The Conversion Maturity Model A Roadmap to Profitability Tim Ash CEO SiteTuners @>m_ash

The Conversion Maturity Model: A Roadmap to Profitability

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The  Conversion  Maturity  Model  A  Roadmap  to  Profitability    

Tim  Ash  CEO  

SiteTuners  @>m_ash  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

About  SiteTuners  •  San Diego based conversion rate optimization agency

•  Large and small company clients worldwide

Practice areas:

–  Conversion-focused website blueprints (full redesigns & quick facelifts)

–  Landing page test plans & testing strategy development

–  Conversion management, team mentoring & training

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  


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Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  Copyright © 2013, SiteTuners - All Rights Reserved. @tim_ash

The  Conversion  Maturity  Model  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

The  Four  Dimensions  

Who  -­‐  People  &  Structure  

How  –  Tools  &  Technology  

What  –  Measurement  &  Accountability  

Why  –  Process  &  Culture  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

The  Four  Stages  

IV  –  Advanced  III  -­‐  Intermediate  II  -­‐  Basic  I  -­‐  Unop$mized  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  Copyright © 2013, SiteTuners - All Rights Reserved. @tim_ash

Who  –  People  &  Structure  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

GeRng  a  seat  at  the  grown-­‐up  table  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  


•  There  are  no  full-­‐$me  formal  posi$ons  devoted  to  CRO  •  Employees  have  no  training  of  any  kind  in  CRO  •  CRO  is  not  on  the  organiza>onal  chart  •  Marke>ng  focus  is  on  traffic  acquisi$on  volumes  •  Most  website  changes  need  assistance  &  approval  from  IT  

Who  -­‐  People  &  Structure  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  


•  Some  full-­‐$me  non-­‐management  posi$ons  are  devoted  to  CRO  within  certain  departments  •  A  few  addi>onal  employees  have  some  informal  training  in  CRO  •  Marke>ng  focus  is  on  profitable  traffic  acquisi$on  •  Basic  website  content  changes  can  be  made  without  IT  involvement  •  Some  landing  pages  and  microsites  are  under  control  of  online  marke$ng  •  Main  site  design,  messaging,  and  structure  are  s>ll  largely  under  control  of  brand/marke>ng  

(with  support  from  IT)  

Who  -­‐  People  &  Structure  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  


•  There  is  a  formal  CRO  team  with  full-­‐$me  posi$ons  and  a  manager  within  a  specific  department  (not  strategic)  

•  CRO  team  members  have  periodic  formal  training  in  CRO  and  are  given  the  opportunity  to  get  addi>onal  informal  training  

•  CRO  team  periodically  conducts  informal  training  for  a  wider  internal  audience  •  Marke>ng  focus  is  on  profitable  traffic  acquisi$on  and  conversion  •  Website  content  and  many  structural  (page-­‐flow  and  func>onality)  changes  can  be  made  

without  IT  involvement  •  All  landing  pages  and  microsites  are  under  control  of  online  marke>ng  •  Some  parts  of  the  main  website  are  under  the  control  of  online  marke>ng    

Who  -­‐  People  &  Structure  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  


•  There  is  a  formal  stand-­‐alone  CRO  team  with  full-­‐>me  posi>ons  and  a  manager  which  reports  to  the  CMO  (or  higher)    

•  CRO  team  sets  strategic  priori$es  company-­‐wide  via  a  formal  intake  process  •  CRO  team  members  have  regular  formal  training  in  CRO    •  CRO  team  regularly  conducts  informal  training  for  a  wider  internal  audience  •  Marke>ng  focus  is  on  increasing  profits  over  the  life$me  of  the  customer  •  Almost  all  website  content  and  structural  changes  can  be  made  without  IT  involvement  •  All  landing  pages  and  microsites  are  under  control  of  online  marke>ng  •  Most  parts  of  the  main  website  are  under  the  control  of  online  marke>ng    

Who  -­‐  People  &  Structure  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  Copyright © 2013, SiteTuners - All Rights Reserved. @tim_ash

How  –  Tools  &  Technology  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

Having  the  right  tools  to  go  faster  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  Websites  are  mostly  sta$c  content    •  Proprietary  content  management  systems  (CMS)  are  difficult  to  maintain  •  Different  technology  plaYorms  exist  across  divisions  •  Few  qualita$ve  or  quan$ta$ve  diagnos$c  tools  are  used  anywhere  to  uncover  conversion  

issues  •  When  diagnos>c  tools  are  available,  they  are  not  applied  consistently  

How  –  Tools  &  Technology  


Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  Websites  are  mostly  in  commercial  content  management  systems  •  More  standardized  technology  plaYorms  across  divisions  •  No  qualita>ve  or  quan>ta>ve  diagnos>c  tools  are  used  company-­‐wide  •  Split  tes$ng  tools  are  used  opportunis$cally  by  small  teams  •  Very  basic  segmenta>on  and  analysis  is  done  on  test  results  •  No  easy  way  to  update  web  content  with  test  winning  content  •  Websites  changes  are  frequently  made  without  measuring  their  impact  •  Website  redesigns  are  led  by  branding  and  marke$ng  (without  a  deep  diagnos>c  phase  

focused  on  visitor  needs)  

How  –  Tools  &  Technology  


Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  All  websites  are  in  commercial  content  management  systems  •  Technology  plaYorms  are  standardized  across  divisions  •  Some  qualita>ve  and  quan>ta>ve  diagnos>c  tools  are  used  company-­‐wide  •  Split  and  mul>variate  tes$ng  tools  are  used  rou$nely  by  small  teams  •  Some  split  tests  are  segmented  by  traffic  source  or  other  single  parameters  •  Marke$ng  automa$on  systems  and  CRM  systems  are  in  place  but  are  not  integrated  into  

the  tes>ng  •  Some  longer-­‐term  prospect  and  client  behaviors  (e.g.  trial  comple>on,  re-­‐subscrip>on  rates,  

client  surveys  and  research  studies,  and  life>me  value  es>mates)  are  provided  to  CRO  team  upon  request  by  other  departments  

How  –  Tools  &  Technology  


Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  All  websites  are  in  commercial  content  management  systems  and  integrated  with  CRM,  marke$ng  automa$ng,  and  traffic  acquisi$on  

•  Technology  plaYorms  are  standardized  across  divisions  •  Wide  variety  of  qualita>ve  and  quan>ta>ve  diagnos$c  tools  are  used  company-­‐wide  •  Split  and  mul>variate  tes$ng  tools  are  used  rou$nely  companywide  •  Real-­‐$me  content  changes  are  made  on  an  individual  visitor  basis  using  predic>ve  analy>cs,  

behavioral  targe>ng,  and  lead  scoring    •  Winning  versions  of  tests  are  automa$cally  deployed  (and  back-­‐tested  on  a  con>nual  basis  

to  ensure  sustainable  improvements)  •  All  web-­‐facing  experiences  are  easily  reconfigurable  and  can  be  rapidly  tested  

How  –  Tools  &  Technology  


Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  Copyright © 2013, SiteTuners - All Rights Reserved. @tim_ash

What  –  Measurement  &  Accountability  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

Tracking  the  right  metrics  &  reac$ng  quickly  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  Repor>ng  of  key  metrics  involves  manual  work  and  is  infrequent  •  Web  analy>cs  does  not  cover  all  web  proper>es  &  campaigns  •  Campaign-­‐level  or  more  granular  ROI  is  not  tracked  or  measured  •  Marke$ng  budgets  are  fixed  (regardless  of  outcomes  or  profitability)  •  There  is  no  culture  of  measurement  within  the  company  •  Marke>ng  decisions  are  frequently  overruled  by  execu$ves  without  a  quan>ta>ve  basis  


What  –  Measurement  &  Accountability  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  Repor>ng  of  key  metrics  is  done  via  near-­‐real-­‐$me  dashboards  •  Web  analy>cs  covers  all  web  proper>es  &  campaigns  •  Campaign-­‐level  or  more  granular  ROI  is  o]en  measured  •  Marke$ng  budgets  are  fixed  at  regular  intervals  (based  on  past  ROI  of  similar  ac>vi>es)  •  There  is  a  culture  of  measurement  within  web  analy$cs  and  traffic  acquisi>on  teams  •  There  is  li_le  culture  of  measurement  in  the  branding,  crea>ve,  opera>ng  divisions,  or  offline  

marke>ng  teams  


What  –  Measurement  &  Accountability  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  Repor>ng  of  key  metrics  is  done  via  near-­‐real-­‐>me  dashboards  •  Automa$c  alerts  are  triggered  if  key  metrics  are  out  of  line  •  Web  analy$cs  covers  all  web  proper$es  &  campaigns  and  is  combined  with  a  strong  

business  intelligence  team  that  all  departments  and  opera>ng  divisions  have  access  to  •  Campaign-­‐level  and  more  granular  ROI  is  always  measured  •  Marke>ng  budgets  are  flexible  and  may  be  periodically  repriori$zed  depending  on  the  

current  mix  and  profitability  of  acquisi>on  ac>vi>es  •  There  is  a  culture  of  measurement  within  web  analy>cs  and  traffic  acquisi>on  teams  and  the  

opera>ng  divisions  •  There  is  some  culture  of  measurement  in  the  branding  and  crea$ve  departments  (and  

changes  oaen  require  a  quan>ta>ve  proof)  


What  –  Measurement  &  Accountability  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  Repor>ng  of  key  metrics  is  done  via  near-­‐real-­‐>me  dashboards  •  Automa$c  alerts  and  correc$ve  ac$ons  are  automa>cally  triggered  if  key  metrics  are  out  of  

line  •  There  is  an  understanding  and  a  tolerance  for  nega$ve  test  outcomes  •  Web  analy>cs  team  main  focus  is  developing  predic>ve  analy>cs  models  and  deploying  them  

in  the  form  of  website  business  rules  and  triggers  to  change  the  site  experience  on  an  individual  basis  

•  There  are  no  fixed  marke$ng  budgets  and  spending  is  quickly  repriori>zed  depending  on  the  current  mix  and  profitability  of  acquisi>on  ac>vi>es  

•  There  is  a  culture  of  measurement  within  all  departments  and  opera>ng  divisions  of  the  company  


What  –  Measurement  &  Accountability  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  Copyright © 2013, SiteTuners - All Rights Reserved. @tim_ash

Why  –  Process  &  Culture  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

Who  controls  your  company’s  des$ny?  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  There  are  no  formal  processes  for  CRO  •  Marke$ng  is  driven  by  branding  and  crea>ve  campaigns  •  Financial  rewards  are  not  >ed  to  improvements  in  online  efficiencies  •  There  is  no  execu$ve  management  awareness  of  CRO  •  Posi>oning,  messaging,  product  offerings  are  largely  defined  by  brand/marke>ng  •  Offline  and  broadcast  content  and  messaging  is  reused  without  changes  for  the  web  


Why  –  Process  &  Culture  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  There  are  formal  processes  for  tac$cal  split  tes$ng  •  Marke>ng  is  driven  by  a  mix  of  crea>ve  campaigns  and  high-­‐impact  CRO  ac>vi>es  •  Some  teams  or  opera>ng  divisions  have  compensa$on  $ed  par$ally  to  improvements  in  

online  efficiencies  •  There  is  some  execu$ve  management  awareness  of  CRO,  but  not  much  ac>ve  support  

(championing  of  projects  or  ini>a>ves)  •  There  are  turf  issues  between  accountability-­‐driven  teams  and  brand/marke>ng  


Why  –  Process  &  Culture  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  There  are  formal  processes  for  tac$cal  split  tes$ng  and  implemen>ng  permanent  changes  based  on  winning  test  versions  

•  Marke$ng  is  driven  mostly  by  high-­‐impact  CRO  ac$vi$es  •  All  opera>ng  divisions  have  compensa>on  >ed  to  improvements  in  online  efficiencies  •  There  is  broad  execu$ve  management  awareness  of  CRO,  and  some  ac>ve  support  for  

projects  or  ini>a>ves  that  are  on  a  long-­‐term  roadmap  created  by  execu>ve  management  •  Web  visitor  behavior  and  the  results  of  CRO  ac>vi>es  are  informally  fed  back  to  marke>ng  to  

revise  value  proposi>ons  and  product  offerings  


Why  –  Process  &  Culture  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

•  There  are  ongoing  and  largely  automated  processes  for  tac$cal  split  tes$ng  and  implemen>ng  permanent  changes  based  on  winning  test  versions  

•  Marke>ng  is  driven  exclusively  by  high-­‐impact  CRO  ac$vi$es  which  are  priori>zed  via  a  structured  submission  and  evalua>on  process  

•  All  opera$ng  divisions  have  compensa$on  $ed  to  improvements  in  online  efficiencies  •  There  is  universal  execu>ve  management  awareness  of  CRO,  and  ac$ve  support  for  all  

projects  ini$ated  by  the  CRO  group  •  There  is  solid  coopera$on  among  all  departments  •  Web  visitor  behavior  and  the  results  of  CRO  ac>vi>es  are  ac/vely  and  systema/cally  fed  back  

to  marke>ng  to  create  new  value  proposi>ons  and  product  offerings  


Why  –  Process  &  Culture  

Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  Copyright © 2013, SiteTuners - All Rights Reserved. @tim_ash

Final  Thoughts  

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Not  all  dimensions  will  be  at  the  same  stage  

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The  Keys  to  Success  

•  Dedica$on  –  Some  people  in  your  organiza>on  must  have  CRO  as  their  only  job,  and  have  higher-­‐level  support  

•  Honesty  –  Problems  and  shortcomings  should  be  addressed  directly  &  openly  

•  Focus  –  Well-­‐defined  business  goals  should  be  set,  executed,  tracked,  and  incen>vized    

•  Flexibility  –  Everything  should  be  quickly  changed  when  necessary:  business  models,  branding,  allocated  resources,  and  tools  

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Copyright  ©  2014,  SiteTuners  –  All  Rights  Reserved. #Op$Con2014    @$m_ash  

The  Conversion  Maturity  Model  A  Roadmap  to  Profitability    Tim  Ash  

CEO  SiteTuners  @>m_ash