Assignment on Leadership qualities of Zulfikar-ali-bhutto Pray for me please

Assignment on leadership qualities of zulfikar Ali bhutto

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Assignment on Leadership qualities of Zulfikar-ali-bhutto

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Page 2: Assignment on leadership qualities of zulfikar Ali bhutto

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was born on 5th January 1928 at Larkhana. His father sir

shahznawaz Bhutto was also famous political leader of sub continent. So basically

zilfikar ali Bhutto get his inspiration to be leader from his father his father run the

moment of separation of sindh from Bombay to save people of sindh from

attending the complicated court matters. So basically zulfiqar ali Bhutto was also

given great attention for his grooming by motivational family services for

humanity his mother also used to advice him to help poor he always has the spirit

to help the people of his nation.

Qualities of Zulfiqar ali Bhutto:

Being a leader it is necessary that a leader must not forget his people as we

have witnessed a video in class that zulfiqar ali Bhutto went to un nation

where he refuse to join the UN nation that his people need him so he

ripped the paper in front of his desk and said “my people need me and am

wasting my time here on speeches” being leader it is very important for

someone to be sincere with their people and this act in UN nation made

people loyal to zulfiqar ali Bhutto as people got more trust on him

It is also important for a leader that he must not get back on his words

same thing we witnessed in zulfiqar ali Bhutto speeches in many speeches

he claimed that he is with the people of his nation but not only he said that

he also proved it by refusing to join united nation and tearing pages in front

of whole world

It is also important a leader should be brave and not afraid of any one

because he is suppose to be the representative of particular nation same

quality we have witnessed in zulfiqar-ali-bhutto he was never afraid of any

one and was man of his words if he was afraid he will never tear pages in

front of whole world.

Being a leader it is also important that you must be intelligent and know

the tactics how to make you’re more friends same quality goes for Zulfiqar

Ali Bhutto it was in his plan to collect all Muslim world under one platform

Page 3: Assignment on leadership qualities of zulfikar Ali bhutto

and he was able to succeed in his this quest. Due to which western world

became his enemy and they removed him from scene his own subordinates

he was originator of Islamic summit conference and initiator of Pakistan

nuclear program

Being a leader it is also so important the you must look graceful keeping

this quality in view we have also witnessed Bhutto has a charismatic

personality he also take a good care of his dressing and was also well

dressed because it is a fact the when you are leader people try to follow

you they try to look like you so it is important that you must present

yourself good and impressive way.

Being a leader it is also important that he must know the needs of your

people which you are representing we have witnessed this in zulfiqar-ali-

bhutto personality that whenever he start speech he always know what are

the need of his people and what are the points which motivates them.

Being a leader it is important that you have a good speech skills if you go

for speech and you are blank then leadership is not a right job for you it is

very important that before speech you know what you have to speak and

what are the necessary points on which you have to emphasize same

quality goes for zulfiqar-Ali-Bhutto we have witnessed in his speeches that

he was always prepared for his speeches and have a completed attention of

his audiences due to his preparation of speech and a unmatchable skills of

speech due to which there was always a huge crowd in his crowd.

Being a leader it is important that you must have a unique vision if a leader

is visionless he has no sense of direction if we look at zulfiqar-ali-bhutto we

observe that he always has a great vision for his nation, it was his vision to

unite the whole Muslim counties and make them one superpower due to

his this unique vision he was well known.

Page 4: Assignment on leadership qualities of zulfikar Ali bhutto

A leader must be a motivational for others people we have also observed

this quality in zulfiqar Bhutto in a historic speech in the year 1971,Bhutto

summed up his vision about the future of Pakistan by saying: “My dear

countrymen, my dear friends, my dear students, laborers, peasants, those

who fought for Pakistan. We are facing the worst crisis in our country's life,

a deadly crisis. We have to pick up the pieces, very small pieces, but we will

make a new Pakistan, a prosperous and progressive Pakistan, a Pakistan

free of exploitation, a Pakistan envisaged by the Quaid-i-Azam.” Which gave

a motivation for other people as their leader was not giving up.

As a leader it is also important that he must never forget his past leaders

same quality we have witnessed in zulfikar-ali-bhutto he never forget the

past’s great leader like Quid-i-Azam which was a maker of this country

Pakistan and everyone has more emotional attachment to Quid-i-Azam as

compare to any other leader of Pakistan, we have observed that in many

speeches he try to align his vision with Quaid-e-Azam and tried to proved

that he is original leader.