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Black Belt List Building Secrets by Greg Kononenko



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Black Belt List Building Secrets by Greg Kononenko


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Black Belt List Building Secrets by Greg Kononenko



Hello and welcome

First of all, I wanted to say thanks for

putting your trust in me.

My name is Greg Kononenko and I live in

Sydney, Australia with my family who I

love very much – my wife and our little


I know from my personal experience

that in the "Make Money Online" niche it

is hard to come by material that is truly


That's why I am really excited to be sharing my information with you, because

I am convinced that you will find the course useful, concise, and easy to follow.

Who am I and what have I done online?

I have been online for quite some time, since 2006, so that’s about 100 years

in Internet Marketing terms

I have done quite a few things, but kept going up and down like a yo-yo until I

found list building.

I built my first affiliate site (in 2006) promoting dog training products, and

was driving traffic using Google AdWords. I made one sale with a $26

commission after spending about $150 on traffic.

I then bought a course called “Niche Marketing On Crack” (great product for

its time by the way) by a fellow Aussie – Andrew Hansen. The strategy worked

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really well, and I made some really good money by building an army of tiny


It was great, I went to well over $100 per day – until I lost it all. One by one,

they were getting killed off by Google who thought they were too “thin” in

terms of content and didn’t provide any value. So Google kept deindexing


I then got into eBay. That was around 2009 I think.

I bought an awesome plug-in called “phpBay” and started churning out dozens

of eBay sites – primarily in the Golf niche, but also in sewing machines,

glassware, you name it.

I have built probably close to 100 of those things.

Again – the same thing, as soon as my business started going really well and I

was starting to think of quitting work, Google demolished my whole business.

I knew something had to change…

That’s when I found list building

I had a year and a bit off Internet Marketing, bought a franchise and lost a lot

of money on it (which is a completely different story) and then in 2013, I

started to seriously consider doing IM again, but something different this time.

That’s when I turned my attention to List Building.

It just made sense. I didn’t want to be at the mercy of Google any more.

I wanted to be able to promote directly to my customers – and when you have

a list that’s exactly what you can do. You send an email, and your target

audience will get it. Nothing can take your list away from you.

Slowly, I started buying various products on the Warrior Forum, and testing a

few different approaches.

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It was working pretty well… I started building lists in Weight Loss and

Bodybuilding niches, and that’s how my current business started. I slowly

progressed, grew my knowledge, and in August 2014 I decided to start

building a different type of email list – a BUYERS email list.

I kept hearing about it, that the buyers lists are much more profitable, and

decided to go for it.

I released my own product, based on the knowledge of list building that I had,

and launched my WSO on the Warrior Forum at the end of September 2014.

My product was called “Autopilot Commission Blueprint”, and some of you

reading this may have purchased it.

The launch went extremely well for my first attempt, I ended up with a buyers

list of just over 200 subscribers, and I can tell you – THIS STUFF WORKS!

Buyers email lists are much more responsive, and much more profitable.

That’s how the idea of this WSO

started brewing in my head…

List Building, in my eyes, is just so much more powerful and reliable than

Search Engine Optimization, because you are in control.

And there is a LOT of money to be made with List Building.

However, there is even MORE money to be made with building a Buyers list.

And that’s exactly what we are going to talk about in this report.

This report will probably challenge

your belief in yourself...

As you read this report, if you have never created your own product before,

you may come across sections where you might think that it’s just too hard

and you can’t do it.

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I want to let you know that this is exactly how I felt only 3 short months


In July 2014, I never ever, ever, ever thought that by October 2014 I would

have released 2 successful WSO’s.

However, all it took for me to change my point of view is to JUST DO IT.

I didn’t think I could release a WSO, I didn’t know what to write about, and I

didn’t think that people would want to buy my stuff.

But I said “screw it, I’m just gonna do it”. And I did it – and that’s exactly how it

will happen for you too.

Plus don’t forget - we have an awesome Facebook support group, where all of

the customers who have purchased this product will hang out and help each


I will also be there to support and give answers to any questions you have.

Plus… we will have a few big-name marketers in that group as well, who will

be able to provide their expertise to you. I won’t spoil the fun and tell you who

exactly right now – you’ll have to join to find out

So, without any further delay, make sure you do this RIGHT NOW:

Join the “Black Belt List Building Secrets” Facebook Group!

I truly believe that for many of you, this group will be the most valuable thing

you participate in this whole year.

Here is my vision for the group:

Your fellow marketers, myself, and a few unannounced big-name guests

will answer the questions you have

You can partner up and build life-long connections with fellow like-

minded internet marketing warriors, so that you can help each other

implement the techniques I talk about in this guide

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Space to vent and bounce things off other people – IM is a lonely

business sometimes, and it’s good to just be able to talk to some people

You will gain a lot of knowledge FOR FREE because you will be sharing

your products with your fellow marketers, and you all will learn

something new from each person


These are the foundations of what can be a life-changing opportunity for you.

I want you to take this opportunity with both hands, and go for it.

If you get stuck – ask away in the Facebook group.

If you JUST DO IT, there is no way you can fail.

The only sure-fire way to FAIL is to take no action

Without any further delay, let's get into the details!

To your success,

Greg Kononenko

Black Belt List Building Secrets Facebook Group

[email protected]

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Disclaimer and Terms of Use ................................................................................................... 2

Preface: Welcome! ........................................................................................................................ 4

Who am I and what have I done online? ........................................................................ 4

That’s when I found list building ....................................................................................... 5

That’s how the idea of this WSO started brewing in my head… ......................... 6

This report will probably challenge your belief in yourself... ............................... 6

Lastly... .......................................................................................................................................... 8

MODULE 1: What is all this about? ..................................................................................... 12

What the heck is a buyers list, Greg? ............................................................................ 12

What is the difference between a buyers list and a normal list? ..................... 12

So what EXACTLY can a buyers list do? ...................................................................... 13

Freebie list example 1 ......................................................................................................... 13

Buyers list example 1 .......................................................................................................... 14

Buyers list example 2 .......................................................................................................... 14

Having a buyers list is very very lucrative ................................................................. 15

MODULE 2: How to build your buyers list ...................................................................... 16

Option 1: create your own product ............................................................................... 16

Option 2: promote someone else's offer as affiliate ............................................... 16

Option 3: offer a bonus to someone else's product ................................................ 17

MODULE 3: How to write your own product from scratch...................................... 18

And you can do the same! .................................................................................................. 18

How to create your own report ...................................................................................... 19

Step 1 - choose a niche in demand ................................................................................. 20

Step 2 - create a product outline .................................................................................... 21

Step 3 - get writing! .............................................................................................................. 22

Step 4 - the upsell (optional) ............................................................................................ 23

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Step 5 - create a sales page ............................................................................................... 24

MODULE 4: How to sell PLR .................................................................................................. 26

Example of finding a PLR product ................................................................................. 26

And guess what? .................................................................................................................... 27

PLR Source 1: Warrior Forum ......................................................................................... 27

PLR Source 2: Google research and other sites ........................................................ 28

What to do with PLR ............................................................................................................ 28

MODULE 5: How to sell software ........................................................................................ 29

MODULE 6: Selling your product ........................................................................................ 30

How to put together your offer ....................................................................................... 30

What you need to do ............................................................................................................ 30

MODULE 7: How to build your buyers list using other people's products ....... 34

Ok, let's get the buyer subs going!.. ............................................................................... 34

Lure them in with bonuses! .............................................................................................. 35

How to add them to the buyers list - the easy way ................................................. 35

How to add them to the buyers list - the HARD way ............................................. 39

MODULE 8: Profits Module .................................................................................................... 41

Profit Method 1: Launch and Recruit Affiliates ........................................................ 41

Profit Method 2: Free WSO’s and $1 upsells ............................................................. 42

Profit Method 3: Traffic using Google Hangouts On Air ....................................... 45

Profit Method 4: Build your buyers list by giving away bonuses ..................... 48

MODULE 9: How to make money from your buyers list ........................................... 52

What to promote ................................................................................................................... 52

How to promote the offers ................................................................................................ 52

How to write the emails ..................................................................................................... 53

My example email ................................................................................................................. 56

MODULE 10: What to do if you are in a non-IM niche ............................................... 59

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Can you still make money in non-IM niches? ............................................................ 59

Where to sell your non-IM products? ........................................................................... 59

Where to promote non-IM products?........................................................................... 60

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 62

What to do next ...................................................................................................................... 62

How to contact me ................................................................................................................ 63

THANK YOU! ........................................................................................................................... 63

RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................. 64

1. Sick Of Writing Your Own Emails? ...................................................................... 64

2. Fast Traffic Secrets ..................................................................................................... 64

3. My Click Boss ................................................................................................................ 64

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In a nutshell, here is what we are going to talk about in this course:

It's about an opportunity to build a HUGE asset, which can provide you with a

very comfortable income.

So let's begin...

What the heck is a buyers list, Greg?

I'm glad you asked!

It's basically an email list, which is made up of buyers.

They are people who have purchased something in your niche. Maybe it was

your own product. Or an affiliate offer that you promoted. It doesn't matter.

What matters is that we know that they have SPENT MONEY and we know

which product they have spent money on.


What is the difference between a

buyers list and a normal list?

Just in case you have not heard of this before - the difference is

MASSIVE. Yep, I had to increase the font size to show just huge it is ;)

If you have a list of 1,000 people who downloaded a free report that you have

offered them to opt-in to your list, they are basically freebie-seekers until

proven otherwise.

Freebie lists are generally full of people who may never spend money. And

they don't necessarily trust you. They don't really know you.

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With the buyers list though, these people clearly have spent money on a

product. And all research, including my own experience so far, clearly proves

that they will spend again for sure.

Additionally, if the buyers have bought YOUR product, it means they trusted

you enough to buy it. Therefore they will trust you again - unless you end up

breaking that trust somehow.

So it is important that you maintain that trust. If you keep sending 2

promotions per day to your buyers, and promote low-quality products, they

will stop trusting you very quickly and will unsubscribe.

So what EXACTLY can a buyers list do?

If you send an email to a freebie list, with an affiliate promotion, you can

expect that something like 2-10% of those people will open your email, maybe

2-3% will click on a link in that email.

And chances are you may not make a single sale...

With the buyers list, it's a whole different ball game.

Let me start by showing you something... Here are two emails that I have sent

to two of my lists. One to a freebie list and the other one to a buyers list:

Freebie list example 1

Ok guys so here you can see that I got what is considered to be pretty good

results (for me anyway and for many others) on a typical broadcast to a list of


I got a 7.49% open rate and 2.09% click rate. No, I didn't make any sales.

So let's now look into what happens when I send emails to the buyers list.

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Buyers list example 1

This was a promotion email I sent on the 3rd of October.

32.5% open rate and 19.8% click rate.

Big difference, isn't it? And yes, I made sales...

Buyers list example 2

This was sent on the 1st of October, and then resent to those who didn't open

the first email.

36.9% open rate and 20.2% click rate

And again, yes, I made sales.

In fact, here is a screenshot I took about 2 hours after I sent the first email:

It was a Warrior Forum WSO (Warrior Special Offer) report product I


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Can you believe it? 16 clicks, 15 sales, 91% conversion AND $80.27 in

commissions. It then went on to make a couple more sales.

Admittedly, this is the best conversion result I have had so far, but I think you

are starting to sense that

Having a buyers list is very very lucrative

If you manage to build a great relationship with them, where you provide real

value to your subscribers, and manage to turn them into your lifetime

subscribers, you have just found a source of income for life.

Mind you - my buyers list at the moment is not very big.

You can see in the example above - I sent an email to 84 subscribers. And I

made a total of $90 or so from that one email.

Imagine if you have a list of 1,000 responsive buyers. Or 10,000…

Do you see just how insanely powerful this is???

They will buy again and again and again - as long as they trust you and like


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Welcome to the next module!

Now we're going to learn how to actually build this super-list of buyers.

I will talk you through the options, and then we'll jump into the detail of how

to implement each one.

Essentially, it comes down to 3 options:

Option 1: create your own product

This is by far the best way, even though it's a bit more complex. When

someone buys and pays, they'll get automatically captured to your buyers list.

Massive pay-off for a significant effort.

Warning: DO NOT discount this option right away. I know what you're

thinking. Too difficult, I'll never be able to do it.

That's exactly how I felt, and I was very wrong. 3 months ago, I could not even

imagine I could make my own product. And now... you are reading this report,


I will show you how you can do this, simply.

Option 2: promote someone else's offer as affiliate

With this option, you can offer a bonus to your customers if they purchase

through your link.

To claim the bonus, the customers will have to enter their email, and this way

they'll go on your buyers list.

More in that in one of the upcoming sections.

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Option 3: offer a bonus to someone else's product

This one is a little bit "out of the box" thinking and I really like this idea.

Basically what you do it create a valuable digital asset of some sort and give it

to a product creator, who then places it on the download link.

That way you get the buyer opt-ins.

For example, it can be your report, which you are giving away for free in this

particular instance as a bonus exclusive to this buyer.

Or it can be a squeeze page template. Or a list of sites that have guest blogging

feature. That sort of thing. Anything really - but it needs to be valuable to your

target market.

Then you approach someone who release products and offer them to include

your item as the bonus to be included on the download page.

So whenever someone buys the main product, they will also download your

product from the download page.

Your link will take them to a squeeze page where they'll leave their email

address in exchange for your bonus.

You both win, because now the seller has an extra incentive to offer his

buyers, as his package has now become more valuable.

And you win because you will gain buyers without doing much work.

I will talk through the details of how this might work in a later module.

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DO NOT BE AFRAID - you can create your own product.

You absolutely can.

If someone told me 3 months ago that I would have 2 successful products

launched in 3 months’ time, I would think that they were crazy.

But... I met the right people, who explained to me essentially the same stuff I'm

explaining to you here, and this knowledge really changed my perspective on

the internet business.

I got the confidence to put out my own product. Yes it was hard work, but now

it is paying off big time.

And you can do the same!

You can absolutely create your own product to sell.

It can be a software product, such as a Wordpress plugin.

It can be a collection of squeeze page templates.

It can be a report, similar to the one you are reading right now.

For the purposes of example in this guide, I will focus on the hardest and

probably the most common option, and then will touch on the simpler


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How to create your own report

Firstly, I want to explain why you want to create your own products. There

are massive benefits to doing so, and here is exactly why:

You are creating an asset, which you can leverage forever and ever.

Some examples of how you can leverage it:

o Sell and make a profit right away, and build your buyers list

o Get affiliates to sell your product for commission. They'll make

money, you'll get buyers on your list without doing any work

o You can offer your product as a bonus to someone else's product

on their download page, and you will get buyer opt-ins without

doing any work

o You can offer your own product as an upsell to another product

that you release in the future

o You can offer your product as a $1 upsell to a free report to build a

buyers list (soooo many people will easily spend $1 - and more on

that technique later in the report)

... and this is just the beginning - there are many more reasons why you really

need to create your own products – but we will focus on the ones above in this


Most people are experts in something. And if you are not yet an expert, you

can easily become an expert by researching something or buying products

about it.

And if you don't want to become an expert, then you can use PLR - more on

that in next chapter.

So by now, if I've done my job, you should have run out of excuses ;) Just

remember - YOU CAN DO IT!

To give you an example, I wrote my first report called "Autopilot Commission

Blueprint" in September 2014.

I have been building lists online for several years, and they were all just

generic lists. I never separated them into buyers or freebie seekers.

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I used quite simple techniques.

So when it came time for me to write my own product, I just wrote about that.

I wrote everything that I knew, packaged it into a PDF and started selling it on

the Warrior Forum.

It went live on the 24th of September. Today, as I'm writing this, it's the 12th

of October, so it has been a little less than 3 weeks since the launch.

And here are my stats: 137 sales, and I get a few more sales coming in every


Now I'm not showing this to brag... Besides there's not a whole lot there to

brag about :)

The reason I'm showing this is to tell you that it's possible, even if you think

it's not. So how can you create your report?

Step 1 - choose a niche in demand

First you need to decide on the topic.

You need to make sure that it's something that is in demand.

A great way to come up with a good topic is to browse the section of the

Warrior Forum that you're interested in.

For example, Email Marketing. Or Affiliate Marketing.

Have a look at what people are asking questions about.

In addition, head over to www.warriorplus.com and look at the hottest-selling

offers. You can do that by going into the "affiliates" section and then looking at

the WSO's that have sold 100 or more copies.

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The topics that are always in demand and sell well are:



Traffic generation

Affiliate marketing

List building


Step 2 - create a product outline

Now you have a basic idea about what you will write your report on.

Your goal is to write something that is 30-40 pages. You don't want anything

longer, because your buyers won't want anything longer. It has to be

something that a person can read in 1 hour or so.

For example, with this report, I am trying very hard to keep it under 40 pages,

and will update this section once I’m finished.

EDIT 19th October 2014 – despite my best efforts, this has gone over 56


If you don't have enough information on the topic just yet, then either google

more information, or buy a couple of good products on this topic.

Of course, you cannot copy word for word what's in those products. But you

can definitely borrow ideas, combine ideas from different sources with your

own, and then rewrite them in your own words.

So your goal in this step is to create a plan for your product with bullet points.

To give you an example, here is the outline that I prepared when I was writing

this report:

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As you can see, nothing ground-breaking. Took me about 20 minutes to create.


Step 3 - get writing!

Now that you've got your plan, just sit and write.

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Don't worry about formatting or spelling or getting it perfect. Just write as

quickly as you can. You've got the outline in front of you, so just put the

content out there as quickly as you can in your own words.

It should not take you more than 4-5 hours to write the whole thing. So you

can easily do it in one day.

Once you've written the first draft, take a break and come back and edit it.

This is the time when you can pretty it up.

Step 4 - the upsell (optional)

This step is optional, but highly recommended.

An upsell (also called OTO - one time offer) is a good thing. It can put more

money into your pocket.

At the same time, our goal here is to build a buyers list. So you don't HAVE to

create an upsell.

However, if you can think of an upsell and you believe you'd like to do it, then I

highly recommend you go for it.

The upsell has to be something that perfectly complements the main report

and does at least one of these three things:

Solves a problem that the main product creates

Helps achieve faster or greater results

Takes away work and saves time

For example, in my product "Autopilot Commission Blueprint" I describe how

to build your list building system.

I talk about finding a profitable product, creating a squeeze page, a thank you

page, writing a free report, creating email series.

Then my upsell proposition is: how about I do most of this upfront work for

you? And I provided 2 fully researched niches (weight loss and bodybuilding),

including which products to promote.

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I also included the thank you pages, squeeze pages, email content etc.

See how the upsell solves the problem that the main product creates?

And so far here are my stats: 52% of people who buy the main course buy the


Step 5 - create a sales page

Do not be alarmed! It's not that hard

What you need to do is read 4-5 pages of products that have sold 100 or more

copies on the WarriorPlus.com website.

When you search the products like I showed you before, you will be able to

see the conversion % of each product.

So focus on those that convert at 10% or better and have sold over 100 copies.

It means the sales copy is good enough.

Next, rewrite the sales copy of one of them - of course you are not allowed to

copy. But you can borrow the format, just rewrite in your own words.

If you are stuck, then here is a simple formula you can follow:


o Write it so that it says what you are selling:

o For example: Discover the secret to making monster commissions

and sky-high conversions through building a super-profitable list

of buyers

Then ask a couple of pain questions, like:

o Are you frustrated with x, y, z?

o Are you struggling with a, b, c?

o Does it irritate you if you can’t do e, f, g?

Then transition:

o Tell them you know how they feel, because you used to struggle

with that (I usually teach on things I had to learn, so they seem to

be things I’ve personally struggled with)

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o I tell them my struggle

o Then I tell them what I have discovered, created, etc.

Then bullets:

o They are the points that you've created writing the outline

o Just try to convert them into benefits, so instead of saying "how to

build an email list", which is a feature, you would want to say

"how to command high conversions and reliable commissions by

building a super-powerful buyers list"

Then tell them they should buy it before the price goes up.

Then the payment button.

That’s about it.

You've now got your report, as well as your sales page.

If you have decided to create an upsell, then you'll need a sales page for it

as well.

The upsell page needs to be a little different and it should get straight to

the point: thanks for purchasing, you will get the download link in your

email, in the meantime here is an opportunity to achieve faster results.

And then you give the rest of the spill.

We will talk about launching it in a moment.... But for now let's talk about

the other option of getting your product - which is PLR.

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PLR stands for Private Label Rights. If you're not familiar with what it is,

basically when you buy a product with PLR rights, you can do whatever you

want with it. You get full rights to change it, modify the content, and put your

name on it and sell as your own.

PLR is a great way to get started. It often has a bit of a bad stigma with it,

because people immediately think it's really bad quality.

And often, unfortunately, it is the case. So you need to be vigilant and do some

research before you buy something.

IMPORTANT: you MUST repackage all PLR products. What I mean is that you

need to create a new cover, and give it a new name. This is to ensure that your

product actually looks different to what it looked like when someone else sold


You can get a new ebook cover made for $5 on Fiverr – just look for a gig

searching for keywords “ebook cover”.

Example of finding a PLR product

I will give an example of using PLR in the Internet Marketing niche. You can

then easily translate that into something else if you would like to choose a

different niche

So let me show you something. Here is an example that will spin you out a bit...

Check out this PLR offer from the Warrior Forum, dated 17 May 2014:




These are 50 mobile-friendly squeeze pages with PLR rights. Looks nice, right?

I would buy this. In fact, I've already bought them :)

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Now check this out:



This post is dated 9th of July.

Can you see anything suspicious going on?


And both of them have made sales.

The guy that posted in July just took the other offer, repackaged it, created a

new sales page, and is reselling it.

And guess what?

There are lots of others doing the same! They buy PLR and resell it.

Can you see yourself doing it too? I'm pretty sure you are getting excited now.

Here is how to find high quality PLR.

PLR Source 1: Warrior Forum

Go to Warrior Forum. If you are not registered, register.

Then go into "search" and "advanced search".

Then in the keywords section, type in "plr" and under the option "Search in

Forum(s)" choose the "Warrior Special Offers" forum.

Then just go through the search results until you find something that you

think you can resell.

I have just done this, and found two AWESOME products to sell in under 3

minutes. Here are the links:



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This is a great software which would be in demand by a lot of people.




I haven't bought it, so don't know about the quality, but judging from the

reviews the quality is pretty good.

And there are literally hundreds of options out there.

PLR Source 2: Google research and other sites

You can always google for "[your niche] PLR" and see what comes up.

Or you can buy from sites like these:



Just beware of quality - you may need to buy a few different items before you

find something of decent quality.

What to do with PLR

Even if you find something of decent quality, you should change as much

content inside of it as you can - to make your product unique.

Next - follow the steps in the previous chapter to:

Create the outline of what you product can do

Edit your PLR if necessary

Do not forget to repackage the PLR product and create a new cover for

it using a gig on Fiverr

Create the sales page

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I have to be upfront with you - this is not something I have personally tried.

However, I believe there is great potential with PLR software. I just have not

had a chance to do this yet, because I've been busy writing PDF's

Here is an example of what you can sell, I just typed in "wordpress PLR

plugin" into Google, and the first result I saw was this:


Looks like an awesome, very functional plugin. And it comes with PLR rights.

I'm sure many people would buy it - wouldn't you pay $7 for something like


Just like with the other PLR products, DO NOT forget to change the name,

logo and order a new image package (software box or similar) for your

product using a Fiverr gig

Ok - this was a very brief chapter, I just wanted to show you what's possible.

Let's move on to how you can sell your stuff.

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In this example, we are working with Warrior Forum, because this is what has

worked for me.

I will explain to you a basic set up. There are huge variations of this, but this is

a very solid set up for someone who is just starting out.

How to put together your offer

Here is what you will need:

A domain



Your product (report or software)

WarriorPlus.com will be the platform which you will use to sell.

They take care of most things, like collecting payments, and delivering the

product to the buyer.

What you need to do

Website / Product:

You will need to upload your product, in a ZIP file, to your server

If you decided to include an upsell, then upload it to your server as well


Create a list, name it whatever you like. This will be your buyers list

Once you've created the list, you will be able to integrate it on Warrior

Plus so that all of your buyers are immediately added to the email list

WarriorPlus set up:

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Warrior Plus is going to take care of everything - from hosting your

offer, to processing payments, to making sure that the buyers are added

to your mailing list

The process is very well covered by the WarriorPlus.com support

knowledge base. The link is below


Process overview is here:

NOTE: First offer that you submit on WarriorPlus will need to be manually

approved. Your second and subsequent offers on Warrior Plus will be

approved instantly, so the process becomes much easier.

WarriorPlus :

o Create a “product” for your main product

o Create a “product” for the upsell

o Set the prices for both

o Create your “offer” (which is your funnel, combination of main

product and the upsell)

o Set up the sales funnel (detailed instructions at the link above)

o For the sales page URL’s, do the following:

Your “main” product sales page will be the Warrior Forum

thread, so type in a note “New Warrior Forum Thread To Be

Created” for now

You Upsell (OTO) sales pages – put the sales page on your

own website and put the link to the sales page into the

relevant product

o Don’t worry about the button codes just yet, submit it as is – it

should get approved

o Submit your “offer” for approval (you only have to do this with the

first offer)

Warrior Forum:

o AFTER your WarriorPlus offer is approved, do the following

o Create your Warrior Forum Sales Thread in the WSO section

following their instructions

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o Retype your sales page into the thread

o In the places where your sales button should go, put in the button

code you got at Warrior Plus into the sales thread

o Submit it for approval

o Don’t pay for it until you want the offer to go live

Once both are approved:

o Insert the OTO button codes into the OTO sales pages hosted


o Hit the “launch” button in WarriorPlus

o Quickly go over to Warrior Forum, and pay for the thread (you

will get a PM from the admin with instructions)

o As soon as you pay, the WSO thread will go live

o Grab the URL of your WSO thread, and the head back over to

WarriorPlus into your offer, and enter your WSO URL as the sales

page URL as shown below:

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Now you are good to go!

Don’t forget – all of this is covered here:


Of course Google is also your best friend.

But if you do get stuck in any of the steps, just ask a question in the Facebook


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Ok so in this module we will be covering ways to build your buyers list even if

you don't want to create your own product (even though you should )

If you already have a list of people who have not yet bought anything from

you, then you can apply this method.

Also, if you don't yet have a list, but would like to start building a list using a

free offer of some sort, then you can also use this technique.

Ok, let's get the buyer subs going!..

If you don't sell own products to your list, then you probably send them

affiliate offers, right?

Normally, you send an email with affiliate offers... And then you get email

notifications saying you've made a sale, like these:

But, there is no way for you to know who of your subscribers has made a

sale... Therefore you cannot separate them out from your main list and move

them to the special "buyers list" which you can treat very differently.

So, one technique that works quite well is to...

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Lure them in with bonuses!

What you can do is make it very clear in your email, that if they make a

purchase through your link, then you will give them an extra-special bonus.

And when they try to get the bonus, there are special techniques to remove

them from the freebie list into the buyers list, which I'll cover in a moment...

To give you an example of a bonus offer, if they buy this list building product

using your link, you will give them a complete 30-day pre-written email


Or if they buy this Facebook traffic video course through your link, you will

give them a 15-minute video of you setting up the Facebook traffic machine

using this product.

You get the drift - something that is very valuable and complements the offer

you are promoting.

So in the body of the email you can write something like this:

"I have come up with a really cool special offer, for my

subscribers only:

If you decide to purchase [Facebook traffic video course]

through my link, I have thrown in a bonus which I hope

you'll love.

The bonus is a video of me using the techniques in this

report to set up the Facebook traffic machine in 15

minutes, which resulting in driving 75 visitors from

Facebook to my opt-in page.

To access the bonus, [instructions]"

Makes sense, right?

Who wouldn't want this video of you getting these kind of results? They will

probably want it more than the main product itself

How to add them to the buyers list - the easy way

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Here are a couple of ways to do this.

For Internet Marketing and Software products, for this method I strongly

recommend you stick to promoting products on WarriorPlus.com and


The reason for that is that they have conveniently made a "bonus" feature

available for affiliates promoting other people's products.

So let's go through a WarriorPlus.com example. Let's say you wanted to

promote my first WSO "Autopilot Commission Blueprint" to your freebie list.

So you'd go and find my offer in the Affiliates->Offers menu:

Searching by vendors name:

And here it is:

Click on it, and then go to "Link Details" option:

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Who would have thought, here is the "Buyers Bonus URL" option we need!

What you need to do is place your buyers list opt-in page link into that box.

When someone makes a purchase using your affiliate link, they will be sent an

email by WarriorPlus with the receipt and the instructions on how to access

their purchase.

If you enter something into that Buyers Bonus URL, when your customer goes

in to WarriorPlus to access their purchase, they will have an extra box on their

access page saying "Access Your Bonus".

When they click that link, it will then take them to the URL you have specified,

at which point they will arrive to your Buyers Bonus Optin page.

Once they type in their email address, they will be added to your

autoresponder Buyers email list. And you can also set up an automation rule

to simultaneously remove them from the freebie list.

JOB DONE - buyer moved to your buyers list, even without your own product.

In order to make this work, you have to make it very clear in your email

exactly how they should access their bonus.

So using our email example above, I would add a paragraph saying:

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"To access the bonus, here is what you need to do:

1. Purchase the product using the links in this email

2. Find the email from WarriorPlus with the [RECEIPT] in

the subject line, and click the link that states


3. When taken inside the Downloads area, click the "Access

Affiliate Bonus" URL, confirm your email and you will

be presented with the [your bonus offer]

4. If you are having any troubles accessing the bonus,

then reply to this email with your WarriorPlus

transaction ID and I will rush it to you personally"

Note on JVZoo: they have exact same feature, it's in the Affiliate menu section,

under Affiliate Bonuses:

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How to add them to the buyers list - the HARD way

If you have decided to use this method outside the IM niche, or in the IM niche

but not on WarriorPlus or JVZoo, you can still do it, but in a more manual


Method 1 (if you are a suspicious type of person):

In the promo email, tell your subscriber to email you their purchase receipt,

which you will then verify and make sure they really purchased. In response,

manually email them the link to the buyers optin page.

The good thing about this method is that you are certain you've got a buyer

onto your list. The negative is that they may not have in fact made the


Method 2 (if you love automation):

Create the buyer optin squeeze page that has the following fields:


Email address

Transaction ID / Receipt ID

Put some instructions at the top on what they need to do and where they have

to find the transaction ID.

In your email, you can put the instructions to say that if they want to claim

their bonus, they need to make the purchase, then click the link you have

provided, and enter their details, including transaction ID. Then tell them once

the purchase details have been verified, they will receive an email with the


In your autoresponder, you can then create a new list, and make the first

message in it sound like the purchase has just been verified, and here is their


As you can probably see, there is some potential for "bonus fraud" here,

however in all honesty if someone has gone into that much trouble to get your

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bonus, they probably are as good as a normal buyer and deserve to be on your

special buyers list :)

Method 3 (if you are suspicious AND use Wordpress and Clickbank):

There is a Wordpress plugin that can actually validate the purchase your

customer has made, it will check with Clickbank via integration and will only

deliver the bonus if the customer has really made the purchase.

It also integrates with Aweber, GetResponse and other autoresponders to then

deliver the bonus.

I have not personally used this plugin, but it has pretty good reviews, and you

are welcome to check it out if it sounds like something you're interested in.

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By now we have covered why having a buyers list is so profitable. We have

also talked about every possible way of building a buyers list.

In this module, I want to cover the ways you can profit from the buyers list.

The methods are different mini-strategies you can deploy in order to build

your buyers list.

Profit Method 1: Launch and Recruit Affiliates

This is the exact method I used to launch my first WSO “Autopilot Commission


Here is what you will do:

Place your product and your upsell (also called OTO – One Time Offer)

onto WarriorPlus.com using the instructions in the earlier chapter

Price it starting at $4 or $5 and make it go on a dimesale, with

increments of $0.05 or $0.10 cents to create buyer urgency

It’s a good idea to set commissions for the initial product at 100% and

the OTO commissions at 50% - that way you will attract the affiliates

As soon as you launch, you will see that affiliates are requesting to

promote your product

Reach out to each affiliate, thank them, ask them what you can do to

help them promote your product

Start networking with others in our Black Belt List Building Secrets

Facebook group to start growing these connections

The aim of this strategy is to make some sales yourself through Warrior

Forum traffic, as well as to leverage affiliates.

The WSO section of the Warrior Forum section is actually a very busy

marketplace with up to 8,000 people viewing it.

So you will get some sales just by placing your offer there.

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Additionally, because you are giving away 100% commissions on the

frontend, a lot of affiliates will want to promote your product to their lists too.

You may not attract huge affiliates at first, but you may attract some – and at

the beginning every sale counts.

So you are basically giving away the upfront payment in exchange for the

opportunity to get a buyer onto your list, who you can then market to again

and again.

Profit Method 2: Free WSO’s and $1 upsells

Free WSO’s are a very powerful way of driving high quality traffic.

I am writing this section on the 19th of October. Check out these screenshots.

As you can see, the right-most column has the number of views (traffic) each

of these posts on the Warrior Forum has received.

They are pretty strong numbers.

Here is another one that got posted less than 24 hours ago:

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As you can see, in less than 24 hours Barb Ling's Free WSO has received 74

views. Her WSO is still in the upper part of the first page of the WSO sub-

forum. She will continue to receive views until her WSO drops off the second

page. By which time, my guess is that she will have had about 300-400 views.

It's a free offer, so chances are that about 30-50% of people who have viewed

her post will probably end up downloading it.

We can actually check this out by searching for this offer in the

WarriorPlus.com “offers” section.

Here it is:

You can see she’s getting a 38% conversion. Crazy, right?

So it means that 38% of people looking at this offer end up opting in.

That's conservatively 114 people (300 views, 38% conversion = 114).

To post a free WSO will cost you $20, meaning your cost per subscriber is only

$0.17 which is really cheap. If you are building your list through solo ads, you

are looking at $0.80-$1.00 per subscriber. Plus Warrior Forum subscribers

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will be higher quality overall, as they are generally more educated in IM and

willing to spend money.

So free WSO's can give you a great source of high-quality free subscribers, and

you can then market your own or affiliate offers to them, and move those who

purchase onto your buyers list.

Here is how to profit from this method.

IMPORTANT - we are trying to create a buyers list here, so the funnel

example I've provided below talks about selling an upsell product to them.

Trust me, it doesn't have to be anything life-changing, because we are only

trying to charge $1. Just give it a go - you will be surprised at the results you

can achieve.

The quality of a buyer subscriber who has paid $1 is exactly the same as

someone who has paid $17. They are willing to spend money with you, and

that's what is important with this model.

Create a free product or report of some value, or use PLR

o Ideas to get you started:

Report on one simple problem and one simple solution

PLR squeeze pages, PLR software, PLR plugins

Check out other successful WSO's

Create a $1 upsell

o Following on from the PLR squeeze page pack example, if you use

that as your freebie, then your upsell can be a $1 pack of 14 done-

for-you emails in the same niche where your squeeze pages are

Place both products on WarriorPlus.com as discussed in the earlier

chapters, with the main difference being that you want to set your price

for the main product at $0 and the upsell at $1

Set up your autoresponder with:

o The freebie list

o The buyer list

o The freebie optin page

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o Follow up series for your freebie subscribers marketing your $1

upsell to them for the next 3-5 days

o Any other follow up messages you'd like to create - perhaps

marketing your other products, or marketing some affiliate offers

with a call to action to claim the bonus (as discussed in the earlier


o Set up the automation rule to unsubscribe the subscriber from

your freebie list when they subscribe to your buyer list

Set up your funnel in such a way that when someone opts in to your free

report, they are presented with the following page:

o Thank them and tell them that the free report is on the way

o In the meantime, here is a special $1 offer that you'd like to

present to them

o Create a sales pitch for your $1 upsell just underneath the thank

you message

Submit your Warrior Forum thread and the WarriorPlus offer as

discussed earlier in the guide

Watch the freebie and buyer subscribers roll in :)

If you get stuck with any of the technical details, Google it – there are lots and

lots of tutorials out there.

If you still need some help – jump over to the Facebook group and ask, and

someone from the group or I will help.

So just to recap – in this method we are leveraging the power of free traffic on

the Warrior Forum, and the $1 “low barrier” entry to our buyers list.

Profit Method 3: Traffic using Google Hangouts On Air

This is a very new, very cool and pretty much untapped source of traffic and


Talking specifically about how to build a buyers list using Google Hangouts on

Air, we want to record a hangout, and then drive the traffic that we are going

to get onto our sales page.

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Two very important things will happen when you record your Hangout:

You can automatically have it broadcasted via YouTube, giving you


Hangout videos have a Showcase App feature on them, which looks like


As you know, normal YouTube videos don't have this highlighted section on

them. So the only way to drive traffic from normal YouTube videos is by

placing a link in the video description below the video, which has a very low

click-through rate.

However, with the Hangout on Air and the Showcase app, you will be able to

have the box saying "Be part of the conversation" on top of the video, which

will have very high click throughs.

Once the visitor clicks on the “Be part of the conversation” link, here is what

they will see:

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They will still see the video, which they can watch. And they will also see your

offer, whatever you decide to showcase, on the right hand side, which I've

marked in the red box.

That way they can click on the link saying "more" and they'll be taken to any

destination you'd like to send them to.

Here is how to profit from it:

This method works well if you're trying to build a list with IM products,

like WSO's

Go to WarriorPlus and use the search features there to find a recent

product that fits the following criteria:

o Over 100 sales

o Over $0.50 earnings per click

o Less than 10% refund rate

Note it's best if the product is recent - that way you will have less

competition trying to rank your review

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Now prepare a review of that product, and in the review make sure you

talk about the bonus you will provide if someone buys through your


Your review only needs to be 2-3 minutes

Record the Hangout on Air with the Showcase app feature enabled, and

make it Public

For your titles and descriptions, include the product name and the

author name and "review"

Put your affiliate link into the section where the Hangout asks for the


Share the hangout on YouTube, that way you will have a video

Share the URL of your video to your target audience:

o Into your WarriorForum signature link, make some valuable posts

and people will click your signature link

o If you have an existing email list, you can invite them to check out

your video review

You will also start getting some visitors through organic methods,

because your review will most likely rank in Google very quickly for

search phrases relating to the product you are promoting

This only takes 20-30 mins to do, so you can record many of these per


You can also view a free video with some good instructions here.

Profit Method 4: Build your buyers list by giving away bonuses

This is a very simple method, but don't let this fact fool you - it is EXTREMELY


Here is how it works.

You will have your own product of some sort. Free report, maybe some PLR

product, or even something that you are currently selling for let's say $7.

You will contact someone who is selling a product that is related to yours. You

will strike up a partnership with them where they will place your product on

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their download page. So on their download page, after someone pays, they'll

have the link to their product (which someone purchased), and just below that

a section to Bonuses. And your product will be one of those bonuses.

Here is an example Download page where I've used that technique for

Autopilot Commission Blueprint:

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As you can see, I have struck a partnership with a couple of marketers out

there who have given me their products to put on the Download page in

exchange for something I can do for them.

I have placed their bonuses just below the actual download page.

In return, a couple of them have done the same thing for me, and here is

something to demonstrate the power of that technique:

As you can see, I received 133 opt-ins from the bonus swap. And that was the

very first one that I have done. So this is a very powerful technique.

(Don't be alarmed by the fact that it appears that they've all unsubscribed. I'm

using AW Pro Tools to automatically move my Bonus subscribers to my

"valued clients" list so I don't have to manage multiple lists – so I still have

them all).

Here is how you can strike up the partnership:

If you are both launching a product:

o You will offer to place your partner's Bonus on your download

page in exchange for them placing your Bonus on their download


If you are launching a product and they've got a list they can email about

your offer:

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o You will offer to place your partner's Bonus on your download

page in exchange for them emailing their list to promote your


Some variations of the above - maybe you want to do both

Where to find JV partners:

The best place to start would be our Black Belt List Building Secrets

Facebook Group!

I have a vision for our group to be a really powerful community of people who

are very serious about building profitable buyers lists, and are helping each


Once the community grows, you will be able to find life-long business partners

with whom you can team up for things like bonus swaps, email promotion and

much much more.

Another potential place is the WarriorForum JV section:


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This is probably the most obvious part of the whole PDF, however I believe

this is also the most important part.

The main reason for us building a buyers list is of course to make money.

And the best way to do this is to send affiliate offers to your list.

There are other, more advanced things you can do, as your buyers list grows -

for example offering group coaching and one-on-one coaching.

However, as you are first starting out, the best thing to do is to send straight

forward affiliate offers, mixed with some content emails.

What to promote

Since we are focusing on the Internet Marketing niche for this report, the best

offers to promote are:

Recent WarriorPlus WSO's (pick those that are closely matched to your

list interests, have sold 50+ copies, have a conversion rate of 8-10% or

more, refunds of 5% or less, and EPC of $0.70 or more)

Products from JVZoo which fit the above criteria

Your partner's products if you have set up any JV's

How to promote the offers

You are going to write emails from your auto responder.

If you are not yet familiar with how to write emails, then the best way to learn

is to... write more of them!

You are not going to become an expert at emails by reading books. The best

thing to do is to just do it.

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I remember when I first started mailing my list, I was always worried about

the following things:

What if they unsubscribe?

What if they stop opening my emails because I send too many promos?

What if my email doesn't read well?

What if?... and the list went on

Email marketing is a very broad and large topic, and you cannot master it


The best thing to do is to just figure out what works for you.

I am no master by any means, but here is what works for me, and I have not

managed to kill my buyers list just yet:

I send out about 3-5 offers per week

I try to send 1 email per week with some valuable content, like free

traffic tutorials, or free coaching lessons

... and that's pretty much it.

How to write the emails

You will have to eventually develop your own style - your customers bought

your product because of what they saw in your product and in your


They've (maybe) read your product, and they have become used to "your

voice". So if you keep writing the emails the same way as you write your

products, you will continue to connect with your subscribers.

You can also check the emails from people who email you, and whose emails

you seem to open on a regular basis. Study what they do. What they put into

the subject lines. And how they structure their emails.

You will notice everyone does it differently... which is a good thing - because it

means there are many approaches that work.

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Here are a couple of things that I personally do:

Subject Lines

Subject line is a very important part of your email. Its main job is to get the

person to open the email.

It needs to raise curiosity without giving too much away.

Compare these two subject lines:

"Make commissions with your blog by posting twice a day"

"Wait - does f_______ really matter?"

(By "f_______" I mean frequency of course...)

Which one do you feel raises more interest?

The true master of subject lines in particular and email marketing in general is

Lee Murray and in his product "Email Slick" he teaches everything he knows

about subject lines and email marketing in general.

Inside Email Slick you will also find some done-for-you email content,

including main content and subject lines which you should definitely use if

you're just starting out and don't know what to do.

If you would like to check out "Email Slick", here are your instructions:

1) At the time of writing, Lee Murray has 4 copies left at 50% off at this


2) If you check out the link above, and there are no more discounted copies

left, then follow this link to go to the original offer

First Sentence

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Can you see how Gmail, as well as many other email providers give you a

quick preview of the first sentence in the email?

Some people waste it by putting in something like "Monthly Newsletter

********** For Members ******* Hi Greg".

If you want to leverage the power of the first sentence, you need to grab your

readers’ attention so that the combination of the subject, plus the first

sentence really compels the person to open the email.

So continuing on with our example, let's say the subject line is

Subject: "Wait - does f_______ really matter?"

Here, your first sentence would ideally be something like this:

"When done wrong, you can ruin your business by overdoing THIS".

So that continues on with the curiosity building, and should entice the reader

to open up the email and read what it is.

Body of the email

This is where it becomes quite difficult to create rules, because so many

different things will work.

In general, your rule of thumb should be that your emails need to be a

pleasure to read (this is Lee Murray's idea, not mine, but I subscribe strongly

to it).

So make them entertaining, make them interesting, and make them valuable.

Probably one piece of advice would be not to send hard-sell emails like this:

"you HAVE to check THIS out!

Make at least $10k per month!



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Your readers will not like that at all, and after 1-2 of those, they'll unsubscribe.

However, if you send an email, with a promotion, but it's written

informatively and genuinely, your list will respond well.

After all, they are interested in learning more about different things related to

the niche.

So if you recommend a really good product to them, they will buy it, and they

will actually be happy that you've told them about it.

Can you think of an example of a really good product that you've bought

through someone's email link? Do you feel offended by the fact that you've

been "promoted to"? Most likely not, right?

So here is something you can do - try to find that email from which you made

that purchase. And then see how that email was written. And model your

future emails off that email.

My example email

To get your creative juices flowing, I'm giving you an example of one of the

emails that I've recently sent to my buyers list.

It enjoyed some very health stats, about 24% open rate and 10% click-

through rate:

Here is the actual email:

The difference between crushing it online and NOT seeing a damn cent

is simple... TRAFFIC.

If you can consistently get 100 visitors to your offer... And it

doesn't have to be a fancy offer...

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These 100 visitors can very quickly turn your life around... Sit on

the beach, chill and sip Margarita's or Budweiser (I would go for Bud,

but each to their own)

Now IMAGINE what could happen if you could get 10,178 visitors to your

site in just one day?

>> Click to watch Phil get 10,178 visitors in ONE day

You might crash your server... ;)

Or you might just put out a pretty good offer in front of those 10,171

peeps. Maybe an affiliate link...

And you would collect a very pretty paycheck.

I feel like a bit of a laggard. I'm normally pretty up to speed with

technology and things and know how to work an iPhone.

But!.. I have not really leveraged Social Media in my online business

very much. Well... Not at all, to be frank.

Until the other day I picked up Phil Steptoe's Social Media Massacre.

I can tell you right now - it sort of spun me out a bit.

He actually recorded a video, where you can watch him live, and he

drives a truck-load of visitors in like half an hour of work.

That's the power of Social Media.

>> Click here and never worry about traffic again

To Your Success,

Greg Kononenko

P.S. Here are some reviews from the Warrior Forum:

By nicheemp:

"Here's my review: I bought this and I don't now Phil from Adam. This

WSO is <bleeping> awesome! This is one of those rare gems. This is why

I keep buying WSOs because sometimes you hit the jackpot."

By megamind22:

"Wow, what can I say? This is really an amazing way to get traffic

fast. I bet 90% of internet marketers do not even know about this

method yet. Its crazy.

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Its so easy to implement and you can see traffic coming to your site

almost in minutes. I'm loving it. I can see some potentials in this if

you have a good sales funnel in place. This would work easily for

anyone who wants to build a list. Nice one.

Good Job Phil, well done."

>> Click to read MANY many more reviews here

Are you starting to see what I'm doing here?

And see how this is different from a lot of spammy-looking short emails you

may receive?

The subject of the email is "This is it... Game Over..." and draws the reader in -

they want to see why the game is over :)

In the body of the email I actually lift the curtains a little bit and tell them

about the offer.

Yes, the email is long and those emails take 20-30 minutes to craft. Sometimes

longer, up to an hour.

But it's worth it - because you are producing quality content that is a pleasure

to read, and does not sound spammy.

Feel free to model your emails off this email here. Or if you want to just copy

the whole thing, feel free to do so. It's my gift to you.


Lee Murray has a package of 14 done-for-you emails, which he has personally

written. I have bought this pack, and I high recommend it for those who are

not yet experts in writing emails.

You can get 14 of these emails, and if you like, you can then also subscribe to

his weekly email service, which is under $5 per week at the time of writing

(but you get full week’s worth of emails that way).

So if you are looking for some material to give you inspiration, then Check

Out Lee Murray’s Email Pack Now.

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Many people start out in a non-IM niche. I did too - for years I was playing in

the sports, health and fitness niches with reasonable success.

If this is the case - no problem! There are lots of other niches that can make

you a lot of money if you build a buyers list. Here are examples of some of



Weight loss

Hair loss



Skin conditions

Baby problems

... many many more

Can you still make money in non-IM niches?

Oh yeah - you absolutely can!

You follow exactly same methods...

Search for forums related to your niche. Figure out what the common

problems are. Find solutions to those problems. And write a 20-40 page


Then write a sales page.

Where to sell your non-IM products?

You can set up your offer on a platform similar to WarriorPlus.

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Clickbank or JVZoo should work quite well, as they have products from

various niches, not just IM.

The instructions for Clickbank and JVZoo are out of scope for this report, but if

you check Google, or YouTube or the help videos on JVZoo and Clickbank, you

should be able to set it all up.

Again - if you're stuck, ask in the Facebook group, and someone should be able

to help you out!

Where to promote non-IM products?

Just to be upfront with you - I have NOT created paid products in non-IM


I have built lists using free reports in weight loss and bodybuilding niches

though. So here is how I suspect you can do this, but I have not tried this


Forums should do the trick.

You can look for a forum related to your niche. Try to find an active one, with

many people posting and replying.

Then you should check their rules. You want to find one that allows you to

post links in your signature.

Here is one that I've found:


And here are their rules:




Good news! They allow links in signatures.

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So you would start participating and trying to REALLY help people.

When you get to know them, they will start to check out the link in your

signature and some will end up buying.

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CONCLUSION Well – this is it!

We’ve been through a lot of info, haven’t we?

I truly hope you enjoyed the read and are now ready to take MASSIVE


Since you have purchased this WSO, I feel that it is my responsibility to do my

hardest to help you achieve your goals. So I am very passionate about seeing

as many of you as possible become successful.

I know this system works – because what I’ve shown you is exactly what I do.

So I really want you to JUST DO IT – and if you get stuck, don’t worry, because

you can always get support in our awesome Facebook group.

Have you joined it yet? If not – please do so right now:

Join the Facebook Group

There is nothing worse than taking a perfectly workable WSO like this, and

then not actioning it because of some little question that you had. So make

sure you reach out and talk to your fellow list builders so we can all grow


What to do next

Well, this guide pretty much contains everything you need to become


You only need to choose one method out of several suggested – don’t feel that

you need to master them all. The reason why I’ve mentioned several things is

because I wanted you to know that there are a few different ways of achieving


I’ve also told you exactly what I do, which is create PDF reports and sell them

as WSO’s. So you can do the exact same thing and you will do very well.

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The main thing is to start– decide which method from the described methods

you are going to follow, create your product, and connect with your potential

JV partners.

You can always bounce the ideas off the others in the group and tweak your

approach if you need to.

How to contact me

If you need to contact me, the best way to do that is through the Facebook

group – I will be hanging out there networking with you all and answering any

questions you have.

If you need to contact me privately, my email address is below.


Thanks for reading, and I will see you around

To Your Success!

Greg Kononenko

Black Belt List Building Secrets Facebook Group

[email protected]

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Lastly, I wanted to give you an overview of some of my favorite resource – in

case you are looking for some quality tools and information.

1. Sick Of Writing Your Own Emails?

Lee Murray, a master and real veteran of email marketing, has a very special

offer where you can buy his cash-pulling, hand-written emails.

The offer is for 14 emails initially, however he also has a weekly email service

which is extremely affordable, and will mean that you will NEVER HAVE TO

WRITE EMAILS AGAIN – he will do them for you. At the time of writing, it was

less than $5 per week, and you get a full week’s worth of emails for that.

So if you buy the initial pack, the OTO will be the weekly email service – watch

out for that.

Click Here To Check Out Lee’s Done-For-You emails

2. Fast Traffic Secrets

This guide by Phil Steptoe covers 10 underground traffic sources which I have

never personally seen before. This is fresh information, which delivers traffic


Click Here To Check Out “Fast Traffic Secrets”

3. My Click Boss

This is the tracking / click management software that I personally use every

single day. It’s more powerful that QCC (Quality Click Control), yet is 3 times


My Click Boss allows you to manage your solo ad tracking / conversion rates,

as well as redirect and manage your traffic based on Geo-features.

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For example if you want to redirect all traffic from custom countries to a

different URL, My Click Boss easily lets you do that.

You can also easily track your sales page conversions, opt-in page

conversions, etc.

Lastly, it has a very advanced rotator capability that allows you to split-test

multiple versions of a page. Or to manage your Click Banking links in a very

effective way.

Click Here To Check Out “My Click Boss”