Different modes of remuneration of affiliation

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Page 1: Different modes of remuneration of affiliation


ATIG ANISIUT Saint-EtienneLicence ATII - wildtreehacks

Page 2: Different modes of remuneration of affiliation

We know that e-business is the only sector that is experiencing double-digit growth in full crisis. The affiliation is a little good student of e-business, one that is growing faster than others, growing at record speed and above all accessible to everyone.

I propose today a small glossary of the different types of remuneration that exist affiliation.

Page 3: Different modes of remuneration of affiliation

CPA CPM CPC which to choose?

Page 4: Different modes of remuneration of affiliation

CPM -> CPT – Cost per Thousand

The CPT is the set price for 1000 displays an advertising space (banner, video ...). Displays that also is called Impressions, to make a match between the world of web and print mode.

Page 5: Different modes of remuneration of affiliation

CPM -> CPT – Cost per Thousand

The + : For a publisher, the turnover is calculated quickly. For the advertiser, it’s very easy to compare the prices offered by different publishers.

The - : The number of displays or prints, does not mean the number of pages viewer by the user. For the advertiser, the impact of the campaign and her profitability is difficult to measure.

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CPC – Cost Per Click

It is the best known method of remuneration of users, the cost per click is as the name suggests a remuneration based on the click. This is the case of the famous Google Adsense ads whose commission varies depending on the theme.

Page 7: Different modes of remuneration of affiliation

CPC – Cost Per Click

The + : For the advertiser, the profitability of the campaign is easily measurable and affiliates related traffic can be well identified.

The - : The click does not mean that the user will "really" visit the advertiser's site. Often the user clicks and quickly leaves the site from the 1st page. For publishers, they are paid only if the campaign is effective and that the click rate is important; they are dependent on the quality of the advertiser.

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CPA - Cost per Action, Cost per Acquisition

It is a model based on the performance and appeared with affiliate programs. He requires more comprehensive tracking cookies to determine what action (s) (s) the user performs (s) on the advertiser's site (click> Business> share).

We can differentiate two main types of action:

- CPL - Cost per Lead: Generally it corresponds to the acquisition of a contact through a form filled out by the user.

- CPS - Cost per Sale: When the user makes a purchase on the advertiser site.

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CPA - Cost per Action, Cost per Acquisition

The +: Model of a win-win principle for the advertiser (affiliator) and publisher (affiliate) with a real-standing partnership. The advertiser can calculate his cost and thus control the ROI of the campaign.

The -: The profitability of spaces some publishers sites (such as online newspapers) is not as assured by a display campaign. To be effective, a campaign CPA must be activated on different levers with promotional material regularly renewed

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- Anis ATIG -