Campaign Summary YL2015_cyber_03 1 What would the world look like if no one can use image stocks properly? And what if everyone is able to use it professionally? Let’s find out. We’re starting on Facebook, where almost every thumbnail image of shared article is irrelevant. The internet would totally make more sense with Isifa. Step forward, we’re moving to Twitter, where users are sad because of their missing images. Isifa is coming to help, as usual. The world of images is getting better and better. Finally, there’s a world called LinkedIn, where everyone can focus on creating and self-development thanks to saving time using Isifa and Shutterstock services. Since Isifa started bringing Shutterstock closer to you, the world is perfect now.

Yl15 cyber 03

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Campaign Summary

YL2015_cyber_03   1  

What would the world look like if no one can use image stocks properly? And what if everyone is able to use it professionally? Let’s find out.

We’re starting on Facebook, where almost every thumbnail image of shared article is irrelevant. The internet would totally make more sense with Isifa.

Step forward, we’re moving to Twitter, where users are sad because of their missing images. Isifa is coming to help, as usual. The world of images is getting better and better.

Finally, there’s a world called LinkedIn, where everyone can focus on creating and self-development thanks to saving time using Isifa and Shutterstock services.

Since Isifa started bringing Shutterstock closer to you, the world is perfect now.

How the Magic Happens? WHAT Key Socmedia Networks

HOW Three Steps to Success

Imagine there’s no Isifa, Shutterstock or no other image stock at all.

Just a big mess, huh?

And now, think about a world where everyone uses Isifa services.

Pretty wonderful, no doubt.

Let’s show them all, what a big difference lays between these two universes and how it is cool and easy to use the world’s best image stock with Isifa.

WHY Imagine… The Insight

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Different users require different approaches. Our solution goes through the mass Facebook, media industry related Twitter and truly professional LinkedIn.

On Facebook, we focus on viral campaign every user will love, explore and share with LOL comments.

On Twitter, we let the users experience the difference between Isifa service and the non-Isifa world, embracing the top influencers and also connecting regular tweeters.

On LinkedIn, we are deeply connected to the influencers in creative and media industry or business. They give you an insight about stuff you can do with the time you save thanks to using Isifa.


We cooperate with a news server and modify its og:image tag to show some bizarre and irrelevant thumbnail image when sharing an article, giving it a viral potential. Those pictures are selected manually, just to be as funny as they can be. On each linked website, there is the Isifa banner showing that you can do better with its service.


We are in advance to arrange influencers tweeting stuff like “This is me riding the unicorn through Neverland,” but their attached images are left blank. And here comes Isifa replying them with the right image! The magic comes when our influencers retweet the pictures what makes a pretty visible connection in Twitter timeline.


When you use a professional service, you have a plenty of time to do better things. Let’s blog about being more creative and productive. Regular blogs are getting dead, but LinkedIn posts are trending.

Overview of the Platforms

FACEBOOK og:image Swap  

LINKEDIN Inspiring the Professionals  

TWITTER Focused on a Dialogue  

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Facebook og:image Swap

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1 Isifa team is

changing the og:image tags

on a news server…

2 …so the links

are pretty confusing and


4 However, with Isifa there is no reason

not to use Shutterstock as a


3 The readers will

find out that these things are happening

because of poor using of image


Twitter Focused on a Dialogue

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1 Cooperating

influencers are tweeting “broken” images.

2 Isifa is creating

the image content for them. And

influencers are retweeting it!

3 Because

Isifa LOVES to care.

4 Isifa is

encouraging other users to tweet their requests. They will

happily share those unique

images with their friends.

LinkedIn Inspiring the Professionals

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1 Isifa is

cooperating with

professional influencers.

2 Thanks to Isifa

and Shutterstock services, they can

write inspiring blog posts in their saved


3 ...and the consumers

can focus on improving their

creativity and other skills instead of

spending meaningless time with image stocks.




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No one knows

how to use image stocks properly.

Isifa &

Shutterstock offer helping hand.

The world is full of relevant and pretty images.

@involved ones

