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Modern Marketing Model of Airline Industry

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Modern Marketing Model Of Airline Industry By OmnePresent

Page 2: Modern Marketing Model of Airline Industry


Introduction● The integration of social media,

communication, information and global economy have changed the method of communication and expectation of clients as well as customers

● Tactics that are used to forecast and handle customers or clients behavior have been encouraged by improved online content

● Execution of these techniques need advanced tools and innovatory methods

● These tools are use to handle timing of purchase, purchase behaviour, market share and other indicators of commercial achievements

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Influencing People● Basic change in the leverage towards

consumer has taken place and modified market scenario

● It demands that we engross clients, connect with consumers regardless of whether they are at home or office

● Every consumer is aware of someone or the other who is following wrong methods for sales transactions, This group will assist you in making a correct purchase decision

● This is place where airline industry has improved as a innovator as far as predictive modelling technique is considered

● Thus resulting in advanced qualified leads and assisting in lesser wasted resources

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Target Frequent Flyers

● A vital part of the airline industry that maximises the profit hence they should retain frequent flyers

● The reason why these customers choose the particular airline should be found out so that other customers can be dragged to frequent flyer segment

● To obtain this,airlines have advanced predictive models to estimate customers, retention probability and revenue or spend retention

● If any of these fails then profitability of airlines lowers

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● If there is drop in retention then the time between booking flights, buying less tickets from airlines or it branches or both

● Execution of a Customer Retention Model can prove a adequate way to find out any frequent flier who may be retention risk

● Thus airlines can maintain communication and retain loyalty services towards customers

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Response Modeling● Generally used predictive modelling

method for customers who fly frequently

● Basic development of this model needs customer data replies and observation, Once that is done each customer is given specific score, that represents their likeliness to reply to particular program.

● Customer community is separated into 10 different deciles, each having different possibility of replies.

● Marketing professionals then mimic response plots and perform ROI results to decide number of customers involved in program

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Predictive Customer Behaviour

● All Airlines are interested in knowing future likely value of their customers

● This technique can predict customer period value and other behaviours like Product Purchase Propensities (PPP), Expected Purchase Cycle (EPC), Aggregate Spending Levels (ASL), Customer loyalty and services

● Behavioural prediction models can assist campaign targeting, financial as well as operational forecasting, customer investment that is important as far as airplane flying at maximum capacity is considered

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ROI Optimisation

● Value proposition,price and media channel mix these primary market levers are optimised by airlines and here predictive models play a vital role

● To do this price curve is analysed of various customer groups so best offer can be provided to each customer

● This is that offer which gives maximum lift to sales in minimum cost to airlines

● More practical, model driven tools are useful in increasing sales under various situations. This fragmentation of observation is helpful in program as well as budget planning

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Effect Of Marketing Programme On Customer Behaviour

● Nowadays, airlines use complex methods of communication with customers

● Individuals are offered multiple offers through various medium and it becomes difficult to isolate it easily

● Predictive modelling provides “cause and graph” technique which allows marketing isolation to be analysed more precisely than what was happening in past

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● The basic point for marketing to customers,clients and target audience is to evolve with more knowledgeable and concentrated approach like the one airline industry has adopted

● Practically it means thinking as a passenger and not to believe that everything is taking place as per comfort of our cabin

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