A Complete Digital Marketing Strategy for a Global Brand.

Adv 420 final presentation Rory Maguire

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A Complete Digital Marketing Strategy for a Global Brand.

Total: an overview

• A multinational oil and gas company, based in France.• Handles everything from power generation and transportation, to

natural gas and crude oil exploration• One of six “Supermajor” oil companies in the world• Stock Price: $47.92 (as of 4/15/2016)

• ¾ of revenue generated in Europe, 2013 Market value of $100 Billion Euros, 31% of shareholders are from N.A., more than in France.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_S.A.https://www.nyse.com/quote/XNYS:TOThttp://www.statista.com/topics/2022/total-sa/

Current Digital Presence Social Media C+

Website B• Instagram B--minimal background to posts-4276 followers

• Twitter A+-265k

• Facebook C+-Failed to respond to comments/questions 4 million likes, 4.1/5 rating from 36 reviews

Audience X and Y• Audience X• Younger (20’s) • May have accidentally discovered

content• Uses social media, shorter

attention span• Has no current financial stake in


• Audience Y• Older (30+)• More financially focused• Primary audience of website• Specifically interested in company• Holds shares of stock and/or has

financial interest in company

Current digital marketing (website)1.





Current digital marketing Social Media

1. 2. 3.


Proposed additions/changes1. 2. 3.

Proposed additions/changes cont.

1. 2.


Costs to Implement Plan• App Development $20,000 • Content Designers $300,000