0 to 1 Million Customers in 3 Months: Jet’s Display Strategy Revealed

0 to 1 Million Customers in 3 Months: Jet’s Display Strategy Revealed

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0 to 1 Million Customers in 3 Months: Jet’s Display Strategy Revealed

Page 2: 0 to 1 Million Customers in 3 Months: Jet’s Display Strategy Revealed



Many start-up founders dream of being acquired by a massive Fortune 500 company.Well, less than 2 years after launch, Jet has been acquired by Wal-Mart for ~$3 billion.

This was a major power play for Wal-Mart, as it attempts to compete with eCommerce juggernaut Amazon.com.

there’s no doubt that Jet must have been doing something right if it was able to get acquired by one of the biggest companies in

the world just a few years after being founded.

In this presentation you’ll get a chance to look at all of the ad networks, publishers, ad creatives and landing pages that Jet used to get on Wal-Mart’s radar and become one of the most impressive acquisitions in recent history.

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Jet’s Ad Spend & Ad Networks

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Jet has spent an estimated $10,768,384 on display over the past six months. The majority of its ad spend has been allocated to the Google Display Network.

While there was an obvious uptick around July (when the acquisition buzz started), you’ll see that Jet was already spending in the $50,000/day mark for several months before the talks hit the press. Most of that was allocated to Google Display.

Google Display is the go-to network for most eCommerce companies.

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Jet’s Publishers

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Jet allocates the majority of its million-dollar ad spend to entertainment and viral content sites:

Jet’s three biggest publishers are wikia.com (an entertainment news/viral content site), littlethings.com ( a viral content site) and imgur.com (a viral image/meme site).

One thing to keep in mind is that Jet has just received a massive inflow of cash from Wal-Mart, this means that it has money to burn.

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Jet’s Publishers

Advertising on very general sites can work. However, it won’t work for advertisers who have very specific products (or don’t have cash to burn testing them out) simply because the demographics are all over the place. These are the types of sites that you want to test when you’re looking to massively scale your campaigns.

This is especially important because often Google (and other networks) will automatically place your ads on these sites simply because of the amount of volume they get.

The lesson here: keep an eye on what sites Google places your sites on if you’re using contextual

or category targeting.

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Jet’s Ad Creatives

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Jet’s Ad Creatives

All of Jet’s most used creatives use the “save money” angle. All of these ads tout that you can save 15% off your first three orders.

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Jet recently began testing ads that advertise specialty food. It appears that Jet is starting to vary its creatives, albeit quite slowly.

After being bought by Wal-Mart, there’s little doubt that you’ll start seeing them test new creative strategies on display. However, for the time being, their ad creative strategy is pretty vanilla.

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Jet’s Landing Pages

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Jet’s landing pages are simple lists of the products that it sells. Jet sends most of its traffic to the page on the left. However, all of its ads that contain “prices drop as you shop” copy send traffic to the page on the right, which contains that headline at the top.

One thing that’s interesting is that Jet is not testing gated landing pages. Gated pages are a great way for eCommerce advertisers to capture a prospect’s email address so they can continue to maintain contact even if the prospect doesn’t buy.

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Since Jet now has Wal-Mart money to burn, we will likely see them start testing a bunch of brand new stuff in the future. You can assume that this is just the beginning in their quest to take down Amazon as the #1 eCommerce company.

Jet’s display advertising strategy is fairly simple at this moment in time. However, there’s no doubt that it’s been effective at helping Jet grow its

customer base past that 1 million mark. Plus, there’s no doubt that the $3 BILLION acquisition will kick things up a notch. Expect to see Jet

ads everywhere over the next couple of months.

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