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• Both Surrey Life and the Broadie magazines share a similar front page structure. The company title is bold and eye-catching helping to establish the brand clearly. In addition to this, a series of dropdown bars are situated toward the top of the welcoming page. Each leads to a different section of the website, areas such as the gallery, upcoming events and sponsors' are featured here.

• Surrey life magazine takes a far more upmarket approach to its design and presentation. The formal font and consistent subtle colour scheme contributes to it’s attractiveness and simplicity.

• In the top left corner of the page, links to Surrey Life’s accounts on various social media formats can be found. This modern features enables the business to be reached, subscribed to and followed across a wide span of sites.

• The use of images is key in the presentation of both magazines. In the case of The Broadie, an image of the most recent edition is placed for advertising purposes. In addition to this, there are a series of small business adds running down the right side of the page. Local advertisement forms a large percentage of the screen space on the website, and also the page space in the physical magazine. Surrey life on the other hand features a slideshow of pictures that each focus on an individual section of the magazine. This screenshot in particular boasts the local areas finest food and restaurants perhaps indicating that the magazines demographic is more based around the adult middle classes.


• The economist, although not regional magazine, is a useful example of effective simplicity being employed to put forward a simple message. The clear colour scheme corresponds well with the overwhelming theme of the Economist as a business. The red is bold and eye-catching, two ideal qualities used to gain recognition wherever they are situated.

• The billboard uses two colours with minimal text. The message is simplistic and universally appealing. It promotes the product on an international scale and highlights its available across the globe by the use of intelligent imagery and a basic slogan.

• Time magazine, a London based company, has also employed a simple colour scheme partnered with an intelligent image. Research has proven that simplicity really is key. Billboards are passed by vehicles primarily, therefore they must be short in textual content and visually stimulating.

• The location of the Billboard is also extremely important when ensuring it reaches its full advertising potential. The economist billboard is situated inside a tube station in central London where most of its business worker demographic is located. The Time board is placed within the bustling city visible from the main road, ideal for attracting the every day commuter.