more than just online Turning Unknown web visitors into known customers Identification and behaviour across an omnichannel strategy

Who is the ‘Unknown Customer’ on the other end of the line?

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more than just online

Turning Unknown web visitors into

known customers

Identification and behaviour across

an omnichannel strategy

Your consumers are in control

They control the customer journey. They take the route that works for them and if you fail them at any point along that journey – it’s likely you will lose them.

And they do all of this, without revealing who they are – until it suits them.

We call them the Unknowns. They come on to your website, click around and leave. They might come back. They might purchase in store. They might purchase over the phone. But looking at your web analytics do you really know anything about them?

more than just online

Unknown web visitors are a given, they love their anonymity but they also love it when you suprise and delight them by serving them well. The more personalised the experience the better they convert.

The one-size experience suits no one. Consumers will choose the when, what and where of their engagement with a brand. All channels including the phone need to deliver a great brand experience to move an Unknown web visitor to a raving fan.

of people get frustrated when they are only able to interact with a company online.

The power of personalised experience


more than just online

We have identified through research 5 shopper personas. Each persona is a potential Unknown, currently on your site doing their research, their way.

As a marketer it’s your job to facilitate each persona’s needs so they can declare intent faster or secure their purchase, regardless of the channel. Creating moments that matter and delivering a seamless online to offline experience is essential to keep the Unknowns engaged.

5 unknown personas - identified

more than just online

These guys ‘n’ gals work hard at their shopping. They research in-depth, compare products, features and prices and seek recommendations from trusted sources.

They are more likely to produce a spreadsheet or have written notes to support their research and help them compare. They use the telephone during their research to get clarity on features and make sure they have a full understanding before they commit.

They want access to knowledgeable people who can help them complete theirunderstanding.

These guys ‘n’ gals work hard at their shopping. They research in-depth, compare products, features and prices and seek recommendations from trusted sources.

They are more likely to produce a spreadsheet or have written notes to support their research and help them compare. They use the telephone during their research to get clarity on features and make sure they have a full understanding before they commit.

They want access to knowledgeable people who can help them complete their understanding.

60%of Perfectionists

prefer speaking to someone to verify

their facts and information.

Super organised they optimise their lives across the boundaries of work, home and kids.

They don’t make lesser decisions – they cut to the chase with research and make informed decisions based on the practicalities of getting what they want. In store, they are well informed and know what they need, it’s in and out, likewise online - they are not easily distracted.

Using the phone is second nature to them. They naturally call to check details, stock, shipping info – or to simply purchase over the phone if the web experience is taking too long.

of Ain’t got timers feel that being put through to a well informed operator

helps them solve their problems.


They chat, they share and compare. It matters what their friends and family think and they are more likely to be influenced by social media commentary. They refer to blogs for recommendations and seek out online reviews. They desire reassurance before they buy.

Socialites are emotionally engaged with their shopping – they are likely to be put off by a poor experience and will be quick to share their disappointment.

They are likely to reach out to the brand over the phone to rectify any issues before going public on social media.

73%of Socialites would pass on good experiences to

friends and family.

The last minute Larry’s. They forgot, or they simply left it to the last minute – unable to cope with the idea of researching and decision-making. Sometimes it’s easier to take what is closest or fastest – than maybe working out the solution first.

They are more likely to use the phone to check stock before traveling toa store or check shipping information and times.

Not suprisingly few respondents (2%) admit to panic buying as their prefered shopping style, but it is clear that across all personas that sometimes it’s a necessity.

50%of last minute purchases

are made online.

In a split second, they can make a decision and make a purchase. They tend to be women (62%) and they like to keep up to date with the latest trends.

They look for easy to consume and complete product information online and will seal the deal over the phone if necessary. They are in the moment and need easy access to purchase.

Too many barriers, they simply go elsewhere.

of impulsive buyers like to be the first to purchase new products when they

are released

Each shopper persona uses the phone differently within their customer journey. By publishing numbers at the right touch points, they can engage without angst or effort.

When an Unknown calls - what happens? How long does it take to get a sales agent up to speed with what they want and then talk with the right level of knowledge to move the process forward.

By integrating the phone call into your omnichannel strategy and linking the call back to the web visitors history - the experience can be very different.

Imagine speaking to someone who is relevant to the content you have just been looking at - an expert that is ready to guide and advise.

The power of the phone call

more than just online


Our 5 Unknown personas are a starting point for you to consider the dynamics of behaviour across your audiences.

Delivering each persona a fulfilling experience across each encounter with your brand increases the likelihood of purchase and brand advocacy.

But remember, not all experiences are online. The role of the telephone within your omnichannel strategy and how your personas use the phone to engage gives you the perfect opportunity to change more Unknowns into Known visitors and significantly improve their customer experience.

A personal experience

more than just online

will share a great customer experience on social media networks.

of respondents would pass on good

experiences to friends and family.

60%of people prefer

speaking to someone to verify their facts

and information.

Understanding the role of the phone call in the customer journey and its value as a touchpoint is fundamental to creating a cohesive omnichannel strategy.

• Understand true attribution marketing - Connecting data across multiple channels

• Avoid the trap of traditional methodologies

• Create profitable campaigns and improve customer experience

Get your copy today and create better customer experiences online and offline.

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more than just online