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Evaluation of unit 21 animation (2)fsf

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Evaluation of unit 21 animation

In unit 21 I decided to do a stop motion. The reason why I decided to do stop motion animation for

unit 21 was because I haven’t done this before. I thought that it was a very unique idea because I’m

using play-doh which I think is a different idea which will appeal to my target audience, which was

for 6 year olds to 20 year old the reason I decided to this for my target is because I think that this

target audience will enjoy this type of animation because I think that Play-doh is an object that

appeals to people as they know what it is and have used and it can be easy moulded . Also the

reason why I decided to have this age range for my target audience was because I wanted people to

be inspiration to make their own animation with different ideas to mine.

For this unit I had 4 different idea which where

photography, film, magazine and stop motion

animation. I had a lot of idea of for the stop motion

animation idea such as recreation for a famous sports

moment such as the 2012 Olympics games or I had a

idea of recreation of a famous historic moment such

when Neal Armstrong landed on the moon.

Also for the stop motion idea I had was to create

patterns and put them into a video. I really liked the

idea of patterns and I decided to do more research on

different types of patterns.

I then changed the ideas from patterns to unique objects like this :

The reason why I decided to unique object like the shark is

because I thought that It would appeal to my target audience

also what I liked about this is how I can have a creative mind

and create anything I like. Another reason they I decide to do

stop motion is because I wanted to use play-doh and uses their

different colours and create different objects with them.

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In this scene I create a rose the reason why I decided to do this is

because I liked how the rose grew. The reason why I made the rose grow

was because I thought if I didn’t do that I thought that the scene in the

video would be boring and plain. Also why liked this rose idea is because

it unique idea which appeals to my target audience.

For my story board I decided to do random sketches of what I liked such as the rose represent the

England national rugby team which I like watching. Another reason why I decided to do my stop

motion animation to be about what I like and enjoy, this give the animation a more personal feeling

because it has what I like and enjoy. Also what I liked about my storyboard was that I was able to

choose colours that I thought would best fit the scene for example for the rose scene where I used

the red play-doh. The reason why I decided to use the red play-doh was because if I had used a

different colour like purple the audience might not be able to identify that I had created a rose and I

think that it would not of worked for my target audience.

The reason why I have

decided to put remotes

controls into this

animation is because it

looks like I’m changing

channels which I think

works with my target


For the opening and closing title

have used songs from the show

“Loony Tones “ which I think

works with this animation

because my target audience is for

children and young adults and this

is what this age group would like.

The artist scene and the

ending title link well I

think that the artist is

creating a piece of art

which is the end title.

Also why I like these two

scenes is that when the

artist uses red and yellow

colour and I have used

the same colours for the

end title which is the

artist creation.

The one thing that I did not like about this storyboard

the football scene because I think that I could of made

the football net look better by making the adding

more detail to the football such as black dots which is

on a normal football. Also what I could have improved

is the football goal which doesn’t look that realistic

and I think that I could of made have a bit more depth

and actuary look like a football goal.

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Ideas The ideas that I had for this animation was that I could create patterns, re-creation of a famous moment and creating different unique ideas which appeal to me and my target audience

Research The research that I have done includes looking at successful animation companies like Morph which helped me to get an idea of quality I needed to aim for to make my animation work. Also I had to consider how this could relate back to my target audience by creating objects that will appeal to my target audience of children and young adults by creating like sharks, football and my opening title which will involve “Loony Tones” songs.

Planning For the planning for my animation I have a storyboard which tells me how I am going to complete my animation and what scenes I have complete in a curtain order.

Time When making the animation I did the filming in the half term when we had 1 week off, this gave me a lot of time to complete the filming and to edit the photos into Adobe premiere pro

Location For my animation I filmed it at home where I could get all if my equipment with not having to move it every which I would of done if I had done it at school

For this unit I think that I managed the timing well because I did all of my filming for my animation in the half term which meant I could of improved and added more detail to the different scenes and I made sure that I used the correct colour play-doh for the different scenes. The only criticism that I can say about how I used my time is that I think that for some scenes I used to much time creating which meant that I couldn’t spend a lot of time on the other scenes in my animation. The skills that I learnt in this unit are:

Stop motion technique

Downloading and applying music to premiere pro and add it to my work

Making different play-doh figures

Using a different camera technique

Using Adobe Premier Pro

All of these techniques that I have learnt in this unit helped me to get a much detail piece of work for example if I didn’t use the stop motion techniques like moving the figures a little by little it would of made the animation look silly if I used big steps instead of little steps. Also I needed to learn the techniques is because if I didn’t the length of the animation would be do short and the audience would not be able to see and to understand what the different scenes represented. How i made my stop motion animation from play-doh

First i placed a dot of play-doh to start the scene off

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Then i added the different colours of play-doh and made the the

“Welcome “ scene

I then when on Adobe Premiere pro to do the editing of my animation

Then to import my photos that i have taken i went on “file” and clicked on import

Then i did the same to all the other scenes, i used all the

correct paint that was on the story board which i

thought went well also i think that i made the different

scenes interesting and appealing to my target audience.

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Then i select the photos of the opening title which is

going first in my animation

Then i highlighted all of the photos and right clicked and went on speed and duration

When i changed the speed of the photos to 00:00:01

When i rendered the photos by pressing the enter button

I then got my music that i was going to use in the video by importing them the same way i

imported the photos into Adobe Premiere pro

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When i added the music to the correct areas in the video and then i added effects to

make it sound more professional

When i had done that i clicked file export

I when changed the setting to HVD and YouTube 720 and i then

clicked export

When the video finished exporting it was complete

Names Likes Dislikes/ improvements

Thomas “ I quite liked the simplicity of the whole project so you didn’t over complicated it”

“You could of done some more sketches and made it in to a proper story instead of random objects”

Nathan “I like the imagination that has “ you could of taken a bit more

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gone into creating this play-doh animation”

care and time over it such as in the beginning where the page is slightly of camera”

William “I like how you connected the music to the images on the screen”

“try to not move the camera as much in-between shots

Mr Drummond “great idea, good use of music and sound effects, great attempt at animation”

More care when taking pictures, so the camera is in a fixed position”

From the research that I have done I have found that the majority of the people that I have asked I

have found that they would out that it was interesting and it appealed to them also they liked the

music I added which made them enjoy the video more. What they didn’t like about my animation

was that I moved the camera to much which made the video not as smooth as it could be.

In my opinion i think that this unit 21 animation came out well because i think that i was able to

create a piece of work that would appeal to my target audience by using different colours which

made the video more eye catching, using unique ideas like the shark eating the fish i thought was

good and interesting because it involved a lot of different colours which made the video more

interesting to look at.

My strength for this unit were

Creating unique figures

Using the stop motion technique which I haven’t used before

Using different colours made the video more interesting to watch

My strengths of this unit were: Being able to match the production schedule that I made which

means that I was on time with the creation of my animation. Also I strength that I had was the

colours that I used were attractive which i believe made the video more appealing because the

colours suited my target audience. My final strength for this unit i believe was the music that i

added to the different scenes because it made the video more interesting to watch also what

the music did to my video was that it added more depth and humour to the animation like the

“Looney Tunes” song makes the audience laugh because it is something that suits them because

they are my target audience.

My weakness for this unit was that for some of scenes like the Pac man scene the camera was out of

focus which made the video less professional i could of stop this from happening by making sure that

the camera is focused. Also a weakness for this unit is how long it took me to make the figures and

to make record them. I could of prevented this by making sure that i made the figure in advanced

because it would of made this task my easy to complete without wasting a lot of time.

If I could do this unit again I would make sure that the camera that I used was in a fixed position the

reason why I want to do this is because that it would of made the video better because in the video

that I made had parts that had part of the wood which I used to put the play-doh on. Also what I

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think I could of done better is that I could of made the storyline link better which figures that relate

to the figures that I related.