email marketing social media TROUNCES by Sharon Brodin

Email Marketing Trounces Social Media

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email marketing

social mediaTROUNCES

by Sharon Brodin

We don’t doubt the value of

social media.

But when it comes to getting customers,

email marketing still performs better than Facebook & Twitter



So while social media is important,

you can ignore those who are saying

email marketing is therefore dead.

– first Old Guy

“That’s the way to do it. That’s old school.”

– second Old Guy

“Yeah, there’s no school like the old school.”

(from one of my favorite super hero movies…

The Incredibles)

So even if some think of

email marketing as old school…

if it brings you new customers

so much better than social media…

it’s definitely worth investing in!

“There’s no school like the old school.”


So…how can you be sure your

email marketing strategy is successful?

Here are 6 factors to keep in mind:

1. The quality of your mailing list.

Build your own mailing list of

interested prospects and customers.

If they’ve already given you permission,

they’ll be more engaged.

2. An email marketing service.

It’s the best way to organize and

track your email campaigns,

and to be sure you adhere to the

anti-spam laws.

3. What or who is in

the “From” field.

The name in the “From” field

should be instantly recognizable…

…and trusted by your readers.

4. Subject lines that grab attention.

But aren’t spammy. (use the spam


5. The 80/20 content- to-sales rule.

Don’t just sell… give your readers

great content.

Give them something of value…or

entertain them… or both!

Give them a reason to look forward to your emails.

6. Email is part of your marketing big picture.

Email is integral to lead generation

and sales funnels.

It can draw traffic to your website

and integrate with your social media.

Have a written plan that connects

the parts to the whole of your

marketing strategy.

So email marketing may be old school,

(After all, it originated way back in the 90s)

but sometimes there’s no school

like the old school for effectiveness.

“Email Marketing Trounces Social Media” was first published in Bite-Size Marketing Digest. Read the full article on www.sharonbrodin.com

©2016 Sharon BrodinSharon is a freelance copywriter and content strategist

for outdoor businesses and non-profits.