For Spring Cleaning Inside and Out, Boss Mom Deserves a Little Bonus SUSIE ALMANEIH

Susie Almaneih: For Spring Cleaning Inside and Out, Boss Mom Deserves a Little Bonus

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Page 1: Susie Almaneih: For Spring Cleaning Inside and Out, Boss Mom Deserves a Little Bonus

For Spring Cleaning Inside and Out,Boss Mom Deserves a Little Bonus


Page 2: Susie Almaneih: For Spring Cleaning Inside and Out, Boss Mom Deserves a Little Bonus

In this season of rejuvenation, make sure you do some thingsthat will help YOU bloom.

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Spring is arguably one of the busiest seasons of the year. Emerging from the shorter daysand cold weather gets our collective engine revving. No matter what industry you work in,

you are likely about to see a big surge in energy.

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And on the home-front, things are noless crazy: it’s test-

taking season,garden planting

season, with recitaland graduation

season right aroundthe corner. It’s

exciting, but it canalso be

overwhelming. That’swhy now is a greattime to look aroundat some ways to go

into the next fewmonths feeling

relaxed, confident,and organized!

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Here are a few clever ideas tobring in the new for you, so that

you can orchestrate a greatspring and summer for yourteam at home and at work:

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1. Get your taxes sorted.If you haven't already done so, block out one

afternoon, send the kids to the movies, and overhaulyour desk, eliminating errant pieces of paper andcrossing off the pesky tasks that only you can do.This scrapes the plate for you mentally and puts you

out ahead of the pressure.

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2. Deep clean the house.You can outsource the scrubbing to one of your teens or your cleaning service, but going through the closets,

garage, old boxes, and dressers is something everyone can do to pare down and start fresh. Avoid the temptation tocomplicate your organization system by buying a bunch of containers. Try instead to consolidate media digitally, put

things to use, or make a large pile that you either garage sale or donate.

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3. Clean house at work.Gather your team and do a big picture evaluation. Where are we succeeding, where are we

lacking? It can be enormously helpful to draw back from the work and examine the process fromthe long view, and by doing so collaboratively, you invite a fresh influx of ideas and motivation.

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4. Go on a cleanse.

Take it easy, it soundsscarier than it is. No oneis suggesting starvation,but a week or 10 daysbefore the Easter Breakis a great time to lightenyour eating to whitemeat or vegetarian, cutout sugar and alcohol,and boost your waterintake. The first fewdays feel pretty lousy,but by day four or five,Mama’s got a whole

new bag. And the familycan handle giving uppizza and soda for 10days. Really, they can!

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5. Go to the spa.Now we get into reward territory:consider a deep tissue massage, anInfrared detox sauna, or a vitaminfacial. These simple, inexpensiveways of flushing out what you

might call the “grit of life” will leaveyou feeling younger, stronger, and

more energized.

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6. Get beautiful, make a change.Are you sick of your look? Feeling older? Remember that is winter talking, and we have the opportunity toshake that negative stuff off. If you have been considering a new hair style, a change of pace fashion-wise,

or maybe new glasses, go ahead and spoil yourself so you can sport that new look for spring break.

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7. Quiet time to reassess.If you don’t use any of these other suggestions, just too busy or not a high priority, that’s cool, but don’t cheat yourself onthis one. Carve out two hours to go someplace calming, preferably natural, and bring your journal. Give yourself a chance

to settle with your thoughts, examine your goals, and take a good look at places you can improve.

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You are in charge and you carry a heavy load of responsibilities, so balance your springmaintenance with some well-deserved healthy treats. Your positive energy will be infectious

to the people around you if your take care of yourself.So in essence by indulging yourself a bit, everyone wins!