10 rules for creating content people can TRUST

Copyblogger: 10 Rules for Creating Content People Can Trust

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10 rules for creating content people can


Does your content build trust with your audience?

Use these 10 rules to help ensure your audience views you as a trustworthy resource.

Interview experts and seek outside sources to communicate a complete, comprehensive story.1 Include

other voices

An assumption is an idea you accept as a fact without proof.2 Question

your assumptions

Any time you wander into absolutes (always, never, all, etc.), question the accuracy of your statement.2 Question

your assumptions

Provide the results of experiments, observations, research, and tests.3 Support

your claims

Never go scavenging through your analytics or database looking for patterns. That's called “data pillaging.”4 Approach

data with a theory

Instead, drum up a hypothesis, and then discover if your theory is true through existing research or your own. 4 Approach

data with a theory

You see the “curse of knowledge” when a content marketer accidently assumes his audience knows as much as he does, which leads to confusion.

5 Avoid the “curse of knowledge”

Use clear language, tell simple stories, and assume nothing about your audience.5 Avoid the

“curse of knowledge”

Hold your sources accountable so that you produce accurate content.6 Remember you’re

the reader’s advocate

Don't fall in love with a source and fail to challenge his assertions, assumptions, and claims.

6 Remember you’re the reader’s advocate

Put yourself in your audience members' shoes and anticipate the questions they will ask. 7 Anticipate

questions your audience will ask

When you answer these questions before they’re asked, your audience members will feel like you understand them.

7 Anticipate questions your audience will ask

Paint a complete picture by linking to appropriate articles or sources in your content.8 Provide


Resist publishing content until you have performed enough research to present a unique angle — and can move the conversation forward.9 Avoid the


Point out your own weaknesses and encourage discussions with people who have competing opinions.

Act against your own self-interest10

Click here to read 10 Rules for Creating Content People Can Trust on copyblogger.com/blog

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