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Marking report

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SUMMARY: Candidate ID: Candidate Name:

(a) Definition, Investigation and Analysis (i) Definition – nature of the problem 03 (ii) Investigation and Analysis 08

(b) Design (i) Nature of the solution 07 (ii) Intended benefits 02 (iii) Limits of the scope of the solution 02

(c) Software Development, Testing and Implementation (i) Development and Testing 09 (ii) Implementation 04 (iii) Appropriateness of structure and exploitation of available facilities 02

(d) Documentation (i) Technical Documentation 06 (ii) User 05

(e) Evaluation (i) Discussion of the degree of success in meeting the original objectives. 03 (ii) Evaluate the user’s response to the system 02 (iii) Desirable extensions 02

Total Marks: 55



Definition – nature of the problem

Evidences Seen:

A description of the organization that has the problem and the place of the problem within it.

A description of how the chosen problem is dealt with at the moment.

A CLEAR description of the data that is used in the area of the problem.

A clear indication of where the data came from. How it is collected.

Awarded Marks Justification:

3 Full description of the organization and methods currently in use in the area of the chosen project, with a

description of the origin of the data to be used and some indication of the form that data takes.

Investigation and Analysis

Evidences Seen:

Detail relating to the planning of the end‐user interview.

The original plan of the questions, showing that all areas had been planned to be covered and that sensible follow up

questions had been considered.

Transcript of the interview itself, including an element of later analysis and isolation of important facts.

Further evidence of information collection relevant to the problem area.

A diagram showing how the present system works.

Consideration of different methods of solving the problem, together with end users signature for evidence that the

end user has been involved in the decision making.

Hardware and software requirements of the system are shown.

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Awarded Marks Justification:

8 Excellent user involvement with detailed recording of the user’s requirements. Alternative approaches have been

discussed in depth. The report demonstrates a thorough analysis of the system to be computerised. A detailed

requirements specification based on the information collected has been produced.


Nature of the solution

Awarded Marks Justification

7 A clear set of objectives with a detailed and complete design specification, which is logically correct. There are also

complete definition of any data structures.

The specification is sufficient for someone to pick up and develop an end result using the software and hardware

specified in the requirements specification.

Intended benefits

Evidences Seen:

Many specific improvements that the new system will make to the running of the old system.

Awarded Marks Justification:

2 The benefits of the new system have been comprehensively described.

Limits of the scope of the solution

Evidences Seen:

A description of the contents and data types stored in each of the files to be used together with an approximation of

their size.

Adjustments that the student thinks are necessary to their solution compared to the real thing.

Limitations that have been placed on the solution because of the hardware available and the software available.

Awarded Marks Justification:

2 A detailed description of the system limitations has been given, including the estimate of the size of the files

required for the implemented system.


Development and Testing

Evidences Seen:

A testing plan covering different areas of the solution to be tested, including what is expected as the outcome.

Data structures are described and their existence is proved by printing them out.

Input and output screens are described and produced. They are fully annotated to show their effectiveness.

In test 5 the file before and after the input of the data to show that the test has proven that the data is, indeed,

input to the file.

For each of the tests planned the candidate has shown intention of the test run and the reason with a clear idea of

what the expected result is.


The student has included enough testing to be able to test all the different areas of the solution.

Development of work is evident; much evidence is in previous sections.

Much evidence of software being tailored and hard copy demonstrate system well.

Comprehensive testing, which sometimes when test fails is redone after corrections in software.

For a child of this age group this is an excellent work example.

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Awarded Marks Justification:

9 Evidence of tailored software packages are provided in the form of printouts. Data structures are illustrated

detailing their purpose. There is a full set of printouts showing input and output as well as data structures. All

hardcopy is fully annotated and cross-referenced.

A comprehensive test plan, with evidence of each test run is present in the report, together with the expected

output. The test plan covers as many different paths through the system as is feasible, including valid, invalid and

extreme cases.


Evidences Seen:

Pictorial & letter over letterhead evidence that the end‐user has seen the system.

Pictorial & letter over letterhead evidence that the end‐user has used the system and has obtained meaningful

results from the system.

Details of the training that will need to be available for the staff that must use the new system.

Details of the changeover anticipated.


User tested and acceptance is clear.

Written evidence from user in Appendix.

Training is conducted.

Awarded Marks Justification:

4 A good implementation plan with details of training required. There is written evidence available from the third-

party user indicating that they have seen the system in operation.

Appropriateness of structure and exploitation of available facilities

Evidences Seen:

A log of all the problems that were encountered during the production of the solution.


The log should include a detailed description of the measures taken to solve the problems found.

Candidate has documented problems that were met and the solutions to the problem.

Awarded Marks Justification:

2 Some attempt at discussing the suitability of the hardware and software. In addition, an informative diary, or log,

of problems encountered has been kept.


Technical Documentation

Evidences Seen:

A description of the records used and the fields within the records. The types of data is described as should the data

structures used to hold the data. Any data handling implies that data has been stored.

An explanation of the Entity relationships between the various tables.

The screens used.

The menu system for the input of data along with the form designs.

A data dictionary and details of the formulae used, the queries employed for coding.

All database objects are supported by “Documenter” tool of the MS Access Program.

Recommended hardware and software configuration needed to run the system.

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Best technical documentation in this group.

Awarded Marks Justification:

6 No major omissions, with all parts fully annotated. The guide is well presented rather than just a collection of


User Documentation

Evidences Seen:

A contents page.

Details of input requirements including examples of valid and invalid data with explanations, examples of the input

screens so that the user knows what the screen will look like. How to move from input to input on the screen, how

to show that the screen input is completed

Methods of output and there ways and support.

Explanation of the error messages that may appear.

Back‐up routines.

Methods that have been used to protect the data.

A certain amount of on‐screen help in the form of error messages. Screen dumps of these on‐screen help facilities.

A glossary of words.


The user doc is useful.

Awarded Marks Justification:

5 A full user guide with all options described well presented with a glossary. No omission of any of the options

available. One mark lost for inadequate on screen help.


Discussion of the degree of success in meeting the original objectives

Evidences Seen:

A clear matching up of the agreed objectives of the project, taken from the requirements specification, with

evidence that the objectives have been met. For each objective shown a discussion about the degree of success that

the student believes has been achieved with reference to the evidence in the rest of the report.


The results that were obtained upon using manufactured data rather than real test data. But user has tested it.

Awarded Marks Justification:

3 A full discussion, taking each objective mentioned in (a) (ii) and explaining the degree of success in meeting them,

indicating where in the project evidence can be found to support this.

Evaluate the user’s response to the system

Evidences Seen:

A letter from the end‐user stating that they have used the software solution and listing the things that they managed

to do or that still need work to improve them.

Some indication of the degree of success that the student has achieved in the opinion of the end user.

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User accepts the system.

Awarded Marks Justification:

2 A fully user-friendly system has been produced. The user indicates that the system meets the specification given in

section (a), and there are no known faults in the system.

Desirable extensions

Evidences Seen:

A list of those parts of the system that the student believes is satisfactorily completed.

A list of those areas that have not been successful with proper reasoning.

A clear indication that the student realizes that, although the project is finished, the solution is not and that there

are a number of possibilities for extending the solution.


Desirable extensions are covered well.

Awarded Marks Justification:

2 The candidate clearly portrays the good and bad points of the system indicating the limitations, possible extensions

and how to carry out the extensions.