Thomas De Vs

Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference

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Page 1: Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference

Thomas  De  Vs


Page 2: Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference

Who  am  I?  Digital  footprint


WORK  •   Mobile  innova0on  consultant  at  The  Reference      LIFE  •   Digital  (post)  immigrant  °1975  •   Father  of  3  digital  na0ve  kids  •   Very  passionate  technology  geek      SPECIALITIES  -­‐  Digital  innova0on  -­‐  Mobile  strategy  /  Business  analyst  -­‐  Mixing  Business  &  Marke0ng  &  Technology  -­‐  Evangelisa0on  and    trend  watching    

Twi$er:  @tdevos          


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Page 4: Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference

Invisible  apps  

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Jean-­‐Louis  Gassée,  2008

"Simple  is  hard.  

Easy  is  harder.  

Invisible  is  hardest.”

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Page 7: Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference

•  Pages  full  of  apps  

•  Difficult  to  find  without  using  a  search    •  Huge  impact  on  storage  space    •  Overlapping  func0onali0es  

•  Full  0me  job  upda0ng  

•  Removal  policy  /  bloatware  

•  Afraid  to  delete  them    •  Most  of  them  you  never  use  

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My  app  usage  per  week  

Time  spent  in  apps  +63%  over  past  2  years,    but  apps  used  monthly  show  li_le  change  

85%  of  mobile  media  0me  is  via  apps  84%  of  this  0me  for  5  main  apps  

Nielsen  2015  

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Page 10: Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference
Page 11: Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference

It  all  started  with  push  noKficaKons

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Push  noKficaKons  launch  apps.  The  end.

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Push  noKficaKon  management  hell

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PushnoKficaKon  roaming

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Create  noKficaKons  how  I  want  them.  Habits?

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A  system  is  a  set  of  interacKng  or  interdependent  component  parts  that  are  forming  a  complex/complicated  whole

We  need  to  design  systems


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InteracKve  and  card  based

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Smarter,  context  aware  and  predicKve

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Their  content  searchable  without  opening  the  app

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The  cards  start  to  roam  in  the  OS  as  cards/mini  apps

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Are  we  sKll  going  to  download  apps?

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InterpreKng  the  content  and  context

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  The  main  interacKons  with  apps  will  not  be  in  the  app  itself.  We  are  going  to  use  noKficaKons/card  streams

  The  app  is  becoming  primarily  a  publishing  tool  of  molecular  content  items/services

  Screens  of  apps  will  probably  go  away  and  become  a  a  secondary  navigaKon  as  a  backup.

We  think  that  in  the  near  future

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  What  about  discoverability?

  Content  from  different  apps  will  be  presented  side  by  side  on  the  same  screen

  Your  content  will  be  in  compeKKon  with  cards  from  the  OS,  Facebook,  Google  etc…

  Where  will  this  magic  happen  at  the  app,  noKficaKon  or  OS  level?

à  You  want  to  have  your  card/service  to  be  used  to  be  successful  and  stay  relevant


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Using  all  the  data  they  can  gather



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Outdoors  -­‐  geoloca0on  User  is  sidng  /  biking  Specific  mo0on  pa_ern  of  legs  Absolute  posi0on  is  changing  Speed  is  high  Dangerous  situa0on  

 Heartbeat  is  unregular  Transpira=on  is  high  Bloodpressure  is  high  Glucose  level  is  normal    

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We  always  had  to  learn  the  interface

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Now  our  interface  is  learned Context  is  the  interface

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Customer  Experience  design  is  a  must


How does this control our behaviour?

What are we about?

Brand  personality  




Customer journey maps

Customer Experience Design

Clue Touchpoint inventory

Motif Motif

Clue Clue Clue Clue Clue Clue Clue

Motif Motif

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Customer  Experience  design  is  not  only  a  mobile  thing

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Trust  &  privacy

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Mother  says  “If  I  were  you…”

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Human  physical  interfaces  

Thermoresponsive  hydrogel  

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Speech  is  the  most  simple  interface

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New  evoluKons:  natural  interfaces

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Page 37: Mobile Day 2015 - The end of the traditional apps. The rise of invisible apps - The Reference

  ApplicaKons  are  no  more  individual  silo’s,  Cards/widgets  are  the  way  to  go

  Apps  become  publishing  systems  of  molecule  content  parts,  they  will  not  go  away  but  less  prominent

  We  have  to  design  systems,  micro  services  not  screens.  

  Integrate  third  party  services  and  make  sure  your  services  can  be  integrated  with  solid  API’s  by  third  parKes

  Research  context  and  design  for  all  kinds  of  devices  and  situaKons.  Context  is  the  new  interface.

  Design  for  experiences  and  human  interacKons

6  take  aways

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Thank  you

Thomas  De  Vos


[email protected]

Copyright:  Eric  Pickersgill