Music Magazine Evaluation Fusiah Magazine

Music magazine evaluation final

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Page 1: Music magazine evaluation final

Music Magazine

EvaluationFusiah Magazine

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or

challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The media product that I have created used many conventions of a real music magazine for example in a ‘VIBE’ music magazine cover the main artist Alicia Keys is edited to be in front of the masterhead which is ‘VIBE’, I used this similar concept in my music magazine where I have the main artist ‘Raychelle’ in front of the masterhead ‘FUSIAH’ this is because it shows the importance of the artist.

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Real Magazine

My Magazine

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However a convention I didn’t use on the front cover magazine that was used in real music magazines was a quote from the artist on the front cover this would have got the audience’s attention more because of the artists star quality, this was done on the ‘Billboard’ magazine where they included a quote from the artist on the front cover, Rihanna. Additionally doing this would have given the audience more insight into what the music magazine was about.

Real Magazine

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Moreover in my magazine contents page I used comparable features to the ‘VIBE’ magazine contents page this is mainly because ‘VIBE’ magazine has a similar genre to my one and also has the same target audience as me. I included a list of what would be featuring in the magazine followed by the page numbers that the content would be shown on. This would make the audience look forward to the shown content titles listed and create more of pre-buzz before they read the magazine.

Real MagazineMy Magazine

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To add to this in my double page spread I also included conventions from real media products for instance in my music magazine the double spread included quotes from an interview with the artist this attracts the audience more as they are interested to hear what their favourite artists are saying. This same convention was used in the double spread about Alexandra burke who is an R & B artist which my artist is as well.

Real Magazine My Magazine

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The music magazine which I made develops a

convention from real media products of the

same genre for example on the front cover of

‘VIBE’ and ‘JALUSE’ magazine we can see that

they have used different fonts and coloured

text that all have a horizontal rotation.

I developed the idea of having different fonts and colours to having different rotations for the text this was not common in many music magazines so this therefore for made by music magazine original and have its own sort of brand. However the consequence of this may be that because this does not suit the normal convention of most music magazine it may give the audience the opinion that the magazine is unprofessional looking.

Real MagazineReal Magazine

My Magazine

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Finally my music magazine challenges the conventions of a real music magazines because in my text is used two different colours in the same text when in other music magazine they usually use two different colours per piece of text. This makes my music magazine look more original and not just a carbon copy of other music magazines.

Real Magazine

My Magazine

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How does your media product represent particular

social group?The music magazine I created is an R & B magazine this genre is targeted at people from the age of 14-25 of both genders. This demographic tends to be very sociable and be involved in social media and have large friendship that they go out with to parties and concerts etc. On the front cover it mentions that there will be content about upcoming concerts and on the double spread it mention the dates for the concerts and their location this represents the social group as concerts are social events that this social group is represented by. These people are usually students or have just recently started work and they also tend to be image conscious therefore by including glow tips from Rihanna this represents this social group. My music magazine represents in many ways for example the artists that are mentioned on the front cover are artist who have the same target audience as my magazine.

My Magazine

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These well known artist help to appeal and represent my target audience. To add to this on my double spread page I included content that represents my target audience for intense there is a column on the page that talks about ‘Glow the Rihanna Way’. Content like this represents my target audience well because females particularly at the age of 14-30 are interested in looking good and looking like their favourite celebrities.

My Magazine

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What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The kind of media institution that I think would distribute my

magazine is Hell’s Development this is because this institution has a

magazine that they distribute called ‘Mixmag’ which is a magazine

that talks about artists and their music; they have featured R &

B/Hip-Hop artists in their magazine. Therefore this would give my

magazine easy access to my target audience.

P Diddy is a well-known Hip-Hop artist.

Real Magazine

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Additionally ‘Mixmag’ is a British

magazine therefore because it is in my

region it can reach my target. Whereas a

magazine institution likes Spin media

would not suit my magazine because even

though it own magazine like ‘Vibe’ a

R&B/Hip-Hop music magazine the

company is based in America and the

magazine is distributed in America. This

would not allow my magazine to reach my

target audience in the UK.

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Who would be the audience for your audience for your

media product?

The audience for my music magazine would be 14-25 year olds in the UK, both females and males, this is because R&B is the main music that this demographics listens to. Most of these people are students or have just started working so majority of the target audience are in secondary school, sixth form/college and university. This genre is appealing to the audience for example male R & B artists are sometimes topless on magazine covers and this show their muscles and tattoo’s and this is attractive to girls of the age 14-25.

Real Magazine

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For males the females on R &B music magazine

tend to show boobs or pose in ways that make

their hips and bottom more pronounced this is

eye-catching to the male demographic.

My Magazine

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How did you attract/address your audience?

When creating my music magazine I had to create in a way that it would attract and address my audience. For instance on my front cover I included other R&B music artist names on the front cover to attract the audience more as R&B is a common genre for my demographic. On my double spread I included a chance to win free tickets this is because my target audience is a majority of students who may not have a large income to spend on tickets therefore the opportunity to win free tickets addresses the audience.

My Magazine

Example of Graffiti

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When I picked my images, I looked at what the artists where

wearing on the front page, content page and double spread

the artists are wearing bomber style jackets which have

recently become in fashion with young people. Therefore

having these in the images it addresses the audience.

My Magazine

Example of Bomber Jacket Fashion

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Additionally when thinking about the images I was using I wanted the audience to have sort of personal identity with the artists. On the contents page the artist has a cleavage piercing this is because body piercings have become very popular amongst the young people demographic.

Example of young People with Piercings

My Magazine

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For the creation of my music magazine I had to use Photoshop to edit the pictures and put the magazine together. It was difficult in some ways as I only had a really basic knowledge of how to use Photoshop. For example I took me a while to edit a scar of one of the artists face but after many tries I got the hang of it.

Before After

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I also had to use Photoshop to edit out the green screen at the back of the images however because the models had curly/wavy hair this was a bit more tricky. One thing I would do if I had to do this again is to use models with straight hair so that it would make the process more easier. To get rid of the green screen I used the magic wand and I also used the smudge tool to blend the parts if the hair that were to curly for the wand to pick up the green screen behind it.

Before After

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Looking back at your preliminary task , what do you

feel you have learnt in the progression from it to

your full product?

In my preliminary task I used Microsoft to create my school magazine and from this I progressed to using Photoshop for my music magazine. The preliminary task helped me to know what were the right pictures to pick and how colour schemes work to set at theme ant attract the target audience.

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For my school magazine I used a IPhone 5s camera, we can see from the previous slide that this phone has 8 megapixels however the Canon

camera that I used for music magazine has 18 mega pixels. This would result in the pictures on the music magazine having a better quality than the pictures

on the school magazine

Additionally using word for my school magazine meant that the editing I could do was quite limited because Microsoft Words editing features just including cropping, contrasting etc.

However on Photoshop you hade features that allow you too hide blemishes and red eyes etc. These features helped to give my magazine a more professional look.

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The End

By Zainab Abdulsalam