as he described quitting because he felt he was “aiding and abetting a crime” by using CSCOPE in his classroom,” reports the Associated Press.

While children are being encouraged to explore socialist ideals, they are be-ing punished for activities as American as mom and apple pie - such as an in-cident in Maryland where two 6-year-olds were suspended for pointing their fingers into gun shapes while playing “cops and robbers” with each other.

Innumerable other similar inc dents over the last two months where chil-dren have been targeted for playing with toy guns, or even imaginary weap-ons, have begun to characterize American schools as breeding grounds for hysteria, where basic constitutional ideas like the second amendment are treated with absolute disdain.

Over the years, there have also been several incidents of children being sus-pended for “patriotic” drawings, such as pictures of a US Marine firing a weapon.

A 7-year-old boy attending a Madison City School was suspended in De-cember for drawing images of guns and having an “extensive knowledge of firearms.” The boy’s father is a firearms instructor.

A student in Florence, Arizona was also suspended recently for having a picture of a gun as his desktop screensaver.

As Mac Slavo points out, “Fundamental bedrock American principles pro-tected under the US Constitution, such as the right to bear arms, are vilified by our government sponsored education system. Yet, promoting Communism, a system responsible for the democide of hundreds of millions of people over the last century (ironically, by way of the gun) is perfectly acceptable.”

6th Graders asked to

desiGn “Com-

munist” FlaG



written by Paul JosePh Watson

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What’s behind the punishment for faKe Guns in sChools?

The Obama administration’s Department of Agriculture has released nutrition standards for “competitive” foods and has outlawed snacks considered unhealthy by the nanny state federal government.

“Regular soda is out, though high-school-ers may have access to diet versions,” The Hill reports.

That’s right – the government is recommending our kids drink soda laden with the deadly neurotoxin as-partame.

As usual, the right hand of government has no idea what the left hand is doing… or maybe it does.

Aspartame is so dangerous and detrimental to health, even the FDA has failed to approve it – for two decades running.

Despite this, more than 6,000 products, consumed by over 100 million people worldwide, contain aspar-tame, including: soft drinks, chewable vitamins, sug-

In the latest episode of Ban Fake Guns, we have a boy suspended from school in Flor-ence, Arizona, for carrying, yes, a picture of a gun on his computer. Screen saver. This is surely a sign of complete mental breakdown by school officials. And yet one more reason to home school.

Steve Watson’s article titled “Six-Year-Old Girl Expelled for Bringing Plastic Toy Gun to Show and Tell” runs down the recent litany

of fake gun crimes at schools across America, resulting in student suspensions, suspension hearings and actual school lockdowns:

Transparent toy gun. South Carolina.Gun built from lego bricks. Massachusetts.Two kids talking about a nerf gun. New York.An actual nerf gun. New York.A pink bubble gun. Pennsylvania.A paper gun. Pennsylvania.Pointing a finger and saying “pow.” Maryland.Playing cops and robbers with fingers. Maryland.Making a gun “hand gesture.” Oklahoma.Should we assume that because cops and school offi-

cials can’t stop real crimes, they’re settling for stopping fake crimes?

Can you hear the typical response to these school suspensions and lockdowns? “Well, everybody in the community is on edge these days, after Sandy Hook.”

That remark garners a “Mmm, well, sure.”Then, the follow-up: “It’s unfortunate that school of-

ficials and police MAY HAVE overreacted. Suspension from school is PROBABLY too much. These kids need some form of LESSER DISCIPLINE, and, of course, ED-UCATION about the dangers of guns.”

And there you have it. It’s a sleight-of-hand trick. Go completely overboard with an officially certified insane action (suspension, lockdown), and people will ask for something slightly less insane instead.

“Well, shooting old Bob in the leg and blowing up his car because he was sitting on his back porch cleaning his rifle was probably a bit much. A few days in jail would have taught him the right lesson.”

In schools, the slightly less insane (but still quite in-sane) solution to fake guns might go something like this:

“Today, class, we’re going to learn about how danger-ous it is to have a picture of a gun.”

“You see, Jimmy, when you build a gun out of lego, you think it’s all right because you don’t know any bet-ter. But some other child might be terrified when she sees the gun. And that’s why we’re here. To protect ev-erybody from bad feelings.”

Jimmy scratches his 5-year-old head and wonders what world he was born into. He’s just been introduced to “greatest good for the greatest number,” “you have no freedom,” and “least bad for the lowest number,” all in five seconds.

What we’re seeing here is a mandate to change the culture. Teach these kids that any reference to, symbol of, or thought about guns is wrong.

Welcome to operant conditioning.These fake-gun busts are really about thought crimes.We recently saw that with the passage of a New York

State gun law. It requires psychiatrists to signal the po-lice when they have a patient who may be “a danger to himself or others.” The patient is thereafter banned from owning a gun.

Any patient, any person has had thoughts of violence. Any psychiatrist can tease such thoughts out of a pa-tient. And that can be sufficient to make a report to the police.

Eventually, the population can be directed to believe that “a bad thought” is a definite and inevitable pre-cursor to a real crime. Therefore, nip things in the bud. Label thoughts themselves as crimes and the thinkers criminals.

“Well, Charlie has been having some very strange

thoughts. Did you know that? I mean, he’s not the per-son we assumed he was.”

“Strange thoughts? You mean at the party last week? He was just kidding around.”

“Don’t be an idiot. Thoughts like that lead to serious crimes. Have you been living in a cave?”

And that’s what it feels like. You were living in a cave. When you came out, you discovered the public mindset had changed. All of a sudden, people were believing something new. In this case, they’re believing that “bad thoughts” always led to bad actions.

For example, remember crimes before there were hate crimes? Somebody killed somebody else and he went on trial for murder. Then the “hate conditions” were added, to increase the penalties. At that point, the court system was given the task of reading the crimi-nal’s mind and deciding why he really did what he did. If he had the wrong thought before committing mur-der, he was a murderer-plus.

Soon, you’ll be hearing this: “Little Bobby brought that nerf gun to school. Twice! It’s incredible! So the school officials have referred him to a psychiatrist. And his parents are making a stink about it! Can you believe that? Obviously, the boy needs treatment. You know what? The parents do, too.”

Here’s what you won’t hear. Over the course of the next year, little Bobby is dosed with Ritalin, Zoloft, and Valproate. Driven into a psychotic state by the drugs, he stabs anther child at school.

Then people will say, “Everybody knew this would happen. That nerf gun was the sign. The boy was hav-ing bad thoughts.”

Every special group in America with a social agen-da is now committed to operant conditioning of the young. This means repetitive indoctrination in school and intense peer pressure. These groups aren’t messing around. They aren’t interested in rational dialogue be-tween consenting adults. They’re going for the throat:

written by Jon raPPoPort


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ar-free cough drops, sweeteners, yogurt and a lot of other food products.Aspartame is responsible for migraine headaches, changes in vision, nausea

and vomiting, abdominal and joint pains, change in heart, depression, memo-ry loss, seizure and even brain cancer.

“More than these complaints to the FDA, there are also around 10,000 doc-umented reports of aspartame side effects and over 900 published studies on the health hazards,” notes Dr. Joseph Mercola.

So now the USDA is pulling traditional potato chips and candy out of schools and allowing them to be replaced with aspartame products that have a long history of causing all kinds of health problems and even death.

joint pains, change in heart, depression, memory loss, seizure and even brain cancer.

“More than these complaints to the FDA, there are also around 10,000 doc-umented reports of aspartame side effects and over 900 published studies on the health hazards,” notes Dr. Joseph Mercola.

So now the USDA is pulling traditional potato chips and candy out of schools and allowing them to be replaced with aspartame products that have a long history of causing all kinds of health problems and even death.

brain-bend the young early and often.So in schools, we have the dissemination of the green

agenda, the bullying agenda, the hate-crime agenda, the gay and lesbian agenda, the sex-education agen-da, the vaccination agenda, the psychiatric-treatment agenda, the share-and-care it’s-all-for-the-group agen-da, the “living-Constitution” agenda.

I don’t care where you stand on any of these issues. That’s not the point. The point is, the presence of these agendas in schools reveals that those who control the public education system in this country, and those groups who can wheedle their way in, are truly hei-nous people who fervently believe children are blank slates, little machines waiting to be programmed, and nothing more.

We are talking about a most profound cynicism con-cerning human beings and what they are made of. We are talking about the view that humans are abso-lutely and only mind-controlled devices that require the proper software and the Go signal to live their lives and think their thoughts under the supervision of lines of code.

Get this straight. It doesn’t matter what software codes you might prefer. What matters is that children are being put at auction to the highest and most per-sistent bidder.

If you can’t grasp this big picture, I suggest you look and see what software is operating you.

References to guns, representations of guns, and thoughts about guns are now targets for a big-time pu-rification/eradication campaign in schools. It’s an inno-vation in the mass hypnosis operation. It’s happening in schools because that’s where the children are. That’s where they can be corralled and controlled. That’s where the federal money keeps the lights on and the toilets flushing and the checks coming. It’s called lever-age. Behind their big bucks, the feds play a tune, and the teachers repeat it, over and over and over.

The author of an explosive collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressio-nal seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medi-cine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com.

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Yet another disturbing rea-son has emerged as to why you should be avoiding health-devastating geneti-cally modified organisms, and it may be one of the most concerning yet. We know that GMO consump-tion has been linked to a host of serious conditions, but one thing we are not

so sure about is the recent discovery of a hidden viral gene deep within genetically modified crops.

For years, GMOs have been consumed knowingly and unknowingly around the globe, with Monsanto and the United States government claiming that the altered franken crops are perfectly safe despite very limited (or virtually none in some cases) initial testing and scientists speaking out against the dangers. One such danger that has actually not been spoken about has been revealed in a recent report by a safety watch-dog group known as the European Food Safety Author-ity (EFSA).Another Dirty Secret of Monsanto

In the EFSA report, which can be read online, you can find (within the scientific wording) that research-ers discovered a previously unknown viral gene that is known as ‘Gene VI’. What’s concerning is that not only is the rogue gene found in the most prominent GMO crops and about 63% of GMO traits approved for use (54 out of 86 to be precise), but it can actually disrupt the very biological functions within living organisms. Popular GMO crops such as Roundup-Ready soybeans, NK603, and MON810 corn were found to contain the gene that induces physical mutations. NK603 maize, of course, was also recently linked to the development of mass tumors in rats.

According to Independent Science News, Gene VI

also inhibits RNA silencing. As you may know, RNA silencing has been pinpointed as vital for the prop-er functioning of gene expression when it comes to RNA. Perhaps more topically, it is a defense mecha-nism against viruses in plants and animals alike. On the contrary, many viruses have developed genes that disable this protective process. Independent Science News reports that the Gene VI is one such gene.

Overall, there is a degree of knowledge on Gene VI. What we do know going by information within the report is that the gene:Helps to assemble virus parti-cles, Inhibits the natural defense of the cellular sys-tem, Produces proteins that are potentially problem-atic, Makes plants susceptible to bacterial pathogens.

All of which are very significant effects that should be studied in depth by an independent team of sci-entists after GMO products are taken off the market pending further research on the entire array of asso-ciated diseases. And that does not even include the effects we are unaware of.

This is yet another incident in which Monsanto and other biotech companies are getting away with an offense against the citizens of the world with (most likely) no action taken by the United States govern-ment. What we have seen, however, is nations like Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Peru taking a stand against Monsanto in direct opposition to their disre-gard for public safety. Russia, in fact, banned Mon-santo’s GMO corn variety after it was linked to mass tumors in rats.

As more and more dirty secrets come out from the GMO industry at large, it gives further reason and more support to remove GMOs as a whole from the food supply.

Anthony Gucciardi is a health researcher and jour-nalist, featured on many media outlets. He has also created NaturalSociety.com, a natural health website.

written by anthonY GuCCiardi




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SEPT oct nov DEC jan FEB




AUTHOR’S PREFACE To whom it may concern, Toward the end of last year, I purchased Rosa Koire’s book, “Behind The Green

Mask: U.N. Agenda 21.” After completing the book, I wrote a guest opinion for our local newspaper (the Bucks County Courier Times) That said, enclosed you’ll find the [newspaper’s] response (Mr. Guy Petroziello—[the] editorial page editor for the Bucks County Courier Times) to me; and my dialogue with him, after my essay being call a “conspiracy theory,” “nutty” and “farfetched.” Anyway, I think you’ll find it all very enlightening, if not mildly humorous.

Best regards, Bruce Paone

FIRST RESPONSE FROM NEWSPAPER Bruce, This sounds like some huge conspiracy theory. What’s the hard evidence of actual

impact in Bucks County? Without such evidence, this sounds a bit hysterical – like it was written by an Elvis-isn’t-dead disciple. I don’t mean to be offensive; just making a point. I think readers would find it all a bit nutty.

Guy Petroziello

REPLY FROM BRUCEDear Guy, I’m not the Lord. I can’t make the blind see nor the deaf hear. Especially, when some

of them, like yourself, refuse to acknowledge the 15 separate links I provided, which illustrate the exact (factual) points Ms. Koire makes in her book—from transit villages being establish throughout the Delaware Valley, to the chief of police in Doylestown calling for their police department to regionalize.

Moreover, I challenge you to ask around your office, or your circle of friends—espe-cially the ones that live locally—and see how many of them are aware that numerous local communities (like Falls and Middletown Township) are involved in ICLEI and the United Nations; or more importantly, if they’ve ever even heard of ICLEI or Sustainable Development at all.

Additionally, see how many, if any, residents are aware that Bucks County’s “Open Space” programs are affiliat-ed in some respect with ICLEI and the United Nations; or whether they know that these Open Space programs, for which local taxpayers are “on the hook,” utilizes bond issues that aren’t paid off for forty years.

How many people know that there’s a President’s Council on Sustainable Development, or an Executive Order (EO-12852) that provide s for its national imple-mentation? Not to mention knowing that a non-govern-mental agency (NGO) of the U.N. is providing their local townships with sample policies, ordinances and resolu-tions. Yes, Guy, I believe that is (and would be) news to most residents of Bucks County.

Quite frankly, what surprised me most about your response was your total lack of curiosity regarding the issue; you being a person involved in the news media. After I finished Ms. Koire’s book a few quick questions jumped into my mind, even as a non-news person. Ques-tions that, quoting you, “WOULD ACTUALLY IMPACT BUCKS COUNTY.” They are:

Do ICLEI members (participating townships) pay dues? Are ICLEI dues paid by the participating township’s taxpayers? Where are the regional ICLEI meetings held? Are ICLEI meetings open to the public? (Especially, if the taxpayers are the dues) Are minutes kept of the ICLEI meetings? (Are they cov-ered under the FOIA laws?) Are minutes available to the public? Are ICLEI minutes provided to the participating town-ships? (If so, who keeps them and are they covered

behind the Green masK:u.n. agEnda 21

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under the FOIA laws?) Is there, or has their ever been, correspondence be-tween the regional ICLEI governing body and the individual townships? Who maintains that correspon-dence? Are they open for review and inspection and are they covered under FOIA statutes? How are ICLEI representatives chosen by the partici-pating townships and how long do they serve? Do township representatives to ICLEI have to live in the townships they represent? What are the qualifications needed to become a town-ship representative to ICLEI and have they been me-morialized? Are any of their (the township’s representative to ICLEI) expenses paid for out of township funds? Are receipts required by the various townships, for reimbursement of ICLEI related expenses incurred by their township’s representatives to the organization? (Are they open for public inspection and covered un-der FOIA?) Furthermore, I understand the Couriers reticence in

publishing facts that will expose our local political class (over issues that most Bucks County citizens/taxpay-ers—those paying for these programs—don’t know any-thing about), to derision. I also understand the paper’s reluctance in publishing an opinion piece that reports on a story that the paper itself has a fiduciary respon-sibility to divulge, but chose not to. After all, I’m not a paid reporter just an average citizen who loves his na-tion and his community. Trust me, by trying to publicly disclose this story I didn’t intentionally mean to hurt your feelings, or the feelings of anyone else associated with the Courier Times. If I have, I apologize.

In closing, I don’t own the paper, and you hold the final say over what the public does (and doesn’t) get to know. As for me, I don’t take any personal umbrage over your decision either way. I stand by what I’ve written, with the proviso, that I didn’t write the book. I only read it, and reported a portion of the main points the author tried to establish as best I understood them. I did, how-ever, endeavor to go the extra mile and provide you with mainstream media stories—even from the New York Times—which further established the points Ms. Koire made in her book. I also realized before sending my Guest Opinion that it probably would not be published.

That said, I still believe you, personally, to be a firm be-liever in the First Amendment. However, I was saddened by your name-calling. I don’t believe in name-calling in any form. I don’t believe in calling black people the “N word,” or gay people the “F” word, or in calling people’s opinions, who are well-informed, but disagree with my own, the other “N” word: “nutty.” In fact, I believe that type of threatening offensive speech should not be used by educated enlighten individuals. What’s more, I don’t believe bullying of that kind has a place anywhere in society today, not even in the schoolyard. As it’s not the type of behavior illustrative of a well-balanced profes-sional mind, nor is it the type dialogue, hate-speech re-ally, that leads to respectful civil discourse.

Again, I thank you for printing most of the composi-tions I’ve written over the years. However, I do believe that our community’s public discourse will be that much more diminished for my non-participation.

Sincerely, Bruce Paone P.S. For the record: In two separate e-mails now you’ve

referred to my essays as “conspiracy theories.” For you

edification, theory is supposition based on general prin-ciples of something to be explained. Fact is a thing that is indisputably the case. Therefore, what I’ve provided you is not “conspiracy theory” but “conspiracy fact,” and you should know better...


Bruce, I’ll give it some second thought. Your submissions are

always well written and thoughtful. I just find this one a little farfetched; other editors here likewise found it a bit out there. By the way, I don’t agree that I was “name calling”. There’s a difference between that and plain language. Sorry if I offended but I tend to be direct in order to be clear and avoid miscommunication. Regard-ing your list of impacts: Other than the possibility that a municipality paid dues, how has this hurt or affected the towns you cited. And with regard to regionalization, we support it as a logical way to save taxpayers money and avoid duplication of services. Not a conspiracy from our perspective.

Guy Petroziello

EDITOR’S NOTE: This text has been edited for space, clarity and grammar.

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< POLICE STATE RISINGWe created a classic newspaper masthead to properly place ourselves within the context of the for-mat. The body of the page is composed of headlines, basically police state measures that have recently happened or that are happening right now. Beneath these head-lines is an image of a metropolis being invaded by vultures with camera heads.

the sleeping giant >

Inspired by “Gulli-ver’s Travels” and the Lilliputians, this spread explores the idea of the public as a sleeping giant, who if awakened could throw the ruling elite off its back. The stag being taken down by hounds is actually taken from a plate in the MET’s collection, echoing the theme of predator and prey.

but not too similar either, because then the collaboration will not yield an interesting result. At this point, we’ve worked so closely on The Moonshiner that we can almost complete each other’s thoughts when it comes to design ideas. That’s not something you find easily.J: While working on SW!PE, the editorial meetings were usu-ally held at Grassroots Bar on St. Marks in Manhattan.P: Most of the editors were on the same page when it came to social issues and politics, so we would end up having wide ranging discussions over issues such as the rising police state and the imploding economy.J: Then one night, the discussion got particularly heated—a

Peter Hoffmeister: I first met Jack after getting a job at the MET Museum as a guard back in 2008.Jack Laughner: It’s a great place to work as a day job. The amount of creativity you’re exposed to is immense. P: The museum really is an informal community of artists, which is why the cre-ation of SW!PE was inevitable. J: SW!PE [Magazine] is put together and composed of artwork P: by artists who are also museum guards. J: After three issues with SW!PE, Pete and I stepped down as editors to pursue a project more personal to our sensibilities, The Moonshiner.

P: Collaborating is not the easiest thing.

You have to find someone who has a similar aesthetic and approach as yourself,


Jack and Pete hand out the first issue of The Moonshiner on the streets of New York City Nov. 11, 2012. A Contruction worker who stopped to read and talk about the broadsheet.


ARTIST PROFILE The Moonshiner with Jack Laughner & Peter Hoffmeister

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natural gut reaction to the state of our failing society. It was as simple as Peter and I looking at each other...P: The time had come to start our own proj-ect, which we dubbed “The Moonshiner.”

The title is a reference

to running contra-

band, which is exact-

ly what truth and fact

seems to be these


J: I’m sure [that night] the room glowed with the light bulb shining above our heads, because it was the perfect solu-tion for a platform for our frustrations not only as citizens of this country, but as artists as well.

P: Jack and I decided we wanted a news-paper, but not a typical one, and went from there. We wanted to emphasize the visual over the written word, favoring the immediacy of an image over an article.J: It’s a concept that has been misunder-stood by most.P: We made the newspaper itself into an art object, by appropriating the format. In doing so, we are critiquing the mass media controlled narrative, by address-ing issues we feel are missing from the

conversation. Also, the simple act of printing anything these days brings up the question of paper as a “dying me-dium”, which we want people to think twice about considering the dangers of digital censorship.J: The Moonshiner is an attempt at pro-testing the act of electronic censorship. Like Alex says, “...they go high (tech), we go low.” That’s one great thing about art; there still is a respect, a fight, for non-censorship of art in this country.

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People may not care about censorship on their daily news outlet, but with art—art is still seen as something that is still free. We have exploited that ‘last frontier’ with The Moonshiner.P: Basically there is a narrative arc to the newspaper, in that we begin with police state measures that have occurred and are occurring, and then create a hypothesis of what this could lead to in the future if left unchecked.J: That has been a driving concept since the inception of our project. Those close to us have constantly reminded us of the dangers in dealing with subject matter that The Moonshiner goes into.

The time of being scared or apprehensive has

passed. In our eyes, you’re either all in, or not.

P: An important aspect of Malcolm’s identity are his letters found throughout the paper, which Jack and I wrote. We con-ceptualized these as “future primary source documents,” […] our way of creating a keyhole through which the viewer looks, though we do not want this future to happen of course, we sim-ply want the paper to function as a wake up call.J: For me, walking through the museum, and seeing the artists I admire: Goya, Daumier, Grosz, etc...and how they fought against tyranny in their time; if I didn’t commit to the same level, then in my mind, I would be a hypocrite or a coward.P: You can see on pages 14 and 15

Malcolm is wheat-pasting “police

state rising” over a public service

announcement poster, and so he

also falls within the historical lin-

eage of those who have used their

art to protest the tyranny of their

time, from Goya to contemporary

artists like Trevor Paglen.

J: Malcolm Ford is a manifestation of all the artists through-

< Tyrannical timelineThis is a timeline of police state measures in the U.S., starting with FDR’s intern-ment of Japanese Americans in 1942 (by executive order no less), and it con-tinues through today, into a hypothetical future, where unfor-tunately the logical conclusion is com-plete tyranny.

Suspicious activity >

This spread rep-resents a scenario a few years down the road, when mi-crochips become widespread. These pages show Malcolm as an artist/activist, and begin to intro-duce fragments of letters that describe what is happening in the future. They are purposefully left a bit obscure to generate interest in the viewer and stoke the fires of imagination.

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out time who have stood up and used their simple means as a form of social criticism/social protest, towards expos-ing the tyrants of their day.P: We want to show people the power that lay in their own minds, by expos-ing the cognitive dissonance created by news media and entertainment. We are all born into this world as individuals, with the power to accomplish whatever we like. Jack and I want everyone to re-member that. It seems we are purpose-fully made to forget this important part of ourselves.J: The first issue deals specifically with the Police State. The second issue, which is currently in its conceptual stage, deals with Eugenics. The rise of the Police State is something that we can all agree on. We strategically start-ed with this idea as a launching pad for more hard core issues.P: For me, creating art is inherently po-litical. Even if the content is subjective as with an abstract painting, true art is an expression of a free mind, saying “Here I Am.” That is very political. In fact, part of the reason communist re-

gimes hated abstract art was because it does not have a fixed meaning, and thereby encourages free thought.J: I could paint landscapes or portraits for the rest of my life, or I could at-tempt something greater than my own psychological self. I could attempt to make a difference in another’s mind.

To me, great art

stands up for some-

thing greater than the

artist who created

it. Those artists who

couldn’t be silenced,

they speak to me.

P: We’ve become great friends and real-ly bonded over this project, and learned a lot from each other in the process, partly because our personal work is so different. I see this difference as a great

strength. And now we’ve been able to put all that together into something that neither of us would be able to cre-ate on our own.J: Working with Peter has been the most satisfying artistic endeavor I’ve experienced. The subject matter we deal with is very heavy. Having a con-fidant while creating the project has proven to ground me throughout the process.P: This project has been a great way to start conversations with people about current events and issues facing us as a society. Most people agree there is a problem. We spoke with many people who thanked us for what we were do-ing. Then they always asked, “What can I do?” We told them to have these same conversations with friends and family, and to spread the word. Change can be small, but spread over many people it will become quite large.

Awareness and con-

sciousness should be-

come a way of life.

J: No matter how

dark or covered that

path may be, I hope

they have the courage

to pursue their own

dream for a better


P: In the next couple of weeks we plan to hand out the newspapers in front of NYC art museums. The newspapers will also be for sale on our website’s store, and there are plans to e-publish the newspaper as well, since there is no denying the power of the Internet and digital communication. The print-ed version is a limited edition of 1,000, hand-numbered and signed by us.

Peter is currently a guard at the MET Museum and is planning a solo show at Morris-Jumel Mansion in New York City this fall, which was George Washington’s headquarters early on in the Revolutionary War. To learn more about or contact Peter visit PeterHoffmeister.com. Jack is also still at the MET Museum. He works as an art handler and is happily married to his wife, Megan. To learn more or contact Jack visit JackLaughner.wordpress.com. To learn more about The Moonshiner and to find out how to get a copy of the latest issue visit WhoIsMalcolmFord.wordpress.com and/or Facebook.com/whoismalcolmford.

the artists - JACK and pete<

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created by david mivshek

1. Athlete’s ___ 5. ___ of Liberty 9. There’s a war on for these, Jones says14. “Fights data” with Jones’s magazine? (with 72-Across)15. Tax saving strategies16. 153, to Caesar17. Democratic wing18. Workforce agcy.19. German village20. Second Amendment violation (with 66-Across and 29-Down)22. “World trapped” in Jones’s web? (with 60-Across)23. Vehicle for CIA trips?24. After Mar.26. National Association for Female Executives: abbr.27. Flip-flopping sib?30. Bayer pill33. New Republican Force: abbr.34. 9/11 The __ to Tyranny36. One receives Jones’s signal38. Company Jones “started communications” with? (with 41-Across)41. See 38-Across45. Rabbi, e.g.47. Lake powering Canada and U.S.48. Explosive Ordnance Disposal: abbr.51. Zzz-ers54. Chips for the CIA55. Cymbalta or Effexor lett.57. Bank deposit?58. “Yikes!”60. See 22-Across62. Fast and Furious, e.g.66. See 20-Across67. Notion69. It’s double-stuffed70. CO–PRO connection71. Flesh, to a zombie72. See 14-Across73. Pro and con follower?74. ___ of the Republic75. Tyrannical global govs.

28. Wade’s counterpart29. See 20-Across31. Jeremiah Wright, e.g.32. Wit that likes the New World Order35. Rep’s counterpart37. Tax status no one likes39. System: abbr.40. Roosevelt said: “...the critic who counts”42. Official Records: abbr.43. Grave letters?44. “The Star-Spangled Banner” lyricist46. Emotion Jones feel for the TSA48. ___ de corps49. Where you can see the Alex Jones Show50. Rangel’s objectives52. What Gov. Walker faced53. Bin Laden’s alleged burial site56. Bay of Pigs, e.g.59. Famous61. Frankenfish fishes62. Ventura, once63. Tie64. Before space65. Opposite of “gain”67. International Monetary Fund: abbr.

68. Drug Enforcement Agency: abbr.


beYond the final edition


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16

17 18 19

20 21 22

23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 32 33

34 35 36 37

38 39 40 41 42 43 44

45 46 47

48 49 50 51 52 53 54

55 56 57 58 59

60 61 62 63 64 65

66 67 68 69

70 71 72

73 74 75

1. Sportswear company 2. Washington’s bills? 3. Kills 4. Police State 3: ___ Enslavement 5. Criticizes 6. Remove from office 7. Advanced deg.? 8. Social Security Administration: abbr. 9. Mothers and Caregivers Economic Rights: abbr.10. KRS-One’s “crazy” slang11. Cube maker12. Extinction13. Wiedman’s movie Jones plays himself in (with The)21. 1776 ctry.22. He led the only coup d’etat in England24. On ___25. Strut27. Dot follower

february ansWers
















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