How to Build Your List

How to build your list

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How to Build Your List

The money is in the list?

• Maybe you’ve heard and recognise the truth of this saying…

• How do you start a list though?• How do you get people onto it?• First – don’t overthink it. Just do the work!• Second – follow these 5 tips:


Decide who you are

• Don’t forget who you are in the process of trying to build a list.

• Decide what you stand for so you attract the right kind of people.


Who are your people?

• Decide who they are and what they want.

• Why would they come into your community?

• What can you offer that will be attractive to them?


Plan a landing page

• Where are you going to send your prospects to?

• Think about the headline.

• Think about the main points you need to get across.

• Find an auto-responder service and setup a form.


Send them to your landing page

• Find where your customers hang out.

• Get your message in front of them in as many ways as possible.

• Targeted ads.• SEO and pay per click. • Attend events and build



Create awesome content

• Create content that tells the world the message you want them to hear.

• Get it out regularly.• Tell people who you are

and what you do.

