American Imperialism State Standards 7.1, 7.2, and 7.10

American imperialism

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Page 1: American imperialism

American ImperialismState Standards 7.1, 7.2, and 7.10

Page 2: American imperialism


More powerful countries bully smaller ones for their resources

Both the US and European countries practiced imperialism

Page 3: American imperialism

HawaiiOriginally an

independent monarchyUS missionaries to

Hawaii became wealthy and powerful by owning sugar plantations Export sugar to US To avoid paying tariffs

the US wanted to annex Hawaii Missionaries take control

of Hawaii (Marines help)

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Hawaii.Queen Liliuokalani

Queen of Hawaii who was jailed when US takes over

Became a symbol of Hawaiian resistance against the US

1959Hawaii votes to

become the 50th stateMany in Hawaii still

want independence

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Target…ChinaImperialist countries

searchingSearched for raw

materials to export home

China Divided into Spheres

of Influence Each country was

given a sphere in which it could control trade

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The Spanish-American WarSpain ruled Cuba

Cuba rebels in 1895United States

declares neutrality Many in Congress

wanted to intervene

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The Spanish American War.Yellow Journalism

Writers create interest in Cuba by exaggerating events in Cuba to boost newspaper sales Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph


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The Spanish American War..USS Maine

American ship that was anchored in Havana Harbor Randomly blew up 266 American Sailors

die Yellow Journalists jump

at the chance to sale newspapers by blaming Cuba

“Remember the Maine”

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The Spanish American War…Fighting in Cuba

Battle of San Juan Hill Rough Riders under the

command of future President Theodore Roosevelt

Fighting in the PhilippinesAmerica and Filipino

rebels capture the Philippines Filipino's then revolt

against US but fail to win freedom

Leads to the US having increased contact with Asia

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The Spanish American War….End of the War

Platt Amendment Three parts

1. Cuba given independence

2. Cuba could not make treaties with other nations that were against American interests

3. Gave America control of the naval base at Guantanamo Bay

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Panama CanalFrance

1881-1887 France attempts to build

a canal across Panama1903

US buys the land to finish building canal 40,000 people work on

the canal, opens in August 15, 1914

Canal was 50 miles across

Decreased the trip around South America by 8,000 miles

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Page 14: American imperialism

Big Stick DiplomacyBig Stickism

“Speak softly and carry a big stick”

Teddy Roosevelt’s idea for foreign policy

Monroe DoctrineUS is the policing force

of the Western Hemisphere

Roosevelt want no interference from European powers in the Western Hemisphere