Creating an Awesome eBook With PLR and Canva.com

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For the purpose of this tutorial, you will want to start by opening a Tools For Mo7va7on Self-Help

Tip Report (or ar7cle, or any other piece of web-usable content from ourlibrary) and then use your web browser to navigate to canva.com.

If you haven't registered an account there yet follow the easy on page instruc7ons to do so. If you have an account already - log in.

Once you do you will see your Canva Home page…

Click on More in the top right corner.

You will then see a bunch of different types of designs. For the purposes of this tutorial choose the Presentation under Documents

Now your Canva editor will open up and you will notice a bunch of layouts you can use on the left.

I went with one of their many free options (highlighted on left). Once you choose your layout, you will see options below it that will let you choose different style pages. I started with the title page.

Now All you have to do is click on the text to change it!

I also changed the picture on the title page to something more appropriate.

Steps to change picture: 1. Click on the picture in the Canva

editor and delete it. 2. You will be left with a frame - do not

delete this. 3. Now click on Elements -> Free Photos 4. Choose the photo you like and drag

and drop it on to the frame

If you want to tweak the photo, just make sure the image is still selected and you will notice the Filter button in top left corner. Click it to open up the options.

Choose the one you like the best.

Once done with your image, click back on Layouts in the left-hand menu and now we can start adding some more pages.

Super simple to add a new page, just click +Add a New Page button under your current page. Note - You can also click the icon to the right of your design to copy your current page.

Once you click on Add a New Page, a blank page will open up.

Choose the page design from your Layouts menu on the left.

Now you just click on any element to change it.

Don't you love Canva???

I am not going to bore you walking thru each page. Just con7nue to add pages, while copying and pas7ng the info from our Tip Reports.

I like to add one 7p per page. Then one page with all three ac7ons on it.

Of course, it’s totally up to you how you do it.

Remember: Just click on some text and all the editing tools will be at the top of the design edtior.

PROTIP- Once you have a page edited just right, use the copy func7on I men7oned earlier to save 7me. This is especially useful for 7ps reports as each 7p page will probably have similar formaLng. This icon is just right of the Canva design tool.

PROTIP#2- You can change the order of pages using this icon that is also on the right of your design.

Once you have your pages done, I suggest you add some branding to it.

You can highlight text and then click the link icon (top right) to add an URL to your presentation/eBook.

I suggest you add your url to the doc wherever it makes sense.

Now that your design is done and branded - you can click Download to download a PDF version that you can share, post or even sell!
