10 Tips to do SEO right In 2014

10 tips to do seo right in 2014

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10 Tips to do

SEO right In


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With whole lots of ups and downs, 2013 was a thrilling one for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and 2014 is expected to turn out even more exciting. Given the changes made by the Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird algorithm updates, here are top 10 tips and techniques that will help marketers get ahead in the SEO game in the coming year.

10 Tips To Do SEO Right In 2014

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To make your content more welcoming for the users and the search engines, you will perhaps need to target more long tail keywords in your posts. For instance, to get your post on the first page of Google search results, you can go with keywords like “SEO Tips for 2014” rather than simply “SEO Tips”.

The competition level for long tail keywords is low and thus your chances of securing a high ranking are greater. Targeting a low competition, long tail keyword should work well in getting your post a lot of organic traffic in the long term.

1. Target Long Tail Keywords

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To make your content more welcoming for the users and the search engines, you will perhaps need to target more long tail keywords in your posts. For instance, to get your post on the first page of Google search results, you can go with keywords like “SEO Tips for 2014” rather than simply “SEO Tips”.

The competition level for long tail keywords is low and thus your chances of securing a high ranking are greater. Targeting a low competition, long tail keyword should work well in getting your post a lot of organic traffic in the long term.

2. Proper Keyword Placement

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The next important step is to write long, unique, quality content for your post, and ensure that is search engine friendly too. Your content must be of use to the audience that lands on your page and should possess real value to your users so that they are willing to share it with others.

3. Have Unique, Quality Content

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In the current SEO technology, back links still play an effective role and so you should put in genuine efforts to seek back links from reputable sites.

It is the relevance and the quality of the links that matters and not the quantity; search engines often penalize sites for having too many back links with no significant relevance.

4. Create Back links

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When guest posting on any blog, use variations of your targeted or main keyword as the anchor text; this help search engine bots identify what is the page all about without coming across as spammy. You could also alternate anchor text with naked links to the page you want to send traffic to.

5. Use Variations In Anchor Text

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Promoting and advertising your post on social media sites is important to getting a good ranking for your blog and the more shares your content gets, the higher it will rank in search engines.

Google Plus Ones are especially important to your page’s ranking factors and the importance of Google Plus and Google Authorship will only grow, but sites like Face book, Twitter, Pinterest and others also work well for now.

6. Social Signals Are Crucial

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Using images in your blog posts makes your content more visual and helps it get shared more often. You must optimize your image by using ALT text (texts that help search engines to understand images) and by choosing descriptive file names for your images.

7. Optimize your Images

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Do remember to post your videos with relevant descriptions and text; search engine bots also use this accompanying content to identify the usefulness of your video for search queries.

8. Video Content

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A revolutionary SEO Word Press plug-in, SEOPressor helps you get more traction from your blog content. The plug-in does everything that a qualified SEO expert does like optimizing images, keywords and your blog post.

9. Use the SEOPressor Plug-in

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Patience is the key to SEO success as search engine optimization isn’t a one-time event. It may even take months before results become noticeable. But if you’re patient and know the right techniques and the right way to employ them, you can definitely win the SEO race.

10. Be Patient

Abhishek Tripathilinkedin.com/in/abhishekdigitalmarketingexpert