Online Marketing for Cosmetic Surgeons

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As many know, we are an online marketing company. One of our specialties is marketing for cosmetic surgery. In this e-book we will do a deep dive into the strategies, channels and platforms needed for effective online, inbound marketing for cosmetic surgery. At the end of this we hope to have better educated our readers about how a cosmetic surgery company can effectively market themselves online.

We will cover five main areas: local search, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, online reviews, and metrics and analytics.

In local search we will show businesses the importance of being able to be effectively found locally. This should be obvious for a business — however some still miss it. We will give some insight into how our company helps enhance the local search experience for our clients. Local search is an important part to online marketing for location-based service businesses such as cosmetic surgery.

When a company does email marketing they are able to stay in contact with current and former customers. They can quickly remind the customer they are still out there. A company can send important updates to their customer also. These things ring true specifically to cosmetic surgery. Whether it’s an update about a service their clients’ cosmetic surgery system may need or a checklist of preparations they need for an upcoming season change, all of these things can help a cosmetic surgery company nurture their relationships with their customer base and maintain top-of-mind awareness.

One of the strongholds in online marketing is pay-per click advertising. This puts a company right where they want to be found in a very short amount of time. Literally, at a price per click. With pay-per click advertising a cosmetic surgery company could place itself at the forefront of every search done for cosmetic surgery and soon see website traffic and potential business pouring in.

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Next we will cover online reviews. In today’s world, people go online to verify the trustworthiness and quality of companies that they might do business with. What verifies a business better than trustworthy reviews? This is something which every business should be doing. With an online marketing strategy a cosmetic surgery company can begin to work with their customers to encourage active reviews in order to help boost the business’s rapport online.

We will conclude with tracking and measurement: how to measure the impact on your bottom line. How many sales leads is your business receiving? Where are they coming from? Which content on your website is bringing in the best leads? Which marketing channel is the most effective? In this article we will cover the basics of tracking and measurement to measure and grow your company’s sales.

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Let’s start with our first topic: local search. There are three main areas which we will cover: what is local search, what are its benefits, and how to enhance your company’s local search.

What is Local Search? Much like the yellow pages of yesteryear, local search helps a business or individual be found by their prospects. When someone goes to seek out business services such as residential cosmetic surgery services, they will search online, usually on either Google or Bing. If a business’ website has been well-optimized for local search, then that business will featured more prominently in the search results for web searchers in the same geographic area. So when Joe goes to look for a cosmetic surgery company, the company which has been optimized for Joe’s geographic area — say Littleton, Colorado, for instance — is going to be found faster than a company in Littleton which is not. This is the basic way that local search works. With local search, your time and work investments will result in improved listings in search results online.

Why is Local Search Beneficial? Local search will help your cosmetic surgery company to be seen and found. As a locally-focused company you are going to want to be specifically available in the cities and regions you service. Local search determines the winners and losers for local contracting companies such as cosmetic surgery businesses. There are many times a local business simply puts together a website and does not consider local search optimization. These businesses typically suffer poorer visibility and a large opportunity cost of lost sales. Optimizing for local search is a change which can benefit a company immensely.

What steps should be taken to enhance Local Search? With local search optimization there are some simple first steps which can be taken care of to help boost a your website. The first place to check is to make sure the name of the city in which the cosmetic surgery company resides, or the cities it services,

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are listed somewhere online — both on its own website and on third-party websites such as Google Places, Yelp, or Bing Local. A great resource for managing this is a free website called GetListed.org. Another booster is to be a part of the local Chamber of Commerce and other local business organizations. This will do something called link building, which demonstrates your company’s authority to search engines. The most effective way, though, is to hire a marketing agency which specializes in local search to help enhance your business visibility.

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Local search is just one of many effective online marketing channels for your company. Another channel — in fact, one of the most effective channels — is email marketing. Here we will discuss several reasons why email marketing is important, and why it works for cosmetic surgery.

Keep in Contact As with most businesses, maintaining customer relationships and top-of-mind awareness is tough. Building an opt-in email list and sharing valuable content with the people on your list is a great way to help them keep your business in front of their minds. As we look at more of the pros we will see that there are additional ways of expanding this simple concept of staying in touch as well. Doing this regularly and consistently, such as once a month every month, is a highly effective way of maintaining customer relationships.

Becoming Personable As a cosmetic surgery company, your technicians are key employees. They are working with the customers in their homes or businesses. Email is a great way to share information about each serviceman on staff: their backgrounds, their stories, interesting facts from their personal lives, etc. This way customers feel comfortable that they know who they are dealing with. This also works with the office and administrative staff as well. When people feel a personal connection they are more likely to continue doing business with that company.

Have Customers be Involved Involving your customers through can be done in several different ways. One of the largest ways is through contests and sweepstakes, where people are encouraged to do something in return for either an incentive or a chance at winning something. The entrance criteria can be as simple as joining your company’s Facebook page or as referring your business services to others. Or it could be more elaborate such as having contests, such as having users submit pictures of the strangest cosmetic surgery

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problem they’ve ever seen and having other vote on the best ones. Whatever it is, taking the time to get customers involved builds a community atmosphere around the business which will draw other potential clients in.

Offering Useful Tips This could be one thing that customers fall in love with the most if used correctly. Through an email marketing campaign, a cosmetic surgery company can share useful, education information to help the lives of its customers. Whether it’s a video on how to perform at-home checks in order to know when to call a serviceman or not, or a blog article on suggestions for preparing your home for the winter; the possibilities for this section are endless. It’s all about the quality and emphasis the company places on this section. Done in the right way, customers could be eagerly awaiting for the next email to be sent every time.

Preparing Customers for the Unexpected Sometimes the unexpected happens. Whether it’s through natural disasters, or simply a change in the weather; things happen. An email marketing list is great for a cosmetic surgery company to offer last-minute tips and reminders before upcoming natural events, especially if you live in a region prone to hurricanes, blizzards, or other large weather events. It’s also great for follow-up after said event. In the end it’s all about fulfilling a customer’s need before they even really realize it needs to be met.

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Pay-per-click advertising was a revolutionary pricing model when it first came out: Companies set up and run ads, and pay each time someone clicks on their ad. If someone doesn’t click their advertisement, the company does not pay. This is can be a difficult concept for some companies to master: trying to figure out the correct content to place in an advertisement in order to get clicks from sales-ready users (or deter the click for non-sales-ready users), as well as correctly writing and building out the landing page that the advertisement clicks through to. However, through research and implementation these difficulties can be resolved. There are many benefits to pay-per click advertising. This is what we will spend a majority of this article looking at.

Benefits of Pay-per Click Advertising

1. Location Based Searches Not only can pay-per click advertising be targeted by specific search keywords, it can also be targeted to geographic locations as well. This works great for cosmetic surgery; a cosmetic surgery company in Cleveland, for example, isn’t interested in connecting with people in San Diego. When a cosmetic surgery company wants to be visible in one location such as the particular zip codes in their service area, they simply set their online ads to only be displayed to online users in that geographic area. Then people in Cleveland searching cosmetic surgery service providers will see that company’s ads, but people in San Diego searching for cosmetic surgery service providers will not.

2. Credibility Believe it or not, a business can also build credibility through advertising. When a company is willing to advertise on an ongoing basis and people see its ads continuously over time, it lets them know that the business is in it for the long haul. They are invested in the community. Advertising is also used to reinforce the credibility a business has built over time through its other online channels. This is done through that company’s highlighting awards, accomplishments, or testimonials within the advertising campaign.

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3. Visibility Advertising in search engines helps move a business out of the online clutter. When a person searches and receives a sponsored link, they are seeing that business literally put at the top of the search results pile, so to speak. The person is seeing that business first, before they see its competitors. If the business has followed through with a strong local SEO program as well, they have a powerful marketing combination that will greatly increase the business they receive online.

4. Leads and Business You are up front. You have built not only a visible presence online but a credible one at that. Now people are buying into your services left and right! Some may have questions and might not be quite ready to buy. That’s ok; at least they are talking to you. This is truly what pay-per click advertising, like any form of advertising, is about: bringing in new or returning business.

5. SEO With the cosmetic surgery company being more visible, there are more people coming to the site. As more people come to the site, more people will link to the site, share the site on social media channels, or post online reviews for the site. With enough of this secondary SEO activity, it’s possible that eventually the company’s natural search profile will become so strong that they may not have to worry about using online advertising for visibility purposes anymore in the future!

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You can’t build a business based on anonymity. Online reviews are a huge factor in building trust with potential customers. We also know that online reviews can oftentimes be the first thing people see about a business. With this being the case, specifically for a service industry like the roofing industry, we highly encourage online reviews as a part of an online marketing strategy.

First things First In the online world we live in today, people search before they do anything else. Due to how Google ranks websites, Google reviews will oftentimes be the first thing people see about your company. If your site or company has been reviewed on other websites, those sites will oftentimes also show up on search result pages after Google reviews because of the natural SEO which they hold. So online reviews (or lack thereof) will be seen! Service industries like cosmetic surgery rely heavily on word-of-mouth. Online reviews work that way in today’s world. With this in mind, a company should have a plan on how they want to address online reviews. Knowing that this could make or break future business.

BENEFITS OF REVIEWSThe Decision Maker There are many times where people are new prospects and have no references on who to turn to. By going online they have the opportunity to evaluate a company. When a company has positive online reviews it can lead the prospect to pick up the phone and call that company to hire them.

“Social Proof” Obviously a positive review will help steer clients towards your business. We all know the importance of a good word and how far that can go for making a decision. Having online reviews builds credibility about your business, causing people to be more interested in your company compared with your review-less competitors.

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Repeat Business A good online review can encourage repeat business. Maybe someone had a negative experience with your company once (hey, it happens to all of us!). They see all of the positive reviews online and decide to give you a second chance. Maybe a customer is looking at cut-rate services from your competition, but the positive online reviews for your company outweigh the lower prices of your competition. These are just some of the ways in which having a positive review set can benefit your company.

SEO It’s hard for some people to believe, but “ranking number one” is not the only search engine optimization factor that you should be considering. Imagine if you searched for a local cosmetic surgery contractor and are looking through the search results. The company listed in the top spot has zero online reviews linked to its search listing. But the company on the third spot in the search results has 30 customer reviews, with an average 90% score overall. Which company are you more likely to contact to help you? The third company of course!

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In our final chapter in online marketing for cosmetic surgery we will look at tracking and measurement. Tracking and analytics go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. The beauty is they truly build upon themselves. In online marketing, tracking is the front end. Tracking compiles data about visitor activity in order to learn more about them. Then comes analytics, which takes that data and creates data systems for businesses to measure and evaluate their marketing effectiveness. There are many tools online with which a person can start using tracking and measurement. These are built to help a website not only increase its viewing traffic, but also generate sales.

Tracking Follow-up is important. With online marketing tools, tracking can be a breeze. When tracking, a cosmetic surgery company can find consumers to target their services toward. Long-term tracking can help a company know how to adjust themselves in order to increase sales and customer satisfaction. As a company tracks visitor data they are able to learn more about how they fit amongst the competition. There really isn’t a place now where tracking isn’t needed.

We are looking at tracking before analytics because in tracking comes first and analytics comes second. In online marketing, ads can be tracked to know which advertisements are most effective in connecting with prospects. In tracking online marketing a company can also see which links are clicked more and then decide how to design a marketing campaign around that data, which can be compiled through measuring tools.

Analytics What good is doing something if you cannot quantify it? We all know that in business it is best when something can be measured. The internet provides great tools in which to measure both current and potential business. This can help a company know how effective their marketing plans are.

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With online measuring tools, a company can assess how many clicks they are receiving through individual links. This way they can know which links are drawing in customers and thus be able to focus their efforts in those areas.

Also, with online measuring tools, plumbers can measure how many people are seeking more information. They can then also measure how many of those information-seeking people actually buy into the services offered by their company. They then can use this data to go back to the beginning and further improve their future marketing campaigns and programs. This becomes a virtuous cycle of continuous planning, implementation and improvement, from beginning to end. Implement local SEO programs, pay-per-click campaigns, email campaigns, and other marketing channels. Track and measure the data from them to collect feedback on what worked and what didn’t. Use that data to then implement new and improved SEO, pay-per-click, and email marketing campaigns. Wash, rinse, repeat!

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