QUESTION 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation Question 6

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QUESTION 6What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

During my production, I used many technologies to help me create my constructionOf my music magazine. From constantly using these programmes I gained knowledge And improved my skills for creating my magazine. Along with these programmes, I

Always looked back on my blog for video tutorials I have posted along with my codesAnd convention analysis.

During my production, I used many technologies to help me create my constructionOf my music magazine. From constantly using these programmes I gained knowledge

And improved my skills for creating my magazine. Along with these programmes, I Always looked back on my blog for video tutorials I have posted along with my codes

And convention analysis.


• Internet Explorer •Microsoft PowerPoint•Apple IPhone•Lighting•VSCO cam•Canon 600D•Adobe Photoshop



I used Microsoft PowerPoint, to depict all of my re search for codes and conventions as well as my evaluation. I used this programme to allow my work to be presentable and clear towards the viewer, as well as getting my information and knowledge explained easily and efficiently. I was able to change colours and fonts to suit each presentation creating a relationship between my construction and knowledge [Uses and Grat].

Internet ExplorerI used internet explorer my re search into codes and conventions of music magazines. The re search I gained gave me a clear understanding of the common conventions used in popular well know magazines. From this re search I knew what I wanted to include in my magazine which made the construction of my magazine easier due to having a clear idea of what is needed. I also used this programme to post about my progress of my construction on blogger. I have been using blogger throughout the whole of this task, as I posted my re search as well as planning throughout. My skills on Blogger have improved from using it constantly as well as being able to easily refer back to my work on blogger to gain help and develop my ideas. Furthermore into this I used Google and YouTube to find video and word tutorials on how to user certain programmes such as Photoshop to improve my construction.

Apple IPhone 5S• My IPhone 5S was another technology device that came into

hand when creating my production. I used my phone to email images across from my laptop as I used an editing software app on my phone for my images. By my phone being with me at all times such as at school, home etc. I was able to email photos quickly and fast. I also used my phone to gain images from the internet that were blocked on the school computers, to use in my research. Convergence is present within this as the use of cross media convergence with a mobile phone and an emailing site on a computer depicts how different technology devices work together to make a concept happen, in this situation, an email.

LIGHTING & VSCO CAM LIGHTING- The lighting facilities were not hard to use generally, however it took time and patience to get the lighting right, to suit my proffered image. From talking to my teacher and looking at tutorials online I reached a good understanding of the media lighting and soon got the desire damaged I needed.

VSCO CAM-This is a photo editing app available on iPhone and android, it is a free app which enables you to edit photos keeping the high quality which was highly important for me. I was especially interested in using this app also due to the effects it gave, I wanted a slight retro effect and brighter background on my images and I was able to gain this from this app. This app also shows how convergence is used within the media industry, between a camera and phone.



CANON 600D• I used the Canon 600D digital SLR camera to shoot all of my

photographs except for the ‘Toucan’ and ‘Beau Evans’ features on the contents page which I took with the 450d. I chose this camera due to the high quality and mass storage. By this camera being digital it allowed me to see my image I took straight on the screen afterwards and zoom in to see if the image was a 100% focused, if not I could take the image again to improve the image. The mass storage on the camera was a benefit as it allowed me to keep my images on the camera until I was ready to choose the right photo and download it. Finally the high quality of the camera was the most important element of this camera as I wanted to make my magazine look as professional as possible and with this element it allowed me too.


I used Adobe Photoshop to create my whole magazine. At first I was very unsure of how to use Photoshop however from looking at many tutorials online as well as asking people in the know, I gained knowledge fast and picked the skills up easy which enabled me to improve and develop my magazine, by using skills and elements that I would not have been able to use on an ordinary program. The tutorials I looked at were clear to follow and easy to remember for the future. Photoshop enabled me to adjust my images, text and features which all combined to make my to appear clear and professional.


To conclude, all the technology programs I used all combined to help me create my magazine. Without any one of these programmed my production would be have considerable less professional looking and presentable. I used all the technologies in the front cover, contents page and double age spread, the programs allowed my fine production appear clear and cohesive along with following common codes and conventions which are significant in any genre of magazine. The technologies also helped me with my research and planning, which I referred back to multiple times. Finally at first I did not have a lot of knowledge about many of these programmed however from research, tutorials and help form others I soon gained the skills I needed to make my final construction meet the aims I set, of to be clear, unique and professional.