A Beginner’s Guide To Media Buying Presented by

A Beginner's Guide To Media Buying

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A Beginner’s Guide To

Media Buying

Presented by

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2A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying

Today’s Presenter

David KellyVP of Business Development


3A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying

What we will be discussing...

• The proper steps to take before starting your media buying

• Direct Media Buy vs. Ad Network

• The power of running split tests right away

• How to properly track your media buys

• How to optimize once you’ve begun collecting data

4A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying

There’s some ground work to

cover before you go about buying


Let’s get started!

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 5

Before You Buy...

Audience Research

– Who are you targeting?

– What are the different segments of the audience you are targeting?

– How can you target the different segments of your audience?

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 6

Before You Buy...

Competitive Research

– Who are your competitors targeting?

– How are your competitors buying there media

– Where are your competitors placing their ads?

– What has your competitor already deemed effective or ineffective?

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 7

Before You Buy...

Goals & Budgeting

– What is a realistic budget for this campaign?

– Set Clicks/Conversions goals

• What does a desirable CPA look like?

• Use WhatRunsWhere’s Media Buying Calculator

– Use accurate tracking software for precise results

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 8

Time to start buying your


The initial pre-buying work is done!

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 9

How will you buy your media?

Direct Buy

– Buying ad space directly from a website owner

• Ex. Buying an ad directly on huffingtonpost.com

Network/Agency Buy

– Buying ad space through a third party network or agency

• Ex. Using Google Adwords, BuySellAds, Rubicon Project, etc. to place

your ads on other sites

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 10

Let’s weigh the pros

and cons ...

Which type of media buy is better for you?

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 11

Direct Buying


– Tap into high volumes of traffic

– Cut out middle man (Improve ROI!)


– Risky (If you don’t do your research)

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 12

Network/Agency Buy


– Set up quickly

– Make swaps and changes quickly

– Work with representative to optimize the media buy


– Can be more costly (Paying the Network/Agency a cut)

Here’s some tips for

Campaign Setup

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 13

Split Testing

• Start split testing before you even begin collecting data

• Run at least two variations of your ad evenly to see which

one performs better

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 14





Tracking Your Media Buys

• Use your tracking platform to track clicks + conversions

• Using your pre-established goals, you will be able to

determine how you can scale your efforts

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 15

Time to let your

campaigns run...

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 16

Now that you have let your

campaigns run and have

collected some insightful data,

you can begin the process of


A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 17

Test, Optimize, Repeat

• Which of your initial tests won?

• How can you further split test the winning variation?

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 18








So, how do I get started in media buying?

Before You Buy

– Audience Research

– Competitive Research

– Goals & Budgeting

How will you buy your media?

– Direct But vs Network/Agency Buy

Campaign Setup

– Split Testing

– Tracking your media buys


– Further split test

A Beginner's Guide to Media Buying 19

Thanks from WhatRunsWhere

& AffiliateFix

What questions can we answer?Use Google Hangouts Q&A Box

David KellyVP Business [email protected]

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