MOBILE CPA 4 Steps for Web and Mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Phone) Click on ad banner: New user arrives at the RecargaPay Web Landing Page. Register: User registers with RecargaPay (Email and Credit Card details), they choose the top up amount. Amount can be as low as a few BRLs. Purchase: User Tops ups (Recharges) their pre-paid mobile phone. Successful purchases trigger a server-to-server postback in aff.recargapay.com Payout of up to R$15 per CPA. 1 2 3 $ 4 1 2 3 $ 4 Click on Ad banner: New user arrives at the RecargaPay app page. Download app: User installs the RecargaPay app for iOS, Android or Windows Phone. Purchase: User Tops ups (Recharges) their pre-paid mobile phone. Successful purchases trigger a server-to-server postback in aff.recargapay.com The content of this document is information of a general nature only and not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity; not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date. Payout of up to R$15 per CPA. WEB

RecargaPay CPA Offers Lead Flow

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CPA 4 Steps for Web and Mobile(iOS, Android, Windows Phone)

Click on ad banner:New user arrives at the RecargaPay Web Landing Page.

Register:User registers with RecargaPay (Email and Credit Card details), they choose the top up amount. Amount can be as low as a few BRLs.

Purchase: User Tops ups (Recharges) their pre-paid mobile phone. Successful purchases trigger a server-to-server postback in aff.recargapay.com

Payout of up to R$15 per CPA.









Click on Ad banner:New user arrives at the RecargaPay app page.

Download app:User installs the RecargaPay app for iOS, Androidor Windows Phone.

Purchase: User Tops ups (Recharges) their pre-paid mobile phone. Successful purchases trigger a server-to-server postback in aff.recargapay.com

The content of this document is information of a general nature only and not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity; not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date.

Payout of up to R$15 per CPA.