I. MARKET ANALYSIS A. Purpose and Mission of the Business B. Description of Current Markets and Strategies C. Primary Competitors and Their Strengths/Weaknesses D. External Environment Analysis 1. Economy 2. Laws and Regulations 3. Costs 4. Competition 5. Technology 6. Social Factors E. Internal Analysis 1. Strengths 2. Weaknesses 3. Anticipated Changes II. MARKETING STRATEGY A. Marketing Goals / Expected Outcomes B. Target Market Description 1. Identifying Characteristics 2. Unique Needs, Attitudes, Behaviors C. Marketing Mix Description 1. Product/Service 2. Distribution 3. Pricing 4. Promotion D. Positioning Statement III. ACTION PLANS A. Activity Schedule 1. Responsibilities 2. Schedule 3. Budget B. Evaluation Procedures 1. Evidence of Success


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A. Purpose and Mission of the BusinessB. Description of Current Markets and StrategiesC. Primary Competitors and Their Strengths/WeaknessesD. External Environment Analysis

1. Economy2. Laws and Regulations3. Costs4. Competition5. Technology6. Social Factors

E. Internal Analysis1. Strengths2. Weaknesses3. Anticipated Changes


A. Marketing Goals / Expected OutcomesB. Target Market Description

1. Identifying Characteristics2. Unique Needs, Attitudes, Behaviors

C. Marketing Mix Description1. Product/Service2. Distribution3. Pricing4. Promotion

D. Positioning Statement


A. Activity Schedule1. Responsibilities2. Schedule3. Budget

B. Evaluation Procedures1. Evidence of Success2. Method of Collecting Evidence


MARKET ANALYSIS A. Purpose and Mission of the Business


Apple is a business that provides technological equipment such as

Computers, lap-tops, iPod + iTunes, iMac, iPhone etc. Our company’s

purpose is to make consumers life faster, enjoyable and suitable by providing

them with revolutionized and highly-qualitative technology.

B. Description of Current Markets and Strategies

Apple focuses on businesses, institutions, governmental organizations, home

offices as well as ordinary people. We have broken our markets into groups

according to standard classifications used by our market research. So far, we

know that business/institutional/governmental customers tend to be deeply

rooted in technology. They want technology with wide variety of capabilities

and features. They use their computers for administration information such

as accounting, shipping, and financing. They also use them for

communications within the business and outside of the business, and for

personal productivity. Ideally, they come to us for a long-term alliance,

looking to us for reliable service and support. They want to be sure they have

reliable providers of expertise. Thus, using our remarkable strength,

revolutionized and highly-qualitative technology, we will try to provide them

with our products. Eventually our products will be available for everyone for

different needs.

C. Primary Competitors and Their Strengths/Weaknesses


The competition is in the highest level. There are a lot of companies,

franchisers, and stores around the world that sell technology. Today, people

can get to it very fast, but the question is where do they want to buy it? As a

new reselling-business, we will have serious obstacles to position our selves on the

market, because the competitors are already in. On the table below, you will see a list of

a few tough competitors and will be informed about their Strengths/Weaknesses.

Competitor Strengths Weaknesses

BOTEK Provide DELL – laptops, trustful, good quality service, repair products

New on Market, Mostly focused on computers. No distribution.


Good quality computers experienced working crew, repair products

Slow service, High price. No distribution.

DAXA Focused on providing all kind of equipment, hardware. Repair products

Low quality service. Highest price. No distribution.

As you can see competition is all around. Positioning ourselves as first on the

market will be a puzzling and challenging road. However, using our

competitor’s weaknesses, as well as self regulating our business we will try to

accomplish our goals.


D. External Environment Analysis

1. Economy

Generally, the economy of Kosova on of the weakest in Europe; a country

with a trade deficit were the unemployment rate has reached its peak. Our

industrial performance is awful. The majority of the population is poor, and

about 12 percent suffer from extreme poorness. These certain issues lead to

economic instability and they have a negative impact on the implementation

of this plan. It might hurt us severely by lowering our sales. When people

don’t have sustenance, they don’t even think about buying technology.

However, according to UNMIK, the economic growth in 2006 has exceeded

some expectations. It was two times higher than the expectations of the

International Monetary Fund. The GDP in 2006 is 5 % ( 0% on 2001 ) and

comes exclusively from the private sector. The real economic growth in the

private sector alone is nearly 10 %. Over the past four years Kosovo's

financial sector has been built on completely new foundations. The Banking

and Payments Authority of Kosovo (BPK), established in November 1999, is

an independent body which successfully regulates the banking and insurance

sectors. Furthermore Kosova has a stable monetary value, up-growing

budget, and experienced no inflation or deflation over the past ten years.

These statistics show that Kosova’s economy is enhancing and hopefully will

not hurt us.


2. Laws and Regulations

After researching on World Wide Web unmikonline.org and kosova-

assembly.org we came to understand that there are few regulations

regarding the external trade activities. These regulations basically indicate

that the goods imported must not be harmful for people, environment or

animals. However there are no concrete laws, governmental regulations or

policies that prevent us from putting this plan into practice.

3. Costs

Costs may be a critical external factor that can impact the realization of this

plan. Because we are a young business we do not have record files that

show if our costs are increasing or decreasing, however it is significant that

we understand what causes it. The government tax increases, inflation,

economic instability, bad business administering, are some of the main

factors that cause increasing or lowering of the costs.

4. Competition

Technological equipments are considered more of shopping goods. People

buy them based on their attributes, options, features, even though the prices

are expensive. People can even order technology from foreign countries. On

the table above, you can see the competition regarding the supply of

technology in Kosova. We have to us their Weaknesses to position ourselves

in the market. We will have to make sure that once we gain a customer, we

never lose them. To help accomplish this, we must work to strengthen our

relationships through successful marketing. We must always remember to


sell the company, not just the product. They have to understand they are

taking on a relationship with Apple, not just buying boxes.

5. Technology

For the time being, Apple is positioned and recognized for its unique

technology. Today people need something that is qualitative, works-fast,

easy to use/carry etc. This is the reason why our products will become

sacred to them. Apple’s latest release, iPhone will be an elevating step

towards their company’s development and image. Regardless, we never

know if something unexpected will happen tomorrow. Other brands might

invent newer and superior technology, which would than wound Apple as a

business and us as resellers.

6. Social Factors

There are some certain Social factors that make this plan more applicable. In

Kosova, one finds collectivism; it is a place where people embrace each

other. The word-of-mouth promotion is very effective. People comprehend

most of the things from talking to each other. Though, I would argue that

collectivism is the only social factor that could affect consumer behavior in

existing markets or in anticipated markets.

E. Internal Analysis


1. Strengths

There are some particular things that our competitors lack and that is

something we will have.

1. Advanced key technology- One of our strongest strengths is the products

we provide for our customers. Apple is recognized for its unique products

with unique features and options.

2. Marketing Department – will work carefully toward practicing the four

elements of the marketing mix (product, place, pricing, promotion), market

research, consumer service, marketing functions etc.

3. Urban located store – Our store will be .in the urban area of Prishtina.

Customers will be able to reach us fast and we will be able to know our

customers, one by one. Our direct sales force will maintain this relationship.

4. Warranties – we will provide warranties for our costumers. This is

significant because you make the costumers feel free about the decisions

they make, as well as built a trustful relationship. It’s something that we will

have and our competitors lack.

5. Customer service - We will have a non stop customer service. Our trained

consultants will help the customers deal easier with our products.

Meanwhile, the consumer service will receive feedback and make further

decisions based upon it.

2. Weaknesses

Some of the weaknesses that we will have are:


1. Slow service - if equipments get ruined and need to be repaired, we will

have to send it to Apple headquarters for fixing, thus, it will take us time to

repair the products our costumers need.

2. New business – We are a new business, inexperienced. Something crucial

and unexpected might happen and hurt us. We still don’t know many

external or internal factors that might impact the well being of the business.

It will take us time before we built an image, gain customers. In other words,

time will show us everything.

3. High prices – Having in mind the unemployment rate and the low income

that the ordinary workers receive in Kosova, our prices are considered high.

iPods and iPhones will be mostly used by teenagers, thus we need to

convince their parents.

4. Growing market trend – New competitors continually enter the market.

3. Anticipated changes

The beginning will be hard, but as the time passes we will self-regulate. The short-lasting weaknesses that are mentioned above will be vanished. Regarding our slow service, we will try and bring authorized and certified Apple technicians, in order to repair the ruined equipments faster. The new marketing teams will position our devices as a ‘must have’ making it incomparable to other brand’s products. The team will convince consumers that our products worth the costs.



A. Marketing Goals / Expected Outcomes


This plan is designed to be implemented from June 2007 to June 2008. Using

this plan we will try to achieve some of the goals were expecting to. The

goals of this plan for the first year are:

1. Minimum sales – 75000 €

2. Position our selves – 1st or 2nd second in the market

3. Establish ourselves as experts: This means being quoted in major trade

press, speaking at industry events, and gaining recognition.

4. Market Share – 30 to 40 %

5. Increasing brand awareness - 60% of potential customers

6. Expand target market

By means of the marketing research, examining the sales, comparing with

competitors, we will be able to determine if our marketing goals are


B. Target Market Description

1. Identifying Characteristics

Apple products will be available for everyone who is interested. But, on who

are we interested most? Our company’s main focus is on businesses,

institutions, governmental organizations customers. These people are most

likely adults, males or females, have good income, passionate etc. Our

secondary target market is the teenagers, for whom iPod and iPhone will be a

‘cool’ thing. As for right know, we don’t have any customer, but we will try


and reach them. We cannot survive just waiting for the customer to come to

us. Instead, we must get better at attracting these specific market segments

whose needs match what we have to offer. Focusing on targeted segments is

the key to our future.

2. Unique Needs, Attitudes, Behaviors

So far, we know that these customers are heavy and up-going users,. They

use their computers for administration information such as accounting,

shipping, and financing. They also use them for communications within the

business and outside of the business, and for personal productivity. Ideally,

they will buy to us for a long-term alliance, looking to us for reliable service

and support. They want to be sure they have reliable providers of expertise.

C. Marketing Mix Description

1. Product/Service

Apple is highly recognized for its unique products with unique features,

design, options. Otherwise it’s known for its revolutionized and highly

qualitative technology. They’re designed to satisfy customer’s needs.

Apple’s technology packaging have:

- Product identification so easily separated from its competitors

- Packaging for easy handling, carrying around

- using the most cost efficient method of packaging

this will make the product both functional and desirable to possible


2. Distribution/Place


Based on the demographics at least ¼ of the population of Kosovo live in

Prishtina. Our focused target group is located in Prishtina as well, thus giving

us a clear understanding of the place we should choose. Our store will be

located in the urban area of Prishtina. It will be an eye-catching store. Our

convenient products will make the distribution even easier. For consumer

convenience we will make the distribution anywhere in Kosovo without

charge. It will be as fast as an eye blink.

3. Pricing

Our prices are higher comparing to competitors, but we do not compete on

price. We will not match prices. Instead we will use the value pricing strategy.

This means we make our prices based on the quality of the products we

deliver to customers. Apple has broken the record of all sales in the history

with iPod. This technique, has been working very well. In this way, price

creates perception of quality.

4. Promotion

Our marketing mix relies heavily on our promotions. Our unique promotions

will set us apart from our local competitors. We need to sell our company,

relationship, more than products. We will constantly work on advertisement,

public relations, and sales promotions, to build an image, increase customer

awareness about the stuff we provide. The marketing has to convey the

sense of quality in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. We

can't afford to appear in catalogs with poor illustrations that make the

product look less than it is. The forms of promotion such as advertising must

be attracting and enticing to the target market to get the greatest amount of


exposure possible for the product. This will ensure the success of the product

in the stores. It takes many forms: TV, radio, newspapers, billboards etc. We

will have to use Apple’s attractive and creative slogans such as:

> "10,000 songs in your pocket." - used for iPod

> "iThink, therefore iMac." - used for iMac

> "Small is Beautiful" – used for Intel Mac mini

> “All in one” – for iPhone

It is significant that we have an advantage with promotion. Our cost for

advertisings will be lower, based on the agreements we reached with media


D. Positioning Statement

For employers who need to create a unique impression of their offices, people

who need proper phones and computers, teenagers who listen to music

(headphones), Apple products are inevitable. They have a wide variety of

capabilities. The convenience and the quality customers receive give them a

long term solution.



A. Activity Schedule

1. Responsibilities


Our working crew will be charged with responsibilities. We will recruit

employees that are competent, certified and experienced. Everyone will

have certain responsibilities.

Dardan (with his crew) will have the responsibility on marketing research.

I will have to update the department consistently, define problems,

analyze situations, to ease their effective marketing decisions and

advance the performance of marketing activities.

Rron (with his crew) will work on promoting our company. He will be in

charge of advertisements, public relations and increasing the awareness

of the brand. He has to encourage our target groups to purchase our


Fatos (with his crew) will be in charge of the distribution / place. He has

to make sure that our potential customers know where we are settled. In

addition he has to distribute the products that costumers order to the

place they ask.

Yll (with his crew) will establish and communicate the value of products

to prospective customers. He will also be in charge of financing and


Lindor will be working on preparing and managing the budget. He will

further look for potential external/internal factors that might have impact

on company’s well being

2. Schedule

The implementation of this plan is supposed to begin from June 2007 and it

will last one year. We will track our activities on basis of monthly employee


meetings during which we will discuss the current marketing, sales,

promotional activities, and ideas that will lead to improvement. Each person,

whether a full-time or part-time employee, owner, or manager will facilitate

the meeting once a month. Current facilitators will follow up on previous

topics and debate the value of current and future marketing programs.

Marketing ideas have little value until they are implemented, and they must

be implemented by individuals who believe in them 100%. Through these

monthly meetings everyone should feel free in the decision making process,

and in the long-term success of the company.

3. Budget

The budget that we have for the marketing will come from company’s profit;

it is limited, but supportive for the activities planned. However we have to

make sure we use it properly. As mentioned above, Lindor will be preparing

and managing the budget. Together as a group we will decide how much

money needs to be spent for each particular activity.

B. Evaluation Procedures

1. Evidence of Success


On the meetings, we will discuss wether the activities were successful. On

the first month we will discuss the result of our sales and see wether they

have reached 1/12 as supposed for a month. To determine wether other

goals are being achieved, we will take information from the target markets,

check if they are responding to the marketing mix and see if their needs are

satisfied. This information should be used to make improvements in those

activities while the plan is being implemented. If we get to deal with a

problem, immediate actions should be taken to solve it.

2. Methods of Collecting Evidence

To determine wether other goals are being achieved, we will receive

feedback from the target markets, check if they are responding to the

marketing mix, and see if their needs are satisfied.