What Can We Learn About Events From Lady Gaga?

What Can Event Organizers Learn From Lady Gaga

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What Can We Learn About Events From Lady Gaga?


Here are 6 tips from Lady Gaga to help inspire your next event


Lady Gaga and her team put on some of the most interesting and talked about events in the world. She is an unusual figure and sells

millions of tickets.


She has engaged social media audiences that any marketer would kill for and has created an entirely unique and authentic brand.


Her videos and performances have taken the internet by storm


What can event marketers and organizers learn from Lady Gaga?


Event Preparation is Important

Attention to detail is incredibly important, but shouldn’t even be noticed by guests


Just like a huge stadium tour, there are a lot of moving parts that go into a good event (venues,

activities, refreshments, etc) so make sure to surround yourself with the best people and

prepare well.

It’s a cliché but: fail to prepare and prepare to fail!


Remember to Have Fun At Your Events

In the run up to a big event, it can feel like the world is about to end at any moment.

It can be hard to step back and relax or laugh at a bad situation (before fixing it like a boss!)


Hard work and focus are important, but it’s healthy to spend some time being irreverent. Lady Gaga isn’t afraid to laugh at herself, as her appearances on SNL prove. She shows a great balance between having fun and getting down to business – eventprofs should be doing this too.

Lady Gaga wins at social media.

She has 5 million Instagram followers, 42 million Twitter followers and 67 million likes on Facebook.

Sell More Tickets With An Engaged Audience


She keeps her community engaged with on-message posts through the day, including snippets of her real life, celebrity life, inspirational messages and promotions.

She then mobilizes these fans to real action, like buying tickets or downloading singles


Give Your Customers What They Want

Are you a ‘Little Monster’? That’s what Gaga calls her fans.

She’s given them an identity, dance moves and special attention online – turning them into mega-fans who will follow her brand for years.


She understands her audience better than almost any other brand manager and leverages it by giving them what they want (content and connection) where they want it (first Twitter, now Instagram) when they want it (all the time!).


All Press is Good Press


Lady Gaga is one of the most photographed people on the planet and has had countless articles written about her (criticism and praise).

Her crazy outfits got her attention in the mainstream media, resulting in downloads and ticket sales.


I’m not saying that you should wear a dress of meat to your next event, or play a flaming piano.

But think outside of the box when brainstorming PR tactics.


Appeal to people’s emotions; if you surprise journalists they will write about you and people will remember you.


Look for inspiration outside your chosen industry, it can give you new ideas that no one else is trying and connect what you enjoy in your personal life to your career – leading to a more fulfilling workday!

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