Analysis of 3 Magazine Front Covers Analysis of 3 Magazine Front Covers

Analysis of 3 magazine front covers

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Analysis of 3 Magazine Front CoversAnalysis of 3 Magazine Front Covers

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Front Cover Number 1

Q Magazine Arctic Monkeys

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The Masthead for Q magazine uses a the bold capital of the letter Q. They use a white font and have a red block square around the letter. This has the effect of making it outstanding and clearly noticeable. It is important that the Masthead is noticeable so that the reader know what magazine it is. The font the Q has been created in makes it look sharp and important, thus suggesting that this could be quite an expensive magazine for people who have a lot of money.


The sell lines involved for Q include have been created to match the rest of the magazine to create a continuous theme. They ensure that they include other articles so that the reader knows there is other information in the magazine as opposed to just one artist. They also use other pull lines, “Stab me to get to the top”. Although this implies violence it attracts the reader as they are enticed as to know in what context it means.


The main image Q have used is a simple yet effective image of Alex Turner with the rest of the band standing behind him. They have used a Mid-shot of Alex with him looking directly into the camera. This makes him look intimidating and important. By making him look intimidating, it suggests that other artist should be worried as he is about to make it big and create music that will be better than everybody else’s, as if he has nothing to worry about. Also by including the band behind Alex this makes him more important as it suggests that he is their front man and he controls and takes care of the band. Alex is also wearing a big jacket. This goes along with the bands theme being called “Arctic Monkey”, and goes along with the theme of being cold.


The main cover line is the second biggest font on the page. This draws the readers eye and makes it noticeable that they are the main feature in the magazine.


A barcode has been included at the bottom of the magazine. This is so that the reader knows how much the magazine will cost, when the magazine was released, and which issue it is. Knowing the issue is extremely helpful because if the reader collects every issue, they would know if they have missed one.


Q magazine have not included a header or a footer. Which suggest that they do not feel the need to include extra information about the magazine as there is enough on the cover already, and they do not want to over power the reader with too much information.


The main pull quote they have used is directly below the main cover line. This is because the cover line is the most dominating so once they have read that the pull quote is directly afterwards. This entices the reader by using “With a Bang” which suggests that the back have made a return and are now better than ever. This would draw the reader in as they would be interesting in knowing how the band have improved and become even bigger


Q have used a plain white background for the magazine. This is so that it does not detract the eye of the audience. It also makes the main photo look more imposing as it suggests that there is nothing else more important and there should not be anything distracting you from it.

You could however, say that the remainder of the band are in the background as they are all standing behind Alex, suggesting that he is the most important.

USE OF A FLASHER-(offering something extra to T.A)

The Flasher Q have used also stands out against the white background. This is so that the audience notice it. The way they have used the word “ultimate” would entice the reader even more as it is suggesting that they have an insight as to what will be the best upcoming gigs and they have the best guides.

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Front Cover Number 2

NME Magazine Dizzee Rascal

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NME uses a Bold outstanding Masthead In Capital letters. This is so it is clearly visible against the rest of the magazine. They also outline the letters so that it is even bolder and is highlighted. The use of Red colour makes the masthead bright and vibrant, thus highlighting it even more. It is also a mutual colour suggesting that is neither a masculine or feminine magazine.


The header is included on the front to show what else will be inside the magazine. It shows that there will be more articles inside and it is not just about one. The header is made so that it stands out and is noticeable but not so big that it distracts the reader from the rest of the page.


The sell lines of NME are made so they match the theme of the cover, going along with all of the other colours. By using “Starring”, it shows that NME have included some other quite famous artists.


The main image of the magazine shows Dizzee Rascal. He is dominating the whole magazine as they make him look bold and outgoing. His posture also suggests that he has no worries as his arms are wide open as if he is willing to embrace anything. The rapper/gangster posture has also been maintained by Dizzee wearing a golden chain and a vest, thus implying he has it all and he has no worries.


The Main cover line simply states “Dizzee Rascal” in large bold font. Apart from the Masthead, this is the largest font on the page. This is so it clearly stands out against the other sell lines and allows the reader to clearly understand who is the main feature of the magazine.


A barcode has been included at the bottom of the magazine. This is so that the reader knows how much the magazine will cost, when the magazine was released, and which issue it is. Knowing the issue is extremely helpful because if the reader collects every issue, they would know if they have missed one.


NME have also included a footer. This is because like the header, it allows the reader an insight as to who else will be included in the magazine.


By including a quote on the front it allows the reader an insight as to what the artist’s character might be like. In this case, it is showing that Dizzee is a friendly guy who is trying to make everyone happy.


The background for Dizzee shows a graffiti wall. This emphasises Dizzee’s almost gangster background and shows that he does what ever he wants to do. It also makes him seem more interesting because instead of having a plain background it adds some detail into what he might be like.

USE OF A FLASHER-(offering something extra to T.A)

The flasher used also stands out quite vibrantly. They have used the same mutual red colour with white text to make it stand out. The contrast in colour also makes the text very easy to read.

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NME Target Audience

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Front Cover Number 3

Billboard Magazine Lily Allen

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Billboards Masthead is not that clear. Although a regular reader will know which magazine it is, others would not know. They have made it so that it does not distract the reader from Lily Allen, and although they have tried to make her seem more important, it is hard to tell what the magazine masthead is called.


Sell lines have been included in the left and right thirds of the cover. This is so that they do not overlap the image and block of Lily’s face. They also inform the reader what type of articles will be included in the magazine, “What Apple’s new pricing means for music”. This suggests that the magazine is not 100% about music and it does deviate slightly discussing other topics. This is a good sell-line because it implies that they are not focusing on just a single topic in the magazine and there are other news articles inside that they will be discussing.


The main image for Billboard shows a mid-shot of Lily Allen looking into the camera. High exposure is used on Lily Allen so that her skin looks incredibly pale and beautiful. This also makes her seem flawless and an icon of perfection.


The main cover line simply says “Lily Allen”. This is effective because it shows that she is the main article of this magazine. However, the cover line has been typed in white, which means that it is not that clear against the pale Lily Allen.


A barcode has been included at the bottom of the magazine. This is so that the reader knows how much the magazine will cost, when the magazine was released, and which issue it is. Knowing the issue is extremely helpful because if the reader collects every issue, they would know if they have missed one.


Billboard have included and used the rule of thirds however. They have separated the cover into three sections with the right and left used for sell-lines and the centre being dominated by the image of Lily Allen.


Billboard have used a simple faded background from black to white using a gradient. This is a good effect as they have created it in a way that the gradient matches Lily herself from her black hair going down towards her pale skin. This is creative as it creates an effective almost black and white theme.

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These are the type of Layout, font and imagery that viewers look for in Billboard. This distinguishes them from other magazines and

makes it easily identifiable.