The Rubiqube Ad Platform therubiqube.com 2016

Rubiqube ad platform

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The Rubiqube Ad Platform

therubiqube.com 2016



therubiqube.com 2016

advertising platform seeks to drive monetization opportunities for publishers/developers,

while providing customers.

advertisers with highly engaged

% of your users are not willing to pay you any money

you are leaving tons of money on the table

The Challenge

therubiqube.com 2016

RubiQube allows users purchase or subscribe for services & content by viewing short video advertisements.

What we offer

User needs to buy a his favourite song from a music streaming app. But doesn’t want to pay

He can simply watch a 15-30sec video advert and he automatically pays to download the song

We pay the publisher, the price of each and every song the end user gets.

We are the PayPal of advertising

therubiqube.com 2016

We place these ads on publisher ’s app/websites

The publisher grants its users paid in-app goods in exchange for viewing an

advert Brands/Advertisers give us advertisements to run campaigns

Users get to purchase for the in- app goods by watching ads

How it works

therubiqube.com 2016


We are offering You a fit-for-purpose advertising solution that ensures improved Life time value (LTV) of its customers and effectively monetize its non paying users.

Using a Cost Per Completed Video (CPCV) model you get to keep 60% of the net ad revenues on every completed video.

therubiqube.com 2016

Great increase in revenues You stand to make more revenue from Non-paying users.

No money should be left on the Table.

Increased Life Time Value Non-paying users usually tend to leave an app when asked to pay. With RubiQube, they get to watch more movies and listen to great music for free and stay much longer


therubiqube.com 2016

Our APIs are integrated through a javascript snippet on your website

Integration Integration is easy, safe, secure and highly optimized

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A button will appear in your website with the offer

Integration Integration is easy, safe, secure and highly optimized

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A short video advert comes up on the screen for the user to view, after which, his free subscription is activated

Integration Integration is easy, safe, secure and highly optimized

therubiqube.com 2016

Contact us

For Further information, please contact: Mukhtar Oyewo [email protected] +2348136063725

therubiqube.com 2016