KEN kisselman [email protected] potentialPOV Healthcare and Interactive 1. Healthcare has a diverse, universal, and constantly regenerating marketplace Our species is growing unsustainably and living longer; straining environments and biology The largest share of Americans are currently only becoming older, less active, fatter, and sicker All people desire to preserve health and extend life utilizing the best options available to them Faith in ‘monolithic western medicine’ is fragmenting to incorporate alternate options/opinions 2. Interactive communications and technology are evolving wellness culture Industrial revolution established the belief that life is made better through science/technology Information revolution promoted every individual to researcher and self-diagnoser/healer Cybernetics, wearables, and mobile devices structure patient lifestyle and create data nodes Virtual professional community, ERM, and in-office technology use transform HPC practice 3. The pharma industry operates around a “problem-solution” equation Public Relations creates a supportive cultural climate for disease and product related ideas Disease Awareness and Education drives consumer demand for prevention/treatment Once the ‘problem’ is established, product(s) are marketed as a preventive/curative ‘solution’ Persistence/compliance drive efficacy creating a standard of care becoming eventually generic 4. Interactive is the persistent core of a multichannel communication ecosystem Traditional tactics elevate cultural and individual awareness in order to drive patient to HCP Elevated awareness ‘push’ inspires increased ‘pull’ for on-demand customized education Technology-enabled sales force and self-service interactive presence measurably message Omni-channel strategy should begin @interactive rippling outward to draw target/user back in 5. Integrated eRM and cross-channel message personalization is the future of ROI Product demand is driven by patients (consumers) but decision is controlled by HCP (prescriber) Patients can opt in for qualitative RM and are quantitatively track-able in aggregate/segment HCPs are a known quantity defined by product indication and track-able by professional credential Individual multichannel behavior should inform big data learning plan driven personalization Industry restrictions and ‘prescribing dynamic’ create challenges for marketers Purchase behavior is based [primarily] on HCP/HMO choice not end-consumer preference Marketing communication carries ‘healthcare baggage’ unlike mainstream CPG or services Marketing claims and adverse event responsiveness can have life or death consequences Consequently there is extensive industry self-policing and legal precaution I enjoy the challenge And the opportunities 1

potentialKEN POV: Healthcare, Pharma, and Integrated Interactive

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Page 1: potentialKEN POV: Healthcare, Pharma, and Integrated Interactive

KEN [email protected]

potentialPOV Healthcare and Interactive

1. Healthcare has a diverse, universal, and constantly regenerating marketplace

• Our species is growing unsustainably and living longer; straining environments and biology

• The largest share of Americans are currently only becoming older, less active, fatter, and sicker

• All people desire to preserve health and extend life utilizing the best options available to them

• Faith in ‘monolithic western medicine’ is fragmenting to incorporate alternate options/opinions

2. Interactive communications and technology are evolving wellness culture

• Industrial revolution established the belief that life is made better through science/technology

• Information revolution promoted every individual to researcher and self-diagnoser/healer

• Cybernetics, wearables, and mobile devices structure patient lifestyle and create data nodes

• Virtual professional community, ERM, and in-office technology use transform HPC practice

3. The pharma industry operates around a “problem-solution” equation

• Public Relations creates a supportive cultural climate for disease and product related ideas

• Disease Awareness and Education drives consumer demand for prevention/treatment

• Once the ‘problem’ is established, product(s) are marketed as a preventive/curative ‘solution’

• Persistence/compliance drive efficacy creating a standard of care becoming eventually generic

4. Interactive is the persistent core of a multichannel communication ecosystem

• Traditional tactics elevate cultural and individual awareness in order to drive patient to HCP

• Elevated awareness ‘push’ inspires increased ‘pull’ for on-demand customized education

• Technology-enabled sales force and self-service interactive presence measurably message

• Omni-channel strategy should begin @interactive rippling outward to draw target/user back in

5. Integrated eRM and cross-channel message personalization is the future of ROI

• Product demand is driven by patients (consumers) but decision is controlled by HCP (prescriber)

• Patients can opt in for qualitative RM and are quantitatively track-able in aggregate/segment

• HCPs are a known quantity defined by product indication and track-able by professional credential

• Individual multichannel behavior should inform big data learning plan driven personalization

• Industry restrictions and ‘prescribing dynamic’ create challenges for marketers

• Purchase behavior is based [primarily] on HCP/HMO choice not end-consumer preference

• Marketing communication carries ‘healthcare baggage’ unlike mainstream CPG or services

• Marketing claims and adverse event responsiveness can have life or death consequences

• Consequently there is extensive industry self-policing and legal precaution

• I enjoy the challenge

• And the opportunities


Page 2: potentialKEN POV: Healthcare, Pharma, and Integrated Interactive

KEN [email protected]

Past Healthcare Projects Include



Stendra, Vascepa, Pfizer OTC – 2014 Working With T!E Consulting

• Consulted facilitating ideation and providing strategic guidance for pitches and tactical planning

Elestrine – September 2010 Working With Compass

• Consulted facilitating ideation for viral video support for Hormone Replacement Therapy

Opana – August 2007 Working for Electronic Ink

• Consulted drafting and presenting iAOR annual communications and tactical plan for C2 Opiate

BMS Oncology – January 2009 – April 2009 Working With Encima

• Consulted on integrated interactive performance analysis and recommendations

GSK HCP RM and Tablet PC Detailing – September 2006 – March 2007 Working With Empathy Lab

• Consulted facilitating interdisciplinary cross-campus ideation and drafting 3-5 year enterprise strategy

Gardasil and RotaTeq – January 2005 – August 2006 Working for Refinery

• Led integrated interactive channel strategy for disease education & vaccine launch (patient, HCP. PR)

Other Merck Initiatives – January 2005 – August 2006 Working for Refinery

• Consulted to portal upgrades, global templating & analytics, and ad hoc pharmaceutical brand ideation

Acuvue – November 2003 – November 2004 Working for MarcketSource

• Led experimental integrated media initiatives to drive trial, acquisition, segmentation, and retention

Imodium, Reach, Tylenol, etc. – September 2003 – November 2004 Working for MarcketSource

• Planned, managed, analyzed, and optimized annual and promotional online media campaigns

Splenda – December 2003 Working for MarcketSource

• Drafted landscape analysis and annual interactive communications plan

March Of Dimes – December 1998 – November 1999 Working for Macromedia: Online Division

• Developed first website and interactive campaigns for nonprofit NJ health initiatives

Longevity Institute – August 1998 – November 1999 Working for Macromedia: Online Division

• Developed website and campaigns for consortium of anti-aging HCPs

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#Doctor #Patient#ProscribingConversation




#Offline#InOffice #Interactive











#Segmentation #Retention











