Accelerating Operational Excellence in 2015: Tackling the Top 3 Challenges

Accelerating Operational Excellence in 2015: Tackling the Top 3 Challenges

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Accelerating Operational Excellence in 2015: Tackling the Top 3 Challenges

Addressing operations challenges

Catavolt launched a survey titled “How Leading Manufacturers are Accelerating Operational Excellence” in September 2014, to gain insight on how manufacturing organizations are working to continuously improve their operations, workflows and business processes.

We collected 111 responses from manufacturing professionals in various disciplines on trends and technology that are driving operational excellence. Increased competition in the market, meeting customer expectations, rapidly changing plant floor conditions, and the need to increase revenue, is pushing manufacturing organizations across all industries towards more efficient operational processes.

Manufacturing organizations are increasing operational excellence investments in 2015

•  These initiatives require investment of time and resources to optimize their people, data, processes, space, time, energy, and technology required to achieve success.

•  The use of mobile devices and apps allows manufacturing teams to easily access real-time data needed to accelerate decision-making and efficiency, from the executive level to the shop floor.

•  Mobility better connects manufacturing teams, increasing productivity by getting real-time information to employees at the right time.

85% of manufacturing thought leaders plan to in-crease investments for operational excellence initiatives for their organizations in 2015. (Catavolt, 2015)

Top 3 primary operational excellence challenges

• Organizations are not doing enough with their

resources, people, space, time, energy and technology


• Increasing revenue to achieve goals, gauge success,

and make informed decisions

• ��/RZHULQJ�WKH�FRVW�RI�SURGXFWLRQ�WR�DFKLHYH�VLJQLĆFDQW�� � product, manufacturing, and life cycle cost savings

The common challenge: putting data to work

Data is a critical component for any operational excellence initiative. Manufacturing organizations are often challenged with:




Addressing operational excellence challenges with mobility Increasing competitive pressures, strict regulations, rising costs, customer preferences, and scheduling, are challenging manufacturing organizations to increase WKHLU�ćH[LELOLW\�DQG�RSHUDWH�DW�PD[LPXP�HIĆFLHQF\��


• Manage account data in real-time

• Collaborate with teams in multiple locations

• Monitor sales levels and KPIs

How mobility helps manufacturing organizations

Mobility for manufacturing can streamline operational processes and enhance the integrity of organizational data

Mobile apps give organizations the ability to monitor production volume and receive alerts, collaborate with teams in multiple locations, and monitor labor and repair costs in one place, all while replacing manual, paper-based processes.

With mobility, manufacturing teams can get right-time data from any where, at any time, helping get the job done and improve organizational processes. Mobile apps give manufacturing teams the ability to place and track orders from their tablets and smart phones, review account information, manage inventories, and track sales and Key Process Indicators.

The benefits of manufacturing apps

• Provide real-time visibility in to processes � DQG�GULYH�RSHUDWLRQDO�HIĆFLHQF\�DQG�WKH������������������������������������ bottom line


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Mobility creates customer value at every step of the manufacturing process

Supply Chain Operations Fulfillment Sales &

Marketing Post Sale

Inventory Control

Real-time Logistics


Receipt Acknowledgements

Product Lead Times

Order Tracking

Scheduling Visibility

Quality Control

Dispatch Scheduling


Route Optimization

Warehouse Automation

Work Order Approvals

Service Manuals

Service Performance

Dealer Management

Customer DashboardSales Reporting

Quotes/EstimatingCompetitor Intel/Analytics

Read our report & learn more about how mobility drives operational excellence

Click here to view Catavolt’s “Accelerating Operational

Excellence in 2015: Trends and Technology” Report


• The top three challenges that manufacturing

teams encounter when driving operational


• How manufacturing organizations are using

technology like mobility to accelerate their

operational excellence journey