The key to great marketing: You must make the CUSTOMER the hero and center of the story, NOT you or your "boring" product. Kodak in 1889

Kodak got it right in 1889

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The key to great marketing: You must make the CUSTOMER the hero and center of the story, NOT you or your "boring" product.

Kodak in 1889

Page 2: Kodak got it right in 1889

The Biggest Marketing Faux Pas

Has Your Marketing Team Kept PaceSo many companies still haven't adjusted their marketing to the 21st century. It's kind of unbelievable but true. I say this because it is simply startling how a company can think that their marketing collateral (website, etc) can focus on how wonderful they are rather than what they actually do for their clients. Companies who fall into excessive self-promotion on their websites and social media profiles fail in their marketing strategies because their message is not customer oriented.

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Guiding Principle❖ In a recent Medium post

(https://medium.com/p/15d118b3e6b1), Ryan Holiday does a great job of explaining just how to go about "Marketing a Boring Business" and he includes a wonderful quote that should guide every marketer on the planet, ".......the key to great storytelling: You must make the CUSTOMER the hero and center of the story, NOT you or your boring product. "

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Get off your butt and be proactive...........

Conduct Your Own Test

Go to work today and conduct the three-step test and if you fail the test go to your CEO or CMO or boss and ask them to read this post. Don't make the mistake of allowing your business to market itself using 20th century thinking.

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Quick 3-Step Test❖ 1. On the "About" page of your website do you use terms like, "we are a leading/

global leader/worlds best provider/supplier/consultant of __________products/services/solutions?” OR "We provide products/services/solutions that address some really big problems?"!


❖ 2. Does your corporate brochure and/or website cover more than about 6 topics ? (If you use more than six at most you have wasted your marketing dollars because nobody will read the material.)!


❖ 3. Links to your Social Media sites are NOT prominent on every online page of your collateral. These will include your corporate Website, Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

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If you answered "yes" to any or all three questions then your company is stuck in 20th

century marketing mode.

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The task of redefining your company profile based on "...make the customer the hero and center of the story" really has to be a top priority and when you are sure you are now focused on your customers then broadcast it to

the world using every form of social media available. !

Give your customers and prospects a totally refreshed view of your business where they can clearly see that

they are your heroes and you exist to serve their needs!

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Kodak Got It Right in 1889

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– Greg Twemlow!!



“Emphasising that you exist to humbly serve your customers is a very powerful message.”