8 lessons the internet has taught us about running a business Kevin Hayes, Digital Media Strategist Communicatto @kevinhayesca | #GUFS

8 lessons the internet taught us about running a business

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8 lessons the internet has taught us about running a business

Kevin Hayes, Digital Media Strategist Communicatto

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Who are you?

Entrepreneurs replace ‘I wish’ with ‘I will’ -unknown source

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS


8 things the internet taught us about business

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Who am I?

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Who am I?Digital Media Strategist, Communicatto @kevinhayesca | [email protected]

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

8 lessons…

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You are not alone

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people

get what they want.”

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You have to give a lot to get a lot

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You have to give a lot to get a lot



inbound.org@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You have to give a lot to get a lotWhat should you be giving away?• Expert advice • Stuff you would charge for • Lessons your have learned • What has freely been given to you • Things to make someones life easier

• Or help someone become smarter! • Enough to get someone comfortable

with you


@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

You have to give a lot to get a lot

If Tesla had some competition it would actually be good and it would help grow Teslas business.

Elon Musk on making Tesla patents open source

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

The value of the Internet is not that you can market to the world, it's that you can talk to niche


@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

The value of the Internet is not that you can market to the world, it's that you can talk to

niche communities 

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

The value of the Internet is not that you can market to the world, it's that you can talk to

niche communities 

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Get it on the cheap … and by cheap, I mean the inexpensive

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Get it on the cheap … and by cheap, I mean the inexpensive

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Get it on the cheap … and by cheap, I mean the inexpensive

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Get it on the cheap … and by cheap, I mean the inexpensive

It pays to standout!

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Be the connector

Credibility statements


It pays to standout!

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Compelling messaging

It pays to standout!

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

• Build trust • Offer value • Be consistent • Love people better

It pays to standout!

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Your first words count

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Your first words count

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.

—David Ogilvy

Your first words count

Who is going to solve my problem?

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Your first words count

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Your first words count

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Your first words count

Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

Headline writing formula

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Your first words count

Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise


“How to Bath an Elephant” or “Why I Love Bathing Elephants.”

Headline writing formula

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Your first words count

Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise


“How to Bath an Elephant” or “Why I Love Bathing Elephants.”

“18 Unbelievable Ways You Can Bathe an Elephant Indoors”

Headline writing formula

@kevinhayesca | #GUFSA/B test your messaging TestMyMessage.com Headline writing formula http://goinswriter.com/catchy-headlines/

Tell people what to do

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Tell people what to do

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Tell people what to doBook a consult

Call us


WIIFM(What’s in it for me)

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

It’s ok to make mistakes

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

It’s ok to make mistakes

#McDStories: When A Hashtag Becomes A Bashtag

via Kashmir Hill of forbes.com

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

It’s ok to make mistakes

via James Martin of CIO.com

“McDonald's generated the most social media buzz of all the

Super Bowl advertisers”

“…McDonald’s has stayed in the limelight all night long."

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Dont' wait for perfection to lunch

your product

Don’t wait for perfection

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS


Don’t wait for perfection

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Don’t wait for perfection

$500 Free - $29 - $79 per month Free - $50 per month

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

1. You are not alone

2. You have to give a lot to get a lot

3. The value of the Internet is not that you can market to the world, it's because niche communities

4. Get it on the cheap … I mean, the inexpensive

5. It pays to standout!

6. Your first words count

7. Tell people what to do

8. It’s ok to make mistakes 8.5 Don’t wait for perfection

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

SourcesKiss metrics https://blog.kissmetrics.com/direct-response-advertising/


Headline Formula Source: http://goinswriter.com/catchy-headlines/

Kashmir Hill of forbes.com

James Martin of CIO.com

Number Icons: Icons made by Alessio Atzeni from www.flaticon.com and is licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS

Thank you!Kevin Hayes

@kevinhayesca [email protected]

@kevinhayesca | #GUFS