Picking Your Affordable Lace Wig

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  1. 1. Picking Your Affordable Lace WigLace wigs are great for any women who is suffering from thinning hair either because it is a part of the natural course or because you are suffering with an illness that is causing you to loose your hair early. It is ideal for women who are just sick and tried of fussing with their hair every morning before they leave the house. Or simply want to have a new look without going through all the trouble of going to the beauty salon and spend hours sitting in a chair to get the look you want. When deciding on which lace wigs are right for you there are some things you should keep in mind. Lace wigs, can be custom or ready made. It is preferred that these types of wigs be custom made to order. This is always the better choice than ready made wigs. Remember that wigs come in different shape, color and sizes and it is important to pick the right one that works for you.The fit of the lace wigs is very essential because the way the wig fits on your head can either make or break the way you look. The whole idea of having a wig in the first place is to have a natural look of beautiful hair. If you do not have the right fitting of your wig, it defeats the whole purpose of buying one in the first place so take care in measuring the size of your head. The next thing you should know, that there are two kinds of lace wigs to choose from. The first is a full lace wig, Full lace wigs are very breathable and comfortable to wear. They can be styled anyway that you like and be parted anywhere on the scalp. The second type of lace wig is a front lace wig. Front face wigs have the lace at the forehead of the wig and are very natural looking and comfortable to wear, but the down side to this type of wig is that it cannot be put into a ponytail.You can also choose the kind of hair that your lace wig is made of. There are two kinds of hair. There is the human hair that is natural and is easier to manage just like your own hair. You can restyle the lace wigs as you do your own hair. Your wig can be dyed, premed and heat treated, however, you must take care of your wig so that it will not be damaged while you are treating it. It is recommended that when you place your order that you pick the way you want to style and the color of your hair. Once you have your lace wig, you can have it for six to twelve months or even longer
  2. 2. depending on how well you take care of it. To get the most out of your wig, you can wear them up to one to two weeks, but how long you can wear them depends on some other issues. How long you can wear your wig depends on your skin type, the type of adhesive you use and the climate.