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App Store OptimizationUnraveling the Black Box

Moritz Daan @moritzdaan

[email protected]

ASO Funnel

Discoverability User needs to see you — Search, Charts or Featuring

Pre App Page User needs to choose you — Primary assets

App Page User needs to install — All assets


Localization and 3rd Party App Store Distribution add to the TOTF


ASO ToolsDistribution Discoverability Conversion







Pick keywords based on Traffic estimations Keyword difficulty Keyword length (shorter = better) Common sense multiplier (ie. ambiguity, long-tail combinations, etc.)

App Store SEO (ASEO) can be a game changer, definitely for the Apple App Store.



LocalizationConversionDiscoverabilityHow do you know which keywords people actually find you on?

Importance ASEO




ASEO not a game changer for all apps.

A/B testing


LocalizationConversionDiscoverabilityTesting your screenshots with an ad.

Test conversion to install via AdWords/Facebook Downsides

Out of context (!) Not the actual size of a screenshot You have to follow the Ad Network rules (“Sexy”) No way to test description, title, icon, etc.

A/B testing




Serve & Measure A/B


HTML5 Landing page

Create your own “App Store”

Build your own landing page: HTML, JS, CSS Integrate A/B testing tool

Send traffic to there and measure A/B Screenshots first 3 lines of description

A/B testingLocalizationConversionDiscoverabilityResults already huge for a trusted

brand like SoundCloud. Smaller apps should be able to profit even more.

All A/B-tests combined: > 10% conversion increase = 5.000.000+ extra installs


No resources to build it yourself? testnest.co and splitmetrics.com now built this as SaaS






Every App Store region falls back on English Depending on if you supplied a en_UK localization, they will use that, otherwise en_US In the US you will be found on es and en_US China & Hong Kong index you for English, Chinese Traditional & Simplified In Japan you will be found on both en_US & en_UK

Indexation for several locales in App Store.

What’s coming for ASOLooking ahead


Paid Search More insights on iTunes Connect and Developer Console (A/B Testing!?)

Alternative App Discovery (remains to be seen…)

.Moritz Daan @moritzdaan

[email protected]