Embracing Android Nougat for Speed, Strength and Security October 6, 2016 MaaS360 Product Management Frank Schloendorn, Imtiazuddin A. Bellary

Embracing Android Nougat for Speed, Strength and Security

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Embracing Android Nougat for Speed, Strength and Security

October 6, 2016

MaaS360 Product Management

Frank Schloendorn, Imtiazuddin A. Bellary

2 IBM Security 2 © 2016 IBM Corporation

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3 IBM Security 3 © 2016 IBM Corporation


• Android Nougat at a Glance Key Features

Improved Performance

Enhanced Security

• Enterprise Features - Android for Work

• Leveraging Android Nougat with IBM MaaS360

4 IBM Security 4 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – At a Glance

• Released on August 22nd 2016, Android N upgrade available for

Nexus 6P, 5X, 9

HTC 10, One A9, One M9

Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 Edge, S6, S6 Edge, Note 5, Note 7

LG G5, V20 (New)

Few models of Sony, Motorola and others

• New Features include

Multi Window support (2 Apps side-by-side and easy switching)

Better & Secure Android for Work

Smarter battery (Doze on the Go)

Bundled Notifications & Direct reply on notification

Data Saver & Notification controls

File base encryption (and seamless security updates)

JIT Complier, VR mode & Vulkan API (High performance graphics) for improved performance

• IBM MaaS360 released same-day support for Android Nougat devices

5 IBM Security 5 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Key Features – Productivity & Usability

• Multi Window View (Split Screen) Available in both portrait and landscape

Activated by long-pressing the app overview/recent apps

button or by long-pressing an app preview card

• Quick Switch between apps Shuffle between the two most recently used apps

• Customize Quick Settings Handy list of five toggles at the top of your notifications shade

Edit the order to prioritize the important ones

Multiple pages of tiles

• Notification Direct Reply Quick reply to a message directly from the notification


6 IBM Security 6 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Key Features – Productivity & Usability

• Bundled Notifications Multiple notifications from the same app to be bundled

• Notification Controls

Manage notification information to

• Show notifications silently

• Block all notifications

• Don’t silence or block

• Multi locale language support Set primary and secondary language

• 72 New Emojis


7 IBM Security 7 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Key Features - Performance

• Battery saver (Doze on the Go) Works not only when the device is stationary for a while

but also when it is in motion

Shuts down network access and only periodically sync

data and run tasks

• Data Saver mode Denies internet access to background apps when you're

connected to cellular data

Accessible both as a Quick Settings toggle or via the

Data area in Settings


8 IBM Security 8 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Key Features - Performance

• New JIT compiler Android system will pre-compile some apps but only

compile parts of other apps when they are actually


Faster booting phone, apps that use less RAM, require

less storage and get updated faster

• VR mode for high performance virtual reality

• Vulkan API (high performance 3D graphics) Faster, smoother and better rendered gaming graphics


9 IBM Security 9 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Key Features - Security

• Direct boot (faster, secure boot)

• Seamless Software updates Android updates will be downloaded in the background and

stored on a different system partition

On restart of the phone, the system will switch partitions and

you’ll instantly have the new Android updates

• File-based encryption Android 7.0 moves to a file encryption basis from full disk

encryption in Marshmallow

• Scoped folder access Allows app developers to specifically request access to

individual folders rather than all of your folders

• Trusted Face (Face recognizer)




11 IBM Security 11 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Android for Work

Customized & Faster Provisioning

QR Code Provisioning for DO mode

• Provision devices using QR code

• Ease of creation of QR code

• Wifi setup on the device via QR code

Customize color and enterprise logo

• Set up custom color and enterprise logo during profile


Provision customers via Android for Work

Accounts Enterprise

• Let EMM vendors create and manage Google set up

and user accounts

• Effortless Administration via EMM portal

12 IBM Security 12 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Android for Work

Increased Security

Passcode challenge for work apps

• Mandate passcode challenge on navigation to work apps on a PO device


• Enhanced security for corporate data

Always on VPN support

• Mandate Always on VPN for a device

Disable access to apps

• Blacklist apps on the device

Disable data roaming

• To save on network data usage

Lockdown wallpaper

Lockdown User Icon

Toggle Work Mode

• Control Work mode on PO devices

13 IBM Security 13 © 2016 IBM Corporation

Android N – Android for Work

Enhanced Productivity

Remote Reboot

• Reboot devices remotely

Process Logging

• Enable process logging to capture user actions on the


Remotely trigger bug reports

• Trigger bug reports to debug device irregularities

Device health monitoring

• Capture device health regularly

Multiple CA certificates per SSID

• Allow ease of Wifi and VPN configuration across


Personal and Work Contacts Integration

• Allow work contacts to be accessible in personal dialer

Leveraging Android N with IBM MaaS360


15 IBM Security 15 © 2016 IBM Corporation


Broadening productivity with Android for Work

With MaaS360, Android for Work and Samsung Knox, you can get Android devices more productive

& more secure for end users

Secure Content | Native User Experience • Easy management & enhanced security

• Prepackaged with work apps and collaboration tools

• Helps employees to work smarter and faster

Android for Work Settings in Android N • Greater Security with more certificate integrations, Always

ON VPN, Work Profile Security Challenges

• Enhanced remote support with remote reboot & bug

reports, disabling of data roaming, removing client


• Customized Provisioning, Lock screen messages & more

Expanding Support Matrix • Instant Android N Support

• Continued support for upcoming Knox

2.7 and Knox 2.8 releases

• More OEM APIs including support for

mainstream & rugged devices

Easier Provisioning • Bulk Enrollment & Easier Knox enrollment for Android N

• Enhanced usability for Kiosk mode

16 IBM Security 16 © 2016 IBM Corporation


Delivering Solutions with Android Kiosk mode

With MaaS360, Android for Work, Samsung Knox and Standard Android you can get Android

devices to deliver required functionality securely on Kiosk mode

Easier Provisioning & Increased Support • Easy deployment via policies

• Support for Android for Work (COSU), Samsung Knox and Standard Android

• Customizable to various available modes

• Whitelist required apps

• Control Kiosk Launcher settings on the device

• Silent install of app upgrades

• Manage access to device controls

Usability Enhancements • Widgets support

• Customized Wi-Fi and Bluetooth settings

• Ordering of apps on launcher screen

• Auto rendering of app as per screen orientation on rotation

Android Kiosk mode

Extensive Support








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