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Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

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Page 1: Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

Target ‘Day of Week’ & ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad


Negative Keywords Tool

Page 2: Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

Why Should You Make Ad Schedule Changes?

Ad schedule serves the following purpose for your campaign:

Reaches your potential audience at the right time of the day or day of the week

Saves unwanted spend on ad clicks received during non-performing times or day(s)

Optimizes your campaign’s performance by improved click-through-rates and conversion rates


Page 3: Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

Why Should You Make Ad Schedule Changes?


Delivers your ads only during your businesses operational time or day(s)

With the option of bid adjustment you can choose to show your ad even during low-performing day(s) or hour(s), but still end up spending less

Alternately you can increase your bids for the peek time, hence driving more results


Page 4: Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

Add Ad Schedule To Your Campaign


Step 1: Go to the settings and select your campaign

Step 2: Go to ‘Targeting Options’ and expand ‘Ad Scheduling’ to select the ‘day(s)’ or ‘hour(s)’ when you wish to run your ad

Page 5: Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

Review Campaign’s Performing or Under-performing Day(s) or Hour(s)

you can view the details under the ‘Dimensions’

tab and select ‘Day of Week’ or ‘Hour of day’ to see which day(s) or

hour(s) are more productive.


Page 6: Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

Adjust Bidding For Day(s) or Hour(s)


you can increase or decrease your bidding for your desired day(s) or hour(s) depending on how they are performing or what your business target is

Page 7: Target ‘Day of Week’ and ‘Time’ With Bing Ads Ad Scheduling

Ad Scheduling is a saviour for businesses that have operational specifications or are more keen to drive results on

certain days.


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