RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 1 USE CASES FOR RAINKING’S MARKETO WEBHOOK Once you’ve set up RainKing’s Marketo webhook (which takes maybe 10 minutes) you can automatically pull information from RainKing into Marketo. This has tons of value. Whether you’re pulling data from RainKing whenever a Lead is created or running Smart Lists through RainKing this webhook works automatically to keep your records updated with RainKing’s high quality database. Set it, forget it, and keep your records up-to-date. Here are some basic use-cases for RainKing’s Marketo webhook: 1. Pull in RainKing data whenever a Lead is created 2. Aggregate all records missing fields and run them through RainKing to update 3. Schedule a campaign to update records from RainKing 4. Track records that are – and aren’t – updated from RainKing

RainKing's Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

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RainKing's Marketo webhook automatically keeps your records in Marketo up-to-date with RainKing. The webhook can be called whenever a Lead is created to ensure all fields are populated as soon as a Lead comes into your system. Other campaigns can be built to collect records missing data and get updates from RainKing or to schedule updates from RainKing

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Page 1: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 1

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 1


Once you’ve set up RainKing’s Marketo webhook (which takes maybe 10 minutes) you can automatically pull information from RainKing into Marketo. This has tons of value. Whether you’re pulling data from RainKing whenever a Lead is created or running Smart Lists through RainKing this webhook works automatically to keep your records updated with RainKing’s high quality database. Set it, forget it, and keep your records up-to-date. Here are some basic use-cases for RainKing’s Marketo webhook:

1. Pull in RainKing data whenever a Lead is created 2. Aggregate all records missing fields and run them through RainKing to update 3. Schedule a campaign to update records from RainKing 4. Track records that are – and aren’t – updated from RainKing

Page 2: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 2

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 2

PULL IN RAINKING DATA WHENEVER A LEAD IS CREATED 1.) In Marketo, under Marketing Activites, select to create a new Smart Campaign:

2.) In the Smart List step, add the Trigger, “Lead is Created”:

Page 3: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 3

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 3

3.) In the Flow Setp add over, “Call Webhook” and select the RainKing webhook:

4.) In the Schedule step select to Activate the Campaign:

5.) All new Leads created in Marketo will now automatically pull in RainKing data! The Results tab in this Smart Campaign can be used to monitor the records updated.

Page 4: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 4

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 4

AGGREGATE RECORDS MISSING FIELDS AND RUN THEM THROUGH RAINKING 1.) In Marketo, create a new Program to update records from RainKing and add a List to the Program to collect all records missing fields:

2.) In the Program to update records from RainKing, create a new Smart Campaign to aggregate records missing fields and add them to the List of records missing fields:

Page 5: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 5

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 5

3.) The Smart List for this Smart Campaign is all Filters for missing data – records where the Company Name, Job Title, Annual Revenue, or Number of Employees is blank. Make sure to set the Smart List to Use ANY Filters:

4.) The Flow Step for this Smart Campaign is to Add to List and select the List created earlier to collect all records missing fields:

Page 6: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 6

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 6

5.) Because the Smart List for this Campaign is all filters it needs to be scheduled. You can select to Run Once and then schedule the campaign to run as often as you’d like. As the Campaign runs, Leads missing fields will be added to the List.

6.) Create a new Smart Campaign to take records added to this List and call the RainKing webhook:

Page 7: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 7

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 7

6.) The Smart List for this new Smart Campaign is a Trigger of “Added to List” and the List is the List created earlier to aggregate records missing fields:

7.) The Flow Step is Call the RainKing Webhook:

8.) In the Schedule Step Activate this Smart Campaign. Now you have a Campaign that aggregates records missing fields and a Campaign to call RainKing to update those records with data! This will keep your database up-to-date and populated.

Page 8: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 8

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 8

SCHEDULE A CAMPAIGN TO UPDATE RECORDS FROM RAINKING 1.) Create a new List in Marketo to collect all records that have not been updated in the past 90 days:

2.) Create a new Smart Campaign to add records to this list.

Page 9: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 9

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 9

3.) The Smart List for this Smart Campaign is an Inactivity Filter for Not Data Value Changed and the Attribute is “Updated At” in the Past 90 Days:

4.) The Flow Step for this Smart Campaign is to Add to List and the List is the List just created to collect records that haven’t been updated:

Page 10: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 10

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 10

5.) Because this is a Filter campaign (filtering for records that haven’t been updated) you’ll need to schedule it to run. You can select to Run Once and then Schedule the Campaign to run Daily:

6.) Once the campaign is scheduled and activated Leads will be added to this List when they haven’t been updated in 90 days. 7.) Create a new Smart Campaign to take Leads added to the List created earlier and call the RainKing webhook:

Page 11: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 11

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 11

8.) The Smart List for this Smart Campaign is the Trigger “Added to List”, then select the List of records that haven’t been updated in 90 days:

9.) The Flow Step for this Smart Campaign it to Call the RainKing Webhook:

Page 12: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 12

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 12

10.) Since this is a Trigger Campaign the Schedule can simply be to Activate the Campaign. Once this Campaign, and the Campaign built earlier, are activated Leads that haven’t been updated in 90 days will be added to a List. That action will then trigger this Campaign to call RainKing and pull back updated data for these records. Your Marketo Database will now remain aligned with RainKing updating every 90 days! 11.) It is worth considering building a Smart Campaign to collect records that call RainKing’s webhook and DO NOT return data. If a record returns data from RainKing at one point but later does not return data from RainKing that means it’s likely the record was removed from RainKing. If a record was removed from RainKing it means the contact has retired, changed jobs, or otherwise changed information. You may want to remove these records from your Marketo activities.

Page 13: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 13

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 13

TRACK RECORDS THAT ARE – AND AREN’T – UPDATED FROM RAINKING 1.) Create a List in Marketo to collect all records updated from RainKing:

2.) Create a Smart Campaign to add records to this List:

Page 14: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 14

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 14

3.) The Smart List for this Smart Campaign is the Filter “Webhook is Called”. The Webhook is the RainKing Webhook and the Date of Activity is “In Past 30 days” (this will collect all times the webhook is called):

4.) The Flow Step is “Add to List” and the List is the “Records Updated from RainKing” List created earlier:

Page 15: RainKing's Marketo Webhook:  Use Cases

RainKing “Juice” Beta Program Welcome Guide

Property of RainKing Online. Proprietary and Confidential. Not for distribution. ©2012 15

RainKing-Marketo Webhook: Use Cases

Property of RainKing Software, Inc. For use by authorized customers only. Not for distribution. ©2014 15

5.) Since this is a Filter Campaign it has to be scheduled. You can Run Once and then Schedule it to run every day, week or month:

6.) The List created to collect all records updated by RainKing’s webhook will begin populating with all records updated from RainKing’s webhook.