National institute of higher education system is providing training and development in sl (dec, slim)

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Page 1: National institute of higher education system is providing training and development in sl (dec, slim)

Nothing you say matters; unless, it matters to me.







Page 2: National institute of higher education system is providing training and development in sl (dec, slim)

Table of Contains

1. Executive Summery

2. Introduction & Background

3. Effective Communication

4. Effective communication ways

4.1 Internal – Operational Communication

4.2 External– Operational Communication

4.3 Personal Communication

5. The key ingreediance NIHES has to follow in effective communication

5.1 Correctness

5.2 Courteous

5.3 Complete

5.4 Concise

5.5 Clear

6. Target Audience

6.1 Student

6.2 Parents

6.3 Government

6.4 General public

6.5 Prospective employers

7. Appeals to be used

7.1 Ethos (Credibility)/Ethical appeal

7.2 Pathos /Emotional Appeal

7.3 Logos/Logical Appeal

8. Good will building techniques and messages

8.1 Conversational Style

8.2 Avoid Rubber Stamp

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8.3 Avoid harshness

8.4 Be sincerity

8.5 Courtesy

8.6 Avoid Sexism Resin and Sensitive Area

8.7 Role of Emphasis

8.8 You View Point

9. Choice of Words Used

10. Graphics

11. Suggestions and Recommendations

12. Findings &Conclusion

13. Annexure

14. Reference

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1. Executive Summary

This assignment is based on type of the National Institute of Higher Education System is

providing training and development in sri lanka, now is planning to start a degree providing

school for the institute. Therefore it is need to communicate with the public. That means target

market which is students and parents.

Therefore, this assignment based on to identify and recommend effective communication

methods and tools that NIHES would need to use for them to successfully attract students,

meeting both the national and Institutional objectives

Main objective of this report is to identify and recommend effective communication methods and

tools that NIHES would need to use to attract student successfully. It is intended to provide

education to more and more student and make the Youth of Sri Lanka more educated, so that

they get more opportunities and become valuable people to the country. Also NIHES would

become more profitable in to provide greater service to the country.

This assignment analyzes the some communication technique and the suggestion and

recommendation to develop the scenario. Some graphics have been used to get the attention and

create awareness towards the university and its facilities. Finally end u with a conclusion


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2. Introduction and Background

The National Institute of Higher Education System is providing training and development in

Srilanka, now is planning to start a degree providing school for the institute. Therefore it is need

to communicate with the public. That means target market which is students and parents. Being a

government institute, they are focused on the customer- driven- focus of the private – sector and

have decided to start a Degree- Providing School for the institute.

Their plans are to build and operate a new campus accommodating 10,000 students initially with

room for expansion to 3 times. This „campus‟ will have state-of-the-art university-type class

rooms, library, recreation, Communications Connectivity, including on-site kitchens and

restaurants promising to provide the Youth of Sri Lanka a secured future in achieving their

dreams of achieving professional and academic success.

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3. Effective Communication

In the information age, we have to send, receive, and process huge numbers of messages every

day. But effective communication is about more than just exchanging information; it also about

understands the emotion behind the information. Effective communication can improve

relationships at home, work, and in social situations by deepening your connections to others and

improving teamwork, decision-making, and problem solving. It enables you to communicate

even negative or difficult messages without creating conflict or destroying trust. Effective

communication combines a set of skills including nonverbal communication, attentive listening,

the ability to manage stress in the moment, and the capacity to recognize and understand your

own emotions and those of the person you‟re communicating with.

As National Institute of Higher Education Synergies if you follow effective communication skills

that will help you to improve your knowledge, improve your income and also you can improve your

employability. Effective communication skill helps you to achieve success not only professional but also

it will help improve your personal life. (Figure 1, 2)

3.1 Effective communication ways

• Internal – Operational Communication

This kind of communication held within a business this kind of communication way helps you to

take an internal decision to develop NIHES .There for following communication method you can

follow internally.

Management discussions about NIHES development.

How we can reach the students.

Various reports – student registration, new entrance and guide books available

Internal Memos

Suggestions, ideas presented to management

Chats/exchange of messages

Among workers

• External– Operational Communication

The way you can communicate without siders it‟s called external communication. The exchange

of information should occur among an organization, other organizations, groups, or individuals

outside its formal structure. The goals of external communication are to facilitate cooperation

with NIHES‟ groups such as suppliers, shareholders and investors to present a favorable image

of an organization and its products or services to potential and actual customers and to society at


Source: BNET Business Dictionary

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The external communication ways are following;

Sales related communication

Communication with stationery supplier and service provider

Communication with government authorities and regulators

Communication with customers (student)

Communications with banks.

Advertising / Public relations

A variety of channels may be used for external communication, including face-to-face meetings,

print or broadcast media, and electronic communication technologies such as the Internet.

External communication includes the fields of PR, media relations, advertising, and marketing


• Personal Communication

Personal Communication are the Non business related exchanges of information and feelings

among people Helps to build and maintain relationships that are vital for the success of the

business Will effect on the attitude of employees and thereby on their performance. This can be

Effectiveness in both internal and external communication is vital to the success of NIHES.

3.2 The key ingredients NIHES has to follow in effective communication

6 Correctness

Refers to the corrections in grammar, word selection and use the punctuations and content. If

your message incorrect your target audience will be able to get wrong information.

Example: - Subject A is different than Subject B

Subject A is different from Subject B

7 Courteous

You have to be courteous with students and the other the other target audience.

For example:-

All of you settle your payment next week

Please settle your payment next week

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In the first sentence you can clearly see the harshness. This kind of words will break relationship

between student and the NIHES. The second sentence helps to have a good relationship with


8 Complete

Contain all information that it should contain

Example: -

The next lecture has been rescheduled

The next lecture has been rescheduled for 02 February 2013.

The lecture will be held at 5th

floor conference room, at 9.00 am

9 Concise

This emphasis to consist only that information required achieving the purpose. However, in the

process of achieving conciseness one should not sacrifice clarity, completeness and courteous.

For example “After much consideration, I have come to the conclusion that we must change our

lecture schedule “.This sentence is too long you can present this in shot “I have decided to

change our lecture schedule “.

10 Clear

Clarity is the system of counterbalance. Your word choice sentences, paragraph construction and

overall construction of the message have to be clear.

4. Target Audience (Figure 3)

NIHES has to always remember who your target audience is.

Student– The students who you going to reach they after A/L and also they can be come

from upper middle classes. Student should understand what you say.Their mind set not

only concentrate on studies. There for have to allocate time not only studies but also for

their fun time activities.

Parents-NIHES has to consider not only students but also the parents. Student can be our

customer but purchasing power in the parent‟s hands. There for NIHES has to satisfy

parent‟s expectation.

Government-The government kind of university grant commission looking NIHES.

There for you should have to communicate with them.

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General public-Public has various opinions about Sri Lankan university. The message

which you say for the public that has to say very simply and clearly. NIHES can pass the

messages from our tag line, posters, advertisement etc.

Prospective employers-The employers who is in NIHES who helps to develop your

university. NIHES can improve their personal skills because then only they can promote

your university they have to by trainee programs and job studies. You have to guide them

friendly manner. At the same time NIHES can offer part time jobs for student who is


5. Appeals to be used

The Greek philosopher Aristotle divided the means of persuasion, appeals, into three categories

those are following.

Ethos (Credibility)/Ethical appeal

This appeal means convincing by the character of the author. A logical appeal is based on

evidence and reasoning. If NIHES present at least seems to be well founded and logical, it will

help you persuade. Other people those are logical. A logical appeal can pivot on a definition or

claim, regarding the property or nature of something. For example NIHES is a National provider

of training and development with over 20 years‟ experience in Sri Lanka and is now making

news in the education arena. Some researchers found NIHES can established their name in top

ten university list within 10 years. NIHES must describe the actual achievements of university in

order to convince audiences of the harm caused to human and animal life as well as the

environment. The activist must also explain terms, such as radioisotopes, the cloud seeding effect

and blast injuries, used in making claims about NIHES.

Source: - http://www.ehow.com/

Pathos /Emotional Appeal

This appeal describes emotion of reader. For example how NIHES use feelings to agree with

them. We can look at texts ranging from classic essays to contemporary advertisements to see

how pathos, emotional appeals, is used to persuade. Language choice affects the audience's

emotional response, and emotional appeal can effectively be used to enhance an argument. You

can sell NIHES logo printed T-shirts for every student who studies in there. This is also a kind of

emotional appeal.

Source: - http://www.answers.com/

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Logos/Logical Appeal

A logical appeal is based on evidence and reasoning. If what you present at least seems to be

well founded and logical, it will help you persuade. Other people that is logical. This kind of

appeal is an argument that draws on reason. For example research shows that students are

physiologically unable to use reason in the same way adults are.

6. Goodwill Building Techniques and Messages

NIHES can use several good will techniques to communicate with others. This will helps to win

the target audience mind. Those are following;

15. Conversational Style

Instead of writing friendly, conversational language we are try to use big words, stiff and stilled

words end of the result other side person get confuse at the same time you. There for use simple

words in conversation. For example “Enclosed herewith is the handbook about which you make

inquiry” simply you can say this “Enclosed is the hand book you asked about.

16. Avoid Rubber Stamp

Every time citrine words use again and again it will become rubber stamp. As soon as possible,

Last but not least, call the shot these words we use again and again. Try to avoid this kind of

words it never helps to build good will. You can avoid rubber stamp from your own conversation


17. Avoid harshness

Don‟t use hard words it will represent that you are in angry mood. For example “if you have read

our NIHES policy? Not let you to attend next lecture” .Avoid this kind of harshness and tell that

politely “We concern to advice that our NIHES policy not going to allow this so try to avoid next

time”. (Figure 4)

18. Be sincerity

Be sincere to the student and the other target audience doesn‟t over promise we will 100% do

this promise only what you can do. At the same time do more than what they are expecting.

(Figure 5)

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19. Courtesy

Generate friendly feeling among the target audience, treat them respect and use please, thank

you, sorry kind of words.

20. Avoid Sexism Resin and Sensitive Area

Use words which are neutral to men and women. “Sexist” words which is gender discrimination.

For example “If a student pays class fee, he is placed on our prefer list” in here the word he is

differentiate the gender. You can say this “If a student pays class fee, placed on our prefer list”.

Using coma is avoid gender differentiate.

The word “sensitive” it‟s not better in communication. Try to avoid this kind of words.

For example; “Sensitive to gender, life-cycle and privacy requirements”.

21. Role of Emphasis

This Emphasis on effective determination. Every item that you use to communicate should get

proper emphasis. The way of using emphasis is following

Emphasis by position-position determine the emphasis

Space and emphasis-If you give more space in topic it will gives more emphasis to

the redder

Sentence structure and emphasis-the structure of the sentence also most important

emphasis. If you avoid the structure it may be gives different meaning.

Mechanical structure and emphasis-fonts, color, line spacing are comes under

mechanical structure emphasis.

22. You View Point

This is the most impotent good will technique in communication. The word “you” influence the

person directly. You viewpoint emphasizes reader interest concern. Emphasize you and your

and de-emphasize we and ours. For example if you do not pay buy 15th

, you must pay penalty”.

You viewpoint is an attitude of mind. Even bad news situation benefit from you-viewpoint. For

example “we cannot give more time for your settlement”. You can say this you are please to

inform to settle the payment next class. The second sentence reducing harshness stunt or parents

can understand. (Figure 6)

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23. Choice of Words Used

Good writing is all about good word choice and proper ordering of those words. The first rule for

word choice is accuracy. The word has to be right, not close to right, not nearly right, should be

absolutely right.

Next, the word has to be appropriate for the context. Whatever meaning a word conjures in the

minds of the listeners is the way you should use it. Use words the way they're commonly used.

Word choice often determines whether or not you get your message across. Making poor word

choices and not writing appropriately for the audience can distract the reader so much that the

message you intended to convey is missed.

Source: - http://grammar.about.com

24. Channel to be used

Everyone must use effective channel of communication to get the feedback from audience, in

this scenario target audience is students and parents so the company must uses clear

communication channel to communicate.

Verbal – Seminar , TV interviews, career fair

Printed Medias - News Papers, Magazines

Electronic Medias - Television, Radios, Internet & Email

Social Medias – Face book, Twitter, Blog

Direct approaches - leaflets, hand bills, posters, cut-outs

(Figure 7)

Printed media like newspapers and magazines are very cheaper to advertise but electronic

Medias like TV, Radio, and Internet emails are mostly watched by students. Sometimes direct

approach is mostly effective.

25. . Graphics

Graphics meaning pictures description. It is very easy communication method because it is easy

to understand to explain our imagination. Graphic can explain various ideas about NIHES.

(Figure 8)

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7. Suggestions and Recommendations

Use Effective communication method to audience

Use good technique method to communicate

Use effective channel to communicate with audience

Use relevant Graphics to build a positive image on the university.

8. Findings &Conclusion

In this assignment we used techniques, methods effectively in order to communicate new

offering and create awareness about NIHES. All above mentioned communication methods will

give a positive feedback and NIHES will experience it continuously by following the given

methods thoroughly. Communication channels will effectively deliver the message to whom it

should be delivered with positive results.

Therefore NIHES should follow the above mentioned techniques and methods to achieve their

goals and make successful students.

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9. Annexure

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

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Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 8 Figure 7