www.bredin.com Case Studies, White Papers and Webcasts, Oh My

Case Studies, White Papers and Webcasts, Oh My

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Case Studies, White Papers and Webcasts, Oh My

Insight Lead Gen Content Sales Support

Increasing SMB Acquisition, Engagement and Retention



Research Objective

Give SMB marketers a current perspective on SMB content preferences

• How important are these formats to SMBs?

• How often do SMBs use them?

• For which product categories?

• What format do they prefer, and what length?

• What do they look for in each format?

• Where do they look for them?




• 15-minute online survey


• 532 principals of U.S. companies with <500 employees• 226 with <20 employees• 204 with 20-99 employees• 102 with 100-500 employees• Any industry• See slides 33-36 for participant demographics


• May 23 – 29, 2014




Detailed Results

Research report

Product section of a vendor’s website

Peer / colleague

Case study

Call from or meeting with sales representative

Resource section of a vendor’s website

eBook / guide / handbook

Video on vendor website

Analyst report

Event or trade show


Forum or discussion board

Email newsletter

White paper

Print newsletter

Newspaper / magazine (print or online)

Press release

Postcard, letter or catalog in the mail


One-off email


Audio podcast






Banner ad on a website



Outdoor billboard or signage

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%100%

Awareness Research Purchase

For each of these sources / formats, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format.

Sales Stage Influences


SMBs learn about products and services through mass and social media, then research through peers and long-form content, and use a call or meeting with a sales representative to make a purchase decision.

Case Study

Webinar / Webcast

White Paper

For each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Content Viewing Platforms

7Top-two boxN=300

SMBs are most likely to view an Analyst report on their computer, while they use smart phones for Twitter, and view YouTube on their Tablet.


Audio podcastOne-off email

eBook / guide / handbookGoogle

LinkedInEmail newsletter

Video on vendor websiteBlog

Press releaseBanner ad on a website

Forum or discussion boardInfographic

Webinar/webcastWhite paper

Newspaper / magazine siteResource section of a vendor’s website

Research reportCase study

Product section of a vendor’s websiteAnalyst report

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Desktop / laptop Smart-phone Tablet

Case Study

White PaperWebinar / Webcast

Case Studies

How important to you are customer stories or case studies when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

Case Studies: Importance

9Top-two boxN=522

Case studies are important when SMBs are considering a business purchase

Not at all important

Somewhat important


Very important

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

How often do you read or view customer stories or case studies when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

Case Studies: Frequency of Use

10 N=529

The majority of SMBs read case studies for most or all purchase decisions




Most of the time


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are customer stories or case studies when you are considering a product or service from a vendor in each of these categories:

Case Studies: Product Category

11 N=529

SMBs rate case studies most important for technology

Social media companies (e.g., Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter)

Office supply stores / print centers

Overnight package delivery companies

Employee recruiting services / temp agencies

Credit cards

Marketing services (e.g., online advertising, email / social media marketing)

Payroll service providers

Phone (i.e., non-cellphone) company/ies

Banks (e.g., checking accounts, loans, online payments)

Retirement plan providers

Internet access providers / website hosts

Insurance companies (e.g., business insurance; employee life and health insurance)

Software companies

Business travel: airlines, hotels, rental cars etc.

Cellphone / smartphone; cellphone service

Local technology solution providers

Technology hardware (i.e., PCs, printers, servers) manufacturers

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

What format do you prefer customer stories or case studies to be in?

Case Studies: Format


SMBs prefer to read case studies online




Print (i.e., paper)

Online PDF or HTML



What is the best length for a written (print or PDF) customer story or case study?

Written Case Studies: Length


One page is the best length for a written customer story or case study





One page

Two pages

Three or four pages

More than four pages


What is the best length for a video customer story or case study?

Video Case Studies: Length


Two or three minutes is the preferred length for a video customer story or case study





Less than two minutes

Two or three minutes

Four or five minutes

More than five minutes


On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), please rate how important each of these aspects of a customer story or case study is to you.

Case Studies: Attributes


Case studies should be easy to read, and provide specific benefits / results

The story was rated highly by previous readers / viewers

The featured company is about the same size as my company

The story is visually interesting or compelling

The story is short

The featured company is in my industry

The story was recommended by a peer / colleague

The challenges faced by the featured company are similar to mine

The story describes the specific results the company achieved

The story clearly describes the benefits of the relevant product or service

The story is easy to read or view

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%


On a scale of 1 (do not like) to 5 (like very much), please rate how much you like each of these ways to access customer stories or case studies.

Case Studies: Access


SMBs look to your site and emails first for case studies

On vendor’s Twitter feed

On vendor’s Facebook page

On vendor’s Google page

On vendor’s LinkedIn page or group

Via text message from vendor

On vendor’s YouTube channel

On third party sites / newsletters

Via email from vendor

Find online via search

On vendor’s website

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%


White Papers

In general, how important to you are white papers when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

White Papers: Importance


Over half of SMBs consider rate white papers important when considering a new product or service

Not at all important

Somewhat important


Very important

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%


How often do you read white papers when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

White Papers: Frequency


SMBs often read white papers when considering a new product or service for their business




Most of the time


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%


On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are white papers when you are considering a product or service from vendors in each of these categories:

White Papers: Product Category

20Top-two boxN=524

White papers are most important for technology hardware, retirement plans and software

Social media companies (e.g., Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter)

Overnight package delivery companies

Office supply stores / print centers

Employee recruiting services / temp agencies

Cellphone / smartphone; cellphone service

Marketing services (e.g., online advertising, email / social media marketing)

Business travel: airlines, hotels, rental cars etc.

Phone (i.e., non-cellphone) company/ies

Internet access providers / website hosts

Credit cards

Payroll service providers

Local technology solution providers

Banks (e.g., checking accounts, loans, online payments)

Insurance companies (e.g., business insurance; employee life and health insurance)

Software companies

Retirement plan providers

Technology hardware (i.e., PCs, printers, servers) manufacturers

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

What is the best length for a white paper?

White Papers: Length


Two to three pages is the best length for a white paper




Two to three pages

Four to six pages

More than six pages


On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), please rate how important each of these aspects of a white paper is to you.

White Papers: Attributes

22Top-two boxN=518

White papers should be easy to read, and provide product detail

It includes or links to relevant videos, interactive elements or other information

It is rated highly by previous viewers

It is written by a third-party subject matter expert

It is written by a subject matter expert from the sponsoring company

It is non-promotional

It is focused on a business challenge I am facing, such as increasing sales or managing IT

It provides examples of users who have tried the product or service

It is recommended by a peer / colleague

It provides data from a relevant survey

It provides technical detail on the product or service I am interested in

It is well-designed and easy to read

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

On a scale of 1 (do not like) to 5 (like very much), please rate how much you like each of these ways to access white papers.

White Papers: Access

23Top-two boxN=524

Like case studies, SMBs prefer to access white papers online or via email

On vendor’s Twitter feed

On vendor’s Google page

On vendor’s LinkedIn page or group

On vendor’s Facebook page

On vendor’s YouTube channel

Via text message from vendor

On third-party sites or newsletters

Via email from vendor

On vendor’s website

Find online via search

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%


In general, how important to you are webcasts when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

Webcasts: Importance


SMBs do not consider webcasts as important as case studies or white papers

Not at all important

Somewhat important


Very important

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%


How often do you view webcasts when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

Webcasts: Frequency


Probably because they are ephemeral, SMBs don’t rely on webcasts




Most of the time


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%


On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are webcasts when you are considering a product or service from vendors in each of these categories:

Webcasts: Product Category


SMBs consider webcasts most important for technology purchases

Social media companies (e.g., Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter)

Overnight package delivery companies

Payroll service providers

Banks (e.g., checking accounts, loans, online payments)

Credit cards

Office supply stores / print centers

Phone (i.e., non-cellphone) company/ies

Insurance companies (e.g., business insurance; employee life and health insurance)

Employee recruiting services / temp agencies

Business travel: airlines, hotels, rental cars etc.

Internet access providers / website hosts

Marketing services (e.g., online advertising, email / social media marketing)

Retirement plan providers

Cellphone / smartphone; cellphone service

Software companies

Local technology solution providers

Technology hardware (i.e., PCs, printers, servers) manufacturers

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Top-two boxN=523

What is the best length for a webcast?

Webcasts: Length


SMBs prefer short webcasts




No more than 15 minutes15 to 30 minutes30 to 45 minutes45 minutes to an hour


On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), please rate how important each of these aspects of a webcast is to you.

Webcasts: Attributes

29Top-two boxN=526

Webcasts should focus on a product or service first and foremost

It features a senior executive from the sponsoring company

It features an expert third-party presenter

It is rated highly by previous viewers

It is non-promotional

It features a company in my industry

It features a company with the same kind of challenges I am facing

It focused on a business challenge I am facing, such as increasing sales or managing IT

It is recommended by a peer / colleague

It focuses on a product or service I am interested in

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

On a scale of 1 (do not like) to 5 (like very much), please rate how much you like each of these ways to learn about webcasts.

Webcasts: Access


SMBs like to learn about webcasts via search, or on your site or via your email

On vendor’s Twitter feed

On vendor’s Google page

On vendor’s LinkedIn page or group

On vendor’s Facebook page

Via text message from vendor

On vendor’s YouTube channel

On third-party sites or newsletters

Via email from vendor

On vendor’s website

Find online via search

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Top-two boxN=527

Stu Richards, [email protected]: @SBDF

Keep all content short, informative and easy to comprehend

Talk to the SMB content experts at Bredin

Keep a steady stream of white papers and webcasts coming, for awareness and research

Join me for our next Fastcast, Content Marketing for SMB Lead Gen, at 1pmE on Thursday August 7

✔ Provide PDF / HTML case studies for a wide range of use cases

Five To-Do’s


Sample Characteristics

Sample Characteristics

Owner, Founder, Manager, Partner, CxO, etc.


















Sample Characteristics




48%Less than one year

One to five years

Six to 10 years

More than 10 years


Company Size

Growth Rate

Years in Business







38% Up by 10% or more

Up, by less than 10%

No Growth



Sample Characteristics


Sample Characteristics








Sample Characteristics

Significance Test Results


Significance Testing Key

Headcount1-19 = S20-99 = M100-500 = L20-500 = o20

GenderMale = MFemale = F

Age18-34 = Y35-49 = M50+ = O

Business Age<5 years = u56-10 years = M10+ years = o10

2014 GrowthUp >10% = FGUp <10% = SGNone/decline = NG

GeographyNortheast = NESouth = SMidwest = MWWest = W

IndustryM = Construction, Mining, Science, etc. PS = Business services, Healthcare, Marketing, Media, etc. RW = Food service, Arts & Entertainment, Real Estate, Retail, Wholesale, etc. O = Administrative, Waste Management & Remediation Service, Other Services


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format.

Analyst report 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness L- O+

Research Y-

Purchase O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Audio podcast 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness M+, Y- L-, S+

Research Y+ L+ M-

Purchase Y+ M+, O20+, S-

Banner ad on a website 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness FG-, NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ L-, O20-, S+

Research NG- L+, O20+, S-

Purchase FG+ O-, Y+ O10- L+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

Blog 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness NG+ O+, Y- O10+ L-, O20-, S+

Research NG-, SG+ O-, Y+ L+

Purchase O-, Y+ NE+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Call or meeting with sales representative 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness SG- O+


Purchase SG+ O-

Case Study 2014 Growth

Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- U5- O+

Research O-

Purchase O-, Y+ M+, O10-, U5+ L+, M+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

ebook / guide / handbook 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+

Research O-

Purchase O-, Y+ O10- L+, O20+, S-

Email newsletter 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- L-, S+


Purchase O-, Y+ O10-, U5+ L+, O20+, S-

Event or tradeshow 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- NE- L-, O20-, S+

Research L+

Purchase O-, Y+ MW-, NE+ S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

Facebook 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Research SG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ M+ L+, O20+, S-

Forum or discussion board 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+, Y- L-, S+


Purchase O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Google + 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+, Y- L-, O20-, S+

Research NG- Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

Infographic 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ NE-, W+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Research SG+ NE+, W- S- O-

Purchase O-, Y+ M+ L+, O20+, S-

LinkedIn 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+, NE- L-, O20-, S+

Research NG-, SG+ Y+ M+, O10- NE+ L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Newspaper / magazine (print or online) 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- O10+, U5- F-, M+ L-, O20-, S+

Research U5+

Purchase O-, Y+ O10- L+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

One-off email 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness M+, Y- M-, O10+ M+ L-, O20-, S+

Research M-, Y+ L+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ O10-, U5+ S-

Outdoor billboard or signage 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+, Y- M-, O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ PS-

Research L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Peer / colleague 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry



Purchase M-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

Postcard, letter or catalog in the mail 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- L-, O20-, S+

Research L+

Purchase O-, Y+ M+ L+, O20+, S-

Press release 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness NG+ O+, Y- O10+, U5- L-, O20-, S+

Research SG+ Y+ U5+ L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Print newsletter 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- U5- L-, M-, O20-, S+

Research O-

Purchase O-, Y+ O10- L+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

Product section of a vendor’s website 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry


Research L+


Radio 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+, NE- L-, O20-, S+ M+

Research Y+ NE+ L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, O20+, S-

Research report 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness U5- O+

Research O-

Purchase O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

Resource or section of a vendor’s website 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+

Research O-

Purchase O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

TV 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness FG-, NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ L-, O20-, S+

Research NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Twitter 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+, U5- MW+ L-, M-, O20-,


Research Y+ O10-, U5+ L+, O20+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ M+ MW- L+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

Video on vendor website 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- O10+ M-, O20-, S+ O+


Purchase NG- O-, Y+ MW- O20+, S-

Webinar / webcast 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+, Y- O10+, U5- MW+ L-, O20-, S+ O+, PS-

Research L+ O-

Purchase O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S- O-

White paper 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness Y- L-, O20-, S+ O+, PS-

Research L+

Purchase O-, Y+ U5+ MW- L+, M+, O20+, S-


Purchase CycleFor each of the sources / formats below, please select the stage in the purchase cycle – awareness (i.e. where you first learn about a product or service), research (i.e. investigation / evaluation) or purchase – where you are most likely to use that source / format. (continued)

You Tube 2014 Growth


s AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Awareness O+, Y- O10+ MW+ L-, O20-, S+

Research M+ L+, S-

Purchase O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S- RW-


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Analyst report 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+, SG- O+, Y- M-, O10+ L-, O20-, S+ PS-

Smartphone SG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, O20+, S-

Tablet Y+ L+, S-

Audio podcast 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+, SG- O+, Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone NG- O-, Y+ O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet NG-, SG+ O-

Banner ad on a website 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+

Smartphone O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet FG+, NG- O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Blog 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- M+, RW-

Tablet O-, Y+ L+, S-

Case study 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+, SG- O+, Y- O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ PS-

Smartphone NG-, SG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

eBook / guide / handbook 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, O20+, S- M+, RW-

Tablet NG-, SG+ M+, O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S-


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Email newsletter 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, O20+, S- O-

Tablet O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Facebook 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+, SG- O+, Y- M-, O10+, U5- MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10-, U5+ MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Tablet S-

Forum or discussion board 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+, SG- O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- NE+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Tablet O-, Y+ M+, S-


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Google+ 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ PS-

Smartphone NG- O-, Y+ M+ MW-, S+ L+, M+, O20+, S-


Infographic 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ PS-

Smartphone NG-, SG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- S+, W- L+, M+, O20+, S- PS+

Tablet Y+ W+ L+, S-

LinkedIn 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, O20+, S-

Tablet S-


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Newspaper / magazine site 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ M-, O+, Y- O10+, U5- L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S- PS+

Tablet NG- M+, O-, Y+ U5+ M+, O20+, S-

One-off email 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet O-, Y+ S-

Press release 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone M+, O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet O-, Y+


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Product section of a vendor’s website 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ PS-

Smartphone O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet O-, Y+ L+ O-

Research report 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+, SG- O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ PS-

Smartphone NG-, SG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Resource section of a vendor’s website 2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, O20-, S+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ O10- L+, O20+, S-

Tablet Y+ L+, S-


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

Twitter 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+

Smartphone NG- M+, O-, Y+ O10- M+, O20+, S- O-

Tablet NG- O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Video on vendor website 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ M-, O+, Y- M-, O10+, U5- MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Tablet O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S-

Webinar / webcast 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Smartphone O-, Y+ M+ L+, O20+, S-

Tablet O-, Y+ U5+ M+, O20+, S-


Content PlatformsFor each sources / format below, please indicate which you are most likely to view on a desktop / laptop; a smartphone such as an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy; or a tablet such as an iPad or Surface.

White paper 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop NG+ O+, Y- M-, O10+, U5- MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ M+, PS-

Smartphone O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, O20+, S- PS+

Tablet Y+ S- M-

YouTube 2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Desktop / laptop FG-, NG+ O+, Y- O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+

Smartphone NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- M+

Tablet Y+ M+, O20+, S-


Case Studies

How important to you are customer stories or case studies when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Very important FG+, NG- Y+ O10- F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S-


Somewhat important FG-, NG+ Y- O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

Not at all important L-, S+


Case Studies

How often do you read or view customer stories or case studies when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Always FG+, NG- Y+ F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Most of the time M+ S- M+

Sometimes FG-, NG+ Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+

Rarely Y- O10+, U5- MW+ O20-, S+

Never NG+


Case Studies

On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are customer stories or case studies when you are considering a product or service from a vendor in each of these categories: (Top-two)

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Banks (e.g., checking accounts, loans, online payments) FG+, NG-, SG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- S+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Business travel: airlines, hotels, rental cars etc. NG- O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Cellphone / smartphone; cellphone service FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- F+, M- S+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Credit cards FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW-, S+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O- Employee recruiting services / temp agencies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Insurance companies (e.g., business insurance; employee life and health insurance)

FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Internet access providers / website hosts FG+, NG- O-, Y+ F+, M- S+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Local technology solution providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ F+ S+ M+, O20+, S- O-

Marketing services (e.g., online advertising, email / social media marketing)

FG+, NG- M+, O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Office supply stores / print centers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- M+, O20+, S-

Overnight package delivery companies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-


Case Studies

On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are customer stories or case studies when you are considering a product or service from a vendor in each of these categories: (Top-two)

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Payroll service providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW-, S+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Phone (i.e., non-cellphone) company/ies NG- M+, O-, Y+ O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Retirement plan providers FG+, NG- M+, O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Social media companies (e.g., Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter)

FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Software companies FG+, NG- M+, O-, Y+ M+ MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Technology hardware (i.e., PCs, printers, servers) manufacturers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-


Case Studies

On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), please rate how important each of these aspects of a customer story or case study is to you: (Top-two)

2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

The challenges faced by the featured company are similar to mine FG+, NG- O-, PS+

The featured company is about the same size as my company

NG- F+, M- L+, O20+, S- PS+

The featured company is in my industry Y+ S- O-

The story clearly describes the benefits of the relevant product or service

FG+, NG- F+, M- O-

The story describes the specific results the company achieved FG+, NG- O-, PS+

The story is easy to read or view M- PS+

The story is short NG- S-

The story is visually interesting or compelling Y+ M- L+, M+, O20+, S-

The story was rated highly by previous readers / viewers O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

The story was recommended by a peer / colleague NG- Y+ M+, O20+, S- PS+


Case Studies

On a scale of 1 (do not like) to 5 (like very much), please rate how much you like each of these ways to access customer stories or case studies.

2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Find online via search O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S- O-

On third party sites / newsletters O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s Facebook page NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s Google+ page FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s LinkedIn page or group FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

On vendor’s Twitter feed O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- PS+

On vendor’s website FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S- O-

On vendor’s YouTube channel NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Via email from vendor FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Via text message from vendor NG-, SG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-


Case Studies

What is the best length for a written (print or PDF) customer story or case study?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

One page NG+ Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+

Two pages O20+, S-

Three or four pages

More than four pages


Case Studies

What is the best length for a video customer story or case study?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Less than two minutes

Two or three minutes

Four or five minutes

More than five minutes FG+ M+ L+, O20+, S-

Less than two minutes

Two or three minutes


White Papers

In general, how important to you are white papers when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Very important FG+ Y+ O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Important M+ O-, PS+

Somewhat important Y- M- S+

Not at all important NG+, SG- Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+, PS-


White Papers

How often do you read white papers when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Always FG+ Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Most of the time NG- M+ M+, O20+, S-

Sometimes Y- M- S+

Rarely NG+ Y- L-, O20-, S+

Never NG+, SG- Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+, PS-


White Papers

On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are white papers when you are considering a product or service from vendors in each of these categories: (Top-two)

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Banks (e.g., checking accounts, loans, online payments) FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Business travel: airlines, hotels, rental cars etc. NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Cellphone / smartphone; cellphone service NG- O-, Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Credit cards NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- M- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Employee recruiting services / temp agencies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Insurance companies (e.g., business insurance; employee life and health insurance)

FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Internet access providers / website hosts FG+, NG- O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Local technology solution providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Marketing services (e.g., online advertising, email / social media marketing)

FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ F+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Office supply stores / print centers FG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Overnight package delivery companies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-


White Papers

On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are white papers when you are considering a product or service from vendors in each of these categories: (Top-two) (continued)

2014 Growth


AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Payroll service providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Phone (i.e., non-cellphone) company/ies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Retirement plan providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

Social media companies (e.g., Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter) FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Software companies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Technology hardware (i.e., PCs, printers, servers) manufacturers NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+


White Papers

On a scale of 1 (do not like) to 5 (like very much), please rate how much you like each of these ways to access white papers. (Top-two)

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Find online via search O-, Y+ M+ M+, O20+, S- O-

On third-party sites or newsletters O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- PS+, RW-

On vendor’s Facebook page O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s Google+ page NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s LinkedIn page or group NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s Twitter feed FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s website FG+ O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S- M+, O-

On vendor’s YouTube channel FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Via email from vendor O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Via text message from vendor NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-


White Papers

What is the best length for a white paper?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Two to three pages NG+ M-, Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+ PS-

Four to six pages SG+ Y+ L+, O20+, S- PS+

More than six pages Y+ NE+ L+, O20+, S-


White Papers

On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), please rate how important each of these aspects of a white paper is to you.

2014 Growth AgeBusines

s AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

It includes or links to relevant videos, interactive elements or other information

FG+, NG- O- M+, O20+, S- O-

It is focused on a business challenge I am facing, such as increasing sales or managing IT

FG+, NG- O- L+, O20+, S- O-

It is non-promotional L+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It provides data from a relevant survey FG+, NG- O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It provides examples of users who have tried the product or service

FG+, NG- Y+ L+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It provides technical detail on the product or service I am interested in FG+, NG- Y+ L+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It is rated highly by previous viewers NG- O-, Y+ O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

It is recommended by a peer / colleague FG+, NG- Y+ L+, O20+, S- M-, O-, PS+

It is well-designed and easy to read NG- O-

It is written by a subject matter expert from the sponsoring company FG+, NG- Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It is written by a third-party subject matter expert FG+ Y+ M+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+



In general, how important to you are webcasts when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Very important FG+, NG- Y+ M+, O10- F+ MW- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Important NG-, SG+ L+, O20+, S-

Somewhat important Y- MW+ S+

Not at all important NG+, SG- Y- M-, O10+ L-, M-, O20-, S+



How often do you view webcasts when you are considering buying a new product or service for your business?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

Always FG+, NG-, SG- Y+ MW-, NE+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Most of the time NG-, SG+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Sometimes Y-

Rarely NG+ M-, Y- M- NE- L-, M-, O20-, S+

Never NG+ Y- L-, M-, O20-, S+ O+



On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are webcasts when you are considering a product or service from vendors in each of these categories: (Top-two)

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Banks (e.g., checking accounts, loans, online payments)

FG+, NG- M+, O-, Y+ O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Business travel: airlines, hotels, rental cars etc. NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- MW- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Cellphone / smartphone; cellphone service NG- O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Credit cards FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- PS+

Employee recruiting services / temp agencies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Insurance companies (e.g., business insurance; employee life and health insurance)

FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Internet access providers / website hosts FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+ F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Local technology solution providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Marketing services (e.g., online advertising, email / social media marketing)

FG+, NG- M+, O-, Y+ O10-, U5+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Office supply stores / print centers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Overnight package delivery companies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S-



On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), how important are webcasts when you are considering a product or service from vendors in each of these categories: (Top-two) (continued)

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Payroll service providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- PS+

Phone (i.e., non-cellphone) company/ies FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- S+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Retirement plan providers FG+, NG- O-, Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

Social media companies (e.g., Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter) FG+ O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Software companies NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Technology hardware (i.e., PCs, printers, servers) manufacturers NG- O-, Y+ M+ MW- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-, PS+



On a scale of 1 (do not like) to 5 (like very much), please rate how much you like each of these ways to learn about webcasts. (Top-two)

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

Find online via search O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S- O-

On third-party sites or newsletters NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- F+, M- L+, M+, O20+, S- PS+

On vendor’s Facebook page NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s Google+ page NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- M- L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s LinkedIn page or group NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- F+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s Twitter feed NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10-, U5+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

On vendor’s website FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O20+, S- O-

On vendor’s YouTube channel FG+, NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-

Via email from vendor O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

Via text message from vendor NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S-



What is the best length for a webcast?

2014 Growth Age Business Age Gender Geography Headcount Industry

No more than 15 minutes NG+, SG- Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+

15 to 30 minutes SG+ M+, O20+, S-

30 to 45 minutes Y+ M+ L+, O20+, S-

45 minutes to an hour FG+ L+

No more than 15 minutes NG+, SG- Y- M-, O10+ MW+ L-, M-, O20-, S+



On a scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (very important), please rate how important each of these aspects of a webcast is to you.

2014 Growth AgeBusiness

AgeGender Geography Headcount Industry

It features a company with the same kind of challenges I am facing

NG- O-

It features an expert third-party presenter M+ L+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It features a senior executive from the sponsoring company NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, M+, O20+, S- O-

It features a company in my industry Y+ L+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It focuses on a product or service I am interested in FG+, NG- O-

It focused on a business challenge I am facing, such as increasing sales or managing IT

FG+, NG- O-, Y+ L+, O20+, S- O-, PS+

It is non-promotional Y+ L+, M+, O20+, S-

It is rated highly by previous viewers NG- O-, Y+ M+, O10- L+, O20+, S- O-

It is recommended by a peer / colleague Y+ S- O-, PS+