Pitch Perfect !: 7 easy ways to say a lot more in 5 minutes

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3/21/2015 Pitch perfect 3

3/21/2015 Pitch perfect 4

Problem Promise Proof Profit Passion

3/21/2015 Pitch perfect


3/21/2015 Pitch perfect


3/21/2015 11 Pitch perfect



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Successful stories help to realign your interest.

You are not done until they say, “Ahha! I got it!”

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3/21/2015 25 Pitch perfect

Most presentations are made here…

Success is later

you gotta put in the effort to simplify !

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3/21/2015 29 Pitch perfect

Bryan has built 10 companies in 6 countries. His track record is 8 wins, 1 break-even and 1 failure. Bryan recently moved from building companies to helping entrepreneurs build their dreams. He is currently director of the Founders Institute Brussels, lead mentor in Inacademy (The World's Largest Entrepreneurship Summer School), and works as a startup business coach. In addition to working with start-ups, he helps larger companies create and build innovative businesses ideas as the Managing Director of Fast Bridge Consulting. He has also worked as professor of New Product Marketing (4 years KU Leuven) and Innovation Management (Solvay 1 year). Bryan is a passionate believer in everyone’s ability to innovate/build new businesses. He is currently working on a book “How to Innovate like a (successful) start-up”. This book is being written for people interested in innovating faster/better with lower risk.

www.linkedin.com/in/bryancassady @bryancassady [email protected] +32-475-860-757