Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5 A Presenta*on from The Fes*val of NewMR – Main Stage 5 December 2012 Promise and perils: qualitative research in our connected, mobile world All copyright owned by The Future Place and the presenters of the material For more informa:on about NewMR events visit NewMR.org Aliza Pollack Added Value Zöe Dowling Added Value

Aliza pollack and zöe dowling main stage - 2012

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Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

A  Presenta*on  from  The  Fes*val  of  NewMR  –  Main  Stage  

5  December  2012  Promise and perils: qualitative research in our

connected, mobile world            

All  copyright  owned  by  The  Future  Place  and  the  presenters  of  the  material  For  more  informa:on  about  NewMR  events  visit  NewMR.org  

Aliza  Pollack  Added  Value  

Zöe  Dowling  Added  Value  

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Promise and perils: qualitative research in our connected, mobile world

Aliza Pollack Zoë Dowling

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Why did we start exploring this?

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

We want to meet people where they are

But we can’t be with them all the time

And, talking about experiences changes the dynamic

We are missing some details

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

So let’s leverage the range of smartphone capabilities that people are already using


photographs voice

geo-location Barcode scans

Push  notifications

text notes


Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

The Promise: Is mobile the holy grail of consumer-generated ethnography?

Get closer to mobile lifestyles, hard to reach targets and real situations

We can access immediate reactions in consumers’ natural environment

And, collect data in ways that are unobtrusive yet engaging for participants

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

In one study, we undertook a pilot using the mobile qual research app EthOS.

Our hypothetical case study used the premise that a car rental company wanted a deeper understanding of their consumers’ journey while hiring a vehicle with them.

Tasks (pre, during and post rental) were created and… well…

We’ve conducted a variety of studies, across app-technology, category, geography and target

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

We are really looking for comfort... Clean inside. You want it to be clean and fresh, and thinking like you are the only person using this car.

So we picked up the vehicle. We got a Dodge-something. One thing about it, it is not very clean. It is a little bit grubby.

We are going on a road trip. We are travelling from Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon.

A couple of things with the car... We are noticing that the brakes aren’t as sharp as they should be. We also noticed that it popped up saying it needs an oil change

We did the Grand Canyon on Day 3, which was amazing. On Day 4, we drove from Williams to the Hover Dam. That was pretty amazing as well.

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

To view the video, go to: www.added-value.com/source

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

But this brings us to the perils…

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Hours of researcher prep Multiple meetings to design exercises

Story-drafting, storyboarding

Refine tasks and draft task booklet

Multiple hours of participation Infringe on vacation

Voice memo transcription

Analysis, data immersion

Video production, revisions

The creation of this output took a LOT of work

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

We are only half the equation We need consumers to take us on a journey

And give us the whole story

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

In another study, conducted earlier this year amongst teen trendsetters, we found many of the outputs were fairly average S T A N D A R D

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5


But… we got some ‘accidental’ footage of a framed photo of Tupac Shakur What does a young Persian guy, from an affluent neighborhood in LA, see in Tupac? Without the ability to probe (at that time impossible via the research app), we weren’t able to dive deeper into what we saw

Picture  Source:  hBp://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000637/    

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Mobile is a tool Getting the most out if it is about putting the most in

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

While each project is customized, these broad steps must be followed It is essential to take the participant journey into consideration - keeping it streamlined so they go from feeling it’s fun, to being involved, to committed.

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

All that work. Why bother? Because mobile gives you access in fresh, meaningful ways

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Video: immersive aural and visual content Personal, authentic view into the consumers world

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Video: immersive aural and visual content Personal, authentic view into the consumers world

Photo: ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ Visually rich stories capturing that moment in time

Random Photo – not seen this before, definitely away from LA!

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Video: immersive aural and visual content Personal, authentic view into the consumers world

Photo: ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ Visually rich stories capturing that moment in time

Audio: intimate, expressive and in-depth Conveying emotion & personality beyond the words

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Video: immersive aural and visual content Personal, authentic view into the consumers world

Photo: ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ Visually rich stories capturing that moment in time

Audio: intimate, expressive and in-depth Conveying emotion & personality beyond the words with rich detail

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Video: immersive aural and visual content Personal, authentic view into the consumers world

Photo: ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ Visually rich stories capturing that moment in time

Audio: intimate, expressive and in-depth Conveying emotion & personality beyond the words

Notes: ‘low tech’ yet invaluable Unobtrusive recording of key moments of truth

with rich detail

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Video: immersive aural and visual content Personal, authentic view into the consumers world

Photo: ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ Visually rich stories capturing that moment in time

Audio: intimate, expressive and in-depth Conveying emotion & personality beyond the words

Notes: ‘low tech’ yet invaluable Unobtrusive recording of key moments of truth

Geo-location: pin-pointing the scene Broad to detailed location information

with rich detail

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Going back to our car rental pilot, mobile provided continuous and intimate access to the experience

Insight: Renting a car offers the ‘illusion’ of ownership, easily punctured. Car renters tell themselves a story that this car has only been driven by them to mitigate how creepy it might be that hundreds, if not thousands, have been in this car. Reco’s: Car rental company needs to work harder to keep the story alive. Not just about hygiene, about transporting.

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Dedicated apps are just the start Mobile can be used in many creative ways

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Social sharing, liking and pinning are normal activities Dedicated apps offer easy integration of both online and participants’ own pictures to be uploaded on their device of choice

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

But always with a purpose

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

To best use mobile qualitative, we need to be able conductors

We still need to flex our research muscles to forage, make meaning and tell stories

Mine it Capture the right data Turn it into actionable insights

Picture Source: www.laphil.com

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

To make it work for you: Get in touch with your inner control freak

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Thank you

Aliza  Pollack  Added  Value  

Zöe  Dowling  Added  Value  

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Q & A

Leonard  Murphy  Greenbook  

Aliza  Pollack  Added  Value  

Zöe  Dowling  Added  Value  

Aliza Pollack & Zöe Dowling, Added Value, USA Festival of NewMR 2012 - Main Stage - Session 5

Thank you

Aliza Pollack [email protected]

Zöe Dowling [email protected] @zoedowling Read Added Value’s blog www.added-value.com/source Follow Added Value tweets @AddedValueGroup @AddedValueUS