The State of Mobile Marketing Engagement 2013 Consumer Survey Results

Consumer survey results: Mobile marketing engagement

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In late 2013, the Responsys team sought to understand consumer perceptions toward mobile marketing. We found that the mobile opportunity is ripe for marketers looking to deliver individualized experiences that also boost the bottom line. But, marketers must not operate this important channel in a silo. Consumers want their experiences on mobile to be orchestrated with the other marketing channels, and according to their preferences and behavior.

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The State of Mobile Marketing Engagement2013 Consumer Survey Results

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MethodologyIn an e�ort to better understand consumer perceptions toward mobile marketing, Responsys commissioned an Ipsos Observer survey of 1,200 U.S. adults, representative of the online adult population, which was conducted from October 25 to November 6, 2013.

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What we learned

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1 Marketing orchestration matters, especially to young people

Half of consumers report that they are likely to purchase from a brand when their mobile communications are part of an orchestrated experience that unfolds over time and across channels.

69% of 18-34 year olds (compared to 53% of all consumers) have more positive feelings about brands that orchestrate their communications.

58% of them (compared to 50% of all consumers) are likely to purchase from a brand that orchestrates their messages.

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2Word-of-mouth and email are most e�ective at prompting mobile opt-ins59% of consumers opt-in their mobile number because they want to receive special o�ers and promotions.

50% indicate that they’ve made a purchase as a result of receiving a highly relevant SMS message.

The top three types of mobile o�ers most likely to trigger consumer action are pricing-based o�ers (66%), time- sensitive o�ers (52%) and location-based o�ers (49%).

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3Push notifications prove to be popular68% of consumers who’ve downloaded apps, have enabled push notifications.

Those who haven’t enabled push notifications are concerned with being bombarded with notifications.

Consumers prefer push notifications that are transactional (vs. promotional) such as reminders and alerts about order status, payments, appointments etc.

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4Consumers use QR codes, but they want to learn more about Apple Passbook/Google Wallet54% of consumers have scanned a QR code, with the primary intention being product education.

8 in 10 consumers indicate that they’re likely to use enhancements to these services, such as the ability to scan QR codes from print and add o�ers to Passbook.

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5In-store WiFi presents an opportunity for retailersA fairly high proportion of consumers (59%) indicate that they have logged onto in-store WiFi and two-thirds (65%) say they would be likely to opt-in to receive special o�ers just for WiFi users.

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Marketing orchestration

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OverviewResearch shows these mass-produced campaigns – driven by the marketer’s calendar and not what the customer might want – are no longer e�ective. Today, customers control the relationships they have with brands, not the other way around. Empowered by the technology at their desk and in their hands, consumers can fast-forward, delete, or tune out to any message they don’t like.

Responding to this dramatic shift of power from marketers to consumers requires a fundamentally di�erent approach to marketing – a move from a focus on individual marketing campaigns to a focus on the entire customer journey.

As a result, savvy marketers are orchestrating customer experiences that unfold over time, across channels and according to an individual’s behaviors and preferences. In doing so, they’re delivering experiences that are seamless, highly personal, and always relevant.

This isn’t just a marketing ideal – consumers want a better experience with the brands they love. Our research shows that nearly half of consumers surveyed prefer to receive mobile messages that are orchestrated.

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Consumers prefer a marketing experience that’s unique to their online behavior and preferences44% of consumers prefer receiving mobile messages that have been orchestrated

45%Both equally


21%Mobile Site

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Favorable sentiment towards marketing orchestration is emerging, especially among the younger demographic53% of consumers indicate that their feelings about brands are impacted positively when marketing messages are orchestrated. Among younger consumers (age 18-34), 69% say their feelings are impacted positively.

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19%Feelings about the brand aremuch morepositive

34%Feelings about the brand aresomewhat more positive

47%Feelings about the brand are not impactedpositively or negatively

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Consumers feel more loyal and connected towards brands that orchestrate marketing messages

Brand values its customers

% AgreeDo

OrchestrateDo Not

Orchestrate Gap

49% 37%














Brand understand my needs

Feel loyalty towards brand

Connected to brand

Brand respects me

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Marketing orchestration impacts consumers’ purchase decisions, in addition to other positive shopping behaviors

Buy a productor service from that brand

Consider otherproducts or services that brand o�ers

Maintain a relationship with that brand over time

Choose that brand over another

Recommend that brand to a relative or friend

Spend more on that brand’s product orservices



11% 11%

4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%



47% 46% 45%40%40%


15% 16%


13% 13% Likely



Don’t Know

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Younger consumers are more likely to purchase due to marketing orchestration

Buy a productor service from that brand

Consider otherproducts or services that brand o�ers

Maintain a relationship with that brand over time

Choose that brand over another

Recommend that brand to a relative or friend

Spend more on that brand’s product orservices



7% 9%

4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4%



51% 54% 54%50%


9% 10%

35% 33%

10% 9%

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Don’t Know

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Mobile opt-in

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OverviewNearly 90% of SMS messages are opened and read within the first 90 seconds, making SMS a perfect way to alert customers to upcoming sales, same-day discounts, contests, new products or the status of a delivery shipment.

For example, airlines can notify travelers of flight changes, pharmacies can ping customers when it’s time to refill a prescription, and retailers can provide near real-time insight into the status of a delivery. The immediate and intimate nature of SMS can be a double-edged sword, however.

With SMS, it’s critical that brands only send to opted-in customers. Failing to do so could not only result in hefty fines, but also seriously damage brand reputation and customer relationships. The key, for marketers, is honoring customer preferences and delivering a relevant customer experience. Our research shows that 57 percent of consumers aged 18-34 are driven to purchase after receiving a highly relevant SMS message.

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Consumers prefer to receive mobile messages from brands via SMS 76% prefer to receive SMS messages, while 45% opt for in-app inbox messages and 21% for push notifications. Looking at younger consumers (18-34 year olds), 53% prefer in-app inbox messages and 31% want push notifications.

SMS/Text Messages

In-app inboxmessages

In-app pushmessages

Apple Passbookor Google Wallet




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Marketers are missing an opportunity to follow-up with consumers after opting-inWhile 74% of consumers receive follow-up messages via SMS after opting-in, only 31% of consumers receive a follow-up message after enabling push notifications.



SMS/Text Messages


In-app inboxmessages

In-app pushmessages

Apple Passbookor Google Wallet




No/Don’t know

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Word-of-mouth and email are most e�ective at motivating consumers to opt-in to mobile marketingNearly half (46%) of consumers are motivated by email to opt-in to mobile marketing, presenting an opportunity orchestrate communications across channels.


35%Not Relevant

10%Don’t Know

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Once opted-in to mobile marketing, consumers want to receive special promotions, o�ers and news about sales. 59% want to receive special o�ers and promotions, while 38% want to receive timely reminders and alerts.

Want toreceivespecialo�ers/promotions

Want to hear aboutsales

Want to receivetimelyremindersand alerts

Want toreceiveupdatesaboutmy loyaltyaccount

Real-timeorder (status)update

Want tolearn aboutlocation-specificdeals

Want to stay up to datewith all thebrand’sproducts

Want to receiveproductavailabilityupdates

Don’t know Other59% 50% 38% 35% 31% 29% 29% 27% 12% 2%

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Consumers want to save money and timePricing-based o�ers, time-sensitive o�ers and location- based o�ers are most likely to drive consumer action.



Location-based o�ers


Similar product-based o�ers

A very generalo�er intendedfor the masses







50%47% 45%






15% 14%Likely

Neither Likely nor Unlikely


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Highly-relevant mobile messages have potential to drive purchase, especially among younger consumers


75% 77%

SMS/Text Messages


In-app inboxmessages

In-app pushmessages

Apple Passbookor Google Wallet


25% 23%



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Apps and push notifications

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OverviewPush messaging enables brands to engage customers with messages delivered to a connected device, through their mobile app. These connected devices can range from smartphones and tablets to connected gaming consoles and cars. And, because they can leverage not only traditional customer information like demographics and past-purchase history, but also critical device data like app engagement and physical location, push notifications open up entirely new ways of engaging with customers.

For example, a marketer can automatically deliver a push when a customer has not recently engaged with an app, when an event they’re interested in has happened, and even when a customer is physically near a location where their products (or a competitor’s products) are sold. What’s more is push alerts capture a tremendous amount of data that can then be used to foster a more positive customer relationship moving forward.

Communicating with customers via push notifications is a huge opportunity for marketers given both the popularity of mobile apps and consumers’ willingness to enable push notifications (68 percent of those we surveyed).

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Consumers are cozying up to mobile apps57% of consumers have downloaded brand applications to their mobile device, while 71% of younger consumers (18-34 year olds) have.



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But, mobile websites remain popularMore than three-quarters interact with the apps they download on their mobile devices, but only one-third actually use apps as their primary mode of interaction. In other words, apps do not appear to have replaced mobile sites.

21%Mobile Site


45%Both equally

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Acceptance of push notifications is high once brand apps are downloadedApproximately seven out of ten consumers who downloaded brand applications have enabled push notifications



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Consumers prefer transactional vs. promotional messages via push78% of consumers value push notifications about upcoming payments appointments and order tracking

I receive reminders and alerts about upcoming payments, appointments, etc. 78%





















Valuable Neutral Valueless

I receive timely updates about my order

I get alerts about latest o�ers and discounts

I get alerts about upcoming sales

I receive updates and o�ers from my loyalty account

I receive o�ers based on my location

I receive time sensitive o�ers like flash sales, product availability, etc.

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Fear of message bombardment is preventing some from enabling pushSix-in-ten who have not enabled push notifcations are concerned with being bombarded with messages.

Do not want to get bombarded with notifications

Do not want the app to have access to my phone settings

Concerned about the amount of datait will require

Concerned about the amount of battery life it will require

The value of the notifications is notgood enough



35% 31% 30%19%


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WiFi, QR codes, Passbook and Google Wallet

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OverviewFor retailers that are embracing and testing in-store WiFi, it o�ers numerous opportunities including the ability to measure in-store tra�c and competitive online shopping and price comparing.

However, the future and opportunity of in-store WiFi will continue to evolve. For example, it will enable marketers to capture important consumer behaviors during a brick-and-mortar experience, and potentially serve up o�ers to shoppers based on their behaviors and interests (with the appropriate permissions).

Speaking of brick and mortar, it’s estimated that as much as 70 percent of all purchase decisions are made at the point of sale (POS). In addition, redemption rates for coupons are typically higher on mobile devices than in print. So what’s changed over the last year to help marketers bridge the gap between print and digital and increase holiday sales this year? Passbook and iOS7. With iOS7, the updated Passbook allows marketers to rethink their coupon strategy by allowing consumers to add print coupons via QR codes to their Passbook and share with others.

While our research shows that in-store WiFi and QR code adoption is high, there’s still a ways to go until consumers are regularly using Passbook and Google Wallet.

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Use of in-store WiFi is relatively highNearly six-in-ten consumers have logged onto an in-store WiFi system to use their mobile device. Reasons for this include a bad cell connection, price-checking, product information and comparison shopping.



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Getting consumers to log on to in-store WiFi is a solid opportunity to promote special o�ers65% of those who have previously logged on to in-store WiFi indicate they would be likely to opt-in to receive special o�ers specifically for WiFi users

Very likely Somewhat likely

Neitherlikely norunlikely


Very unlikely



8% 5%

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Consumers are interacting with QR codes54% of consumers have scanned a QR code before. The rationale for scanning is varied, but most significantly tied to product education.



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Adoption of Passbook and Google Wallet is limitedOnly 18% of consumers have used Passbook or Google Wallet before, yet 8 in 10 consumers indicate that they’re likely to use enhancements to these services, such as the ability to scan QR codes from print and add o�ers to Passbook.



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About Responsys

Responsys is a leading marketing cloud software and services company. Our mission is to enable the smartest marketing in the digital world. The most respected brands across the globe use the Responsys Interact Marketing Cloud to manage their digital relationships and deliver the right marketing to their customers across email, mobile, social, display and the web. Our customers gain competitive advantage through the automation, individualization, and coordination of cross-channel marketing interactions at massive scale. Founded in 1998, Responsys is headquartered in San Bruno, California and has o�ces throughout the world. For more information about Responsys, visit responsys.com.