Moving in with a pet here’s what you should consider

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Page 2: Moving in with a pet here’s what you should consider


• Bringing in a pet into a new home is one of the most exhilarating experiences for pet lovers, but it also requires worthy considerations prior to making that final decision. To be able to move in with a pet, perhaps you should take into account that the pet will be living with you for a very long time and as such, there is a necessity for a pet friendly environment. The most fundamental consideration is the pet’s wellbeing. Here are the top considerations to keep in mind if you ever wish to move in with a pet.

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1. Emotional trauma.• Chances are, whenever we move into a new place, adjusting isn’t at all

times easy. The same applies to pets and it can be really overwhelming. Furthermore, majority of new pet arrival owners attest that emotional trauma is one of the biggest challenges for pets that were previously comfortable in their environment. It takes some while for a pet to feel comfortable in a new home. To ensure smooth transition, consider keeping the mood calm and mellow for the first few weeks to give the pet some time to warm up.


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2. Veterinarian Expenses.

• Moving in with a pet requires the consideration of veterinarian expenses. Pets require periodic checkups and probably some vaccinations to ensure they are healthy and free from potentially transmittable diseases. For this to be achieved, factoring in veterinarian expenses into your budget for vet visits is mandatory.

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3. Buying the right necessities in advance.• Depending on the pet you anticipate on moving in with, there are various necessities required. The

basics for dogs and cats are simple. They include food and water bowls, bed, toys, food, towel, pet cleaning agent, and mandatory health certificate. Birds and other pets may require cages or confinement in addition to food and water. It’s essential to buy in the right supplies ahead of time to make the pet feel at home.


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4. House preparation.•  When moving in with a pet, it’s recommended to prepare the home for the pet. Doing this

avoids any damage to your belongings and can also keep the pet from consuming things that can sicken it. Anything that can cause harm to the pet such as chemicals and medicines should be out of reach. Creating a temporary room or crate can be a good way to start off but it should not keep the pet in isolation.

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5. Attention and care for the pet.• Ideally, moving in with a pet cannot be an exhilarating experience if you don’t consider taking good care of it and

offering the attention it deserves. Pets require attention and care to help them bond with humans and the family. Offering housetraining, setting up a routine for meals and cleaning, and providing all the pet necessities are the best ways of making your pet happy and lively in your new home.

• Above all, when moving in with a pet, it’s best to ease the transition by making sure the home is well prepared and stocked up with all the necessities, and with the consideration of proper care and attention, particularly in the first few weeks.


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Website: http://michaelputnam.com/Mr. Michael Putnam [email protected]

• http://michaelputnam.com/moving-in-with-a-pet-heres-what-you-should-consider/