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“Sleeping well is the best productivity tool”

Jason Fried

“You should meditate for twenty minutes every day — unless you’re too busy.

Then you should meditate for an hour.”

Zen proverb

Humans spend an average of 25 years sleeping over the course of a lifetime.

Parents of newborn babies miss out on roughly 6 months of sleep during the baby’s first 2 years of


The record for the longest period without sleep is 11


The average person in France sleeps 8.83 hours a night — the

most in the developed world.

Sleeping less than 7 hours each night reduces

life expectancy.

Believing that you’ve slept well improves performance, even if you

didn’t get that much sleep.

Studies show that students at schools with later start

times perform better.

You burn more calories while sleeping than you do while watching television.

Women experience more nightmares than men.

In general, exercising regularly makes it easier to fall asleep and contributes to sounder sleep. However, exercising

sporadically or right before going to bed will make falling asleep more difficult.

We naturally feel tired at two different times of the day: about 2:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

It is this natural dip in alertness that is primarily responsible for the post-lunch dip.

Lack of sleep can cause people to gain about 2 pounds a week.

People who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have bigger appetites due to the fact that their leptin levels (leptin is

an appetite-regulating hormone) are lower.

No ‘screen-time’ before sleep?

Keys trick

Espresso/coffee trick


Sleep cycle

Power Nap

How do you nap?
