Stop Creating Accidental Content How You Can Become an Intentional Content Rockstar

Stop Creating Accidental Content, Jess Ostroff, Social Fresh Conference 2016

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Stop Creating Accidental ContentHow You Can Become an Intentional Content Rockstar


51% of marketers cite lack of time/bandwidth to create content as their biggest challenge.

- LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community



“People call me a rock star. And I go, ‘Don’t call me that. If you have to call me anything, call me a chameleon.’”

- Meat Loaf (and content marketers everywhere)


Source: Disney’s The Lion King

“Everything the light touches is content.”

- Ann Handley,MarketingProfs



What if you could create twice the

content in half the time?

Goals Before Tactics Audience Action Messaging


Success is relative.


Embrace small wins.




Content Brief Audience Timeline Players Promotion Metrics





“The talking about the thing isn’t the thing. The doing of the thing is the thing.”

- Amy Poehler, Actress


“We believed anything that was worth doing was worth overdoing.”

- Steven Tyler,Aerosmith





Do the Damn Thing UFD Edit MVP Polish Atomize


“Content marketing is a commitment, not a campaign.”

- Jon Buscall,Moondog Marketing


AtomizationPull-quote graphicsLive streamsSlidesharesPodcasts/sound bitesRetargeting adsBlog postsTargeted email blastsSponsored social media postsVideo teasers


“Power doesn’t come from content. Power comes from content that MOVES.”

- Mark Schaefer,Keynote Speaker



Delegation FTW


Just because you can, doesn’t mean you


Goals first (tactics second) Planning is sexy Create efficiently Atomize everything Celebrate small wins


- Bono,Musician


“As a rock star, I have two instincts: I want to have fun, and I want to change the world. I have a chance to do both.”

Stop creating accidental content.

Start creating intentional content.


Jess Ostroffdontpanicmgmt.com@[email protected]