The Scorpions In Arizo na Mingfei Zhang

The scorpions in arizona

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Page 1: The scorpions in arizona

The Scorpions In Arizona

Mingfei Zhang

Page 2: The scorpions in arizona

Why we should avoid Scorpions

• They are harmful and poisonous.• People difficult to aviod them• Scorpions are small.• Scorpions will appear in your apartment.• The tail are threnten.

Page 3: The scorpions in arizona

Solution 1 Insecticide

• How to avoid Scorpions is a big problem. We can buy insecticide from infirmary or market.

• Disadvantage. We are not sure all of scorpions died.

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Solution 2 The pills

• In China, people will buy some pills from market. The pills will make a smell.

• Disadvantage In China, people use it. InAmerica, we don't know it is useful or not.

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Solution 3 The grass

• In America who live in Arizona, they will put fake grass in front of the door. Grass is tall and hard.

• Disadvantage Some scorpions will come in too.