Mobile IQ © L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com January 11, 2012 SCOTT GALLOWAY NYU Stern

L2 Prestige100 - Mobile IQ 2012

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  • January 11, 2012SCOTT GALLOWAYNYU Stern Mobile IQ L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com
  • CLInIC MobilenYCJanuary 19, 2012 nYU Stern Paris January 24, 2012 Palais Brongniart reGISTer nOW reGISTer nOW Module 1: Welcome Module 1: Welcome SCOTT GALLOWAY Founder, L2 SCOTT GALLOWAY Founder, L2 Digital Omnivores: Key Insights Into Todays The Mobile Landscape in europe Connected Consumer JereMY COPP VP, Mobile, Europe, comScore, Inc. MArK DOnOvAn SVP Mobile, comScore, Inc. evolving Strategy for Creative execution in Mobile Mobile is Dead, Long Live Mobile KenT vALenTIne Engagement Director, Last exit AnDY WeISSMAn Partner, Union Square ventures retail Forever Transformed The Game Changer on the Path to Purchase CHUCK GOLDMAn Chief Strategy Officer, Apperian, Inc. JereMY ArnOn Strategic Partner Development, Google Case Studies & Best Practices in Prestige Mobile Q&A Session PATrICK SArKISSIAn CEO & Founder, Sarkissian Mason Q&A Session Module 2: evolving Strategy for Creative execution in Mobile nUrI DJAvIT Partner & CEO, Last exit Module 2: The Google Mobile Platform HTML5: Going Web vs. Going App rOBBIe DOUeK Head of Mobile Sales & Operations, Google France JASOn BAPTISTe Cofounder & CEO, OnSwipe L2 Mobile research Lessons from The Collection MAUreen MULLen & COLIn GILBerT Research & Advisory, L2 MZ GOODMAn & SIMOne OLIver new York Times Hugo Boss: A Case Study Influencing Real Life Networks MArKUS ALLer Teamleader, Online Media, Hugo Boss TAnUJ PArIKH Business Development Manager, GroupMe JOACHIM BADer Managing Director, CLAnMO GmbH Insights from Prestige 100: Mobile IQ Q&A Session MAUreen MULLen & COLIn GILBerT Research & Advisory, L2 Q&A Session
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT USMobile IQMobile: End of the Beginning In the fourth quarter of 2010, more smartphones were shipped than PCs for the first time.1 By 2015, more APPeal users will access the Internet wirelessly via a mobile device than Prestige brands have been prudish with mobile. from a wired Ethernet connection.2 Over the next five years, The mobile strategy for most brands has been dominated by m-commerce sales are set to quintuple.3 On the years biggest blind investments in iOS apps that lack utility and stickiness. 1. Smartphone Shipments Surpass PCs for the First shopping day, Black Friday, online retail traffic from mobile Seven in 10 brands in the Index maintain at least one iOS app, but Time. Whats Next? Chloe Albanesius, PC Magazine, devices comprised 14.3 percent of page views, up from 5.6 less than a third of all apps produced are commerce-enabled. February 8, 2011. percent last year, and mobile sales ballooned to 9.8 percent of Use of features such as notifications, geolocation, and 2. IDC: Mobile Internet to Pass PCs by 2015, Mark online sales, up from 3.2 percent last year.4 Throughout the past language specification is more limited. Less than a fifth of Hachman, PC Magazine, September 12, 2011. decade, analysts have relentlessly predicted The Year of Mobile. brands have developed a distinct, iPad-specific experience. 3. Mobile Commerce It now looks as if we are in the fledgling innings of a mobile era. Forecast: 2011 to 2016, Sucharita Mulpuru, Forrester, M-Commerce June 17, 2011. Game Changer We believe the game will be won or lost via develop-4. Shoppers Research Deals via Mobile and Online Ahead The introduction of the iPad in April 2010 has escalat- ment and optimization of robust, device-agnostic of 2011 Black Friday Sales,Miranda Miller, Search Engine ed the mobile opportunity. Tablets register e-commerce mobile commerce sites. Although two-thirds of brands Watch, November 28, 2011. conversion rates of four to five percent versus three percent on currently maintain a mobile site (the majority launched within 5. Tablets: Ultimate Buying Machines, Dana Mattioli, traditional PCs.5 The user demographics for the iPad and other the past year), only 67 percent of these sites are commerce- Wall Street Journal, September 28, 2011. tablets illuminate the opportunity for prestige brands: 20 percent enabled. Furthermore, use of such marketing tactics as mobile- 6. Why Millionaires Love of individuals with $1 million or more in investable assets own optimized search marketing, cross-platform mobile promotion, Steve Jobs (and the iPad), Robert Frank, a tablet and spend 50 percent more time on the device than and mobile display advertising is scant.WSJ Blog: The Wealth Report, August 25, 2011. on their smartphone.6 L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 3
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT USMobile IQ PreSTIGe 100 MOBILe InveSTMenTS Iconic, but Immobile (December 2011) While more than half the brands in the Index maintain both an app and a mobile site, 16 percent of brands have yet to produce either. Icons such as Herms, Patek Philippe, Bottega Veneta, and Marc Jacobs rely exclusively on their traditional site experience, which in some cases proves inaccessible on mobile devices. Mobile competence may be a crystal ball for a brands global prospects. Ground zero for growth in prestige exists in emerging markets among a burgeoning 70% 52% 66% 16% middle class who are increasingly turning to a small screen to Mobile App Both Mobile- Neither Optimized learn about and ultimately purchase prestige brands products. Site Mobile IQ = Innovations Canary in the Coal Mine Our thesis is that competence in mobile is inextricably linked to shareholder value in the prestige industry. Key to managing and developing a competence is an actionable metric. This study attempts MOBILe COMMerCe SALeS FOreCAST 20102016 to quantify the mobile and tablet competence of Prestige United States 100 brands. Our aim is to provide a robust tool to diagnose (Source: Forrester, June 2011) strengths and weaknesses and help managers achieve 31 greater return on incremental investment. Like the platforms we are assessing, our methodology is 25 dynamic, and we hope you will reach out to us with comments BILLIONS OF DOLLARS cagr: 39% that improve our investigation and findings. You can reach 19 me at [email protected]. Regards, 14 10 6 SCOTT GALLOWAY 3 Founder, L2 Clinical Professor of Marketing, NYU Stern 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 4
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQMethodology Mobile IQ Classes 40% MOBILe SITeS: IQ Range Class MOBILe-OPTIMIzeD SITeS: TABLeT exPeRIeNCe: 140+ GenIUS Technology Compatibility Mobile competence is a point of navigation & Search Ability to Transact differentiation. Brands pursue a Social Media Integration HTML5 Support device-agnostic app/site strategy, Customer Service embrace m-commerce, and Product Page consciously integrate mobile across wider digital footprint. Account & Check-Out 110139 GIFTeD 30% MOBILe APPLICATIOnS: Brands demonstrate high-quality, high-impact approach to mobile within AvAILABILITY: APP STORe PeRFORMANCe: FUNCTIONALITY: a select dimension, sometimes at the iOS (iPad Differentiation) ratings navigation expense of a wider mobile offering. Android Comments Pathway to Purchase Blackberry Update Frequency Personalization Windows Phone Series 7 Language Support Phone Feature Utilization 90109 AverAGe Symbian Efforts are siloed and inconsistent. Mobile presence suggests explicit preference for site versus app strategy or is primarily concentrated in 15% MOBILe MArKeTInG: low-cost entry platforms (e.g., geolocal). Mobile SeO on Google & Bing email: Mobile Compatibility & Cross-Promotion of Mobile Properties SMS: Sign-Up & Activity 7089 CHALLenGeD Limited mobile investment reflects low prioritization relative to other digital efforts. 15% InnOvATIOn & InTeGrATIOn: Integration: Promotion of Mobile Efforts on Site, Facebook, and Twitter < 70 FeeBLe Geolocal: Presence & Activity on Foursquare Investment does not match Innovation: Mobile Ad Campaigns, QR Codes, Mobile Wallet Support, etc. opportunity. L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 5
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description 1 SEPHOra Retail LvMH 164 Genius Long-standing, sustained, iterative investment in mobile pays off New mobile app leapfrogs peer efforts with firm link between in-app and 2 NOrDSTrOM Retail Nordstrom, Inc. 156 Genius in-store experience Active SMS program and Xmas app experience add unique elements to strong 3 MacYS Retail Macys, Inc. 155 Genius mobile portfolio Compagnie Financire Unique apps for local promotions, store exclusives, and spinoffs complement 4 NET-a-POrTEr Retail 143 Genius Richemont S.A. strong mobile site 5 BLOOMINgDaLES Retail Macys, Inc. 135 Gifted Engaging, offer-centric mobile site overshadows generic iPad catalog app LOccITaNE EN LOccitane 6 Beauty & Skincare 133 Gifted Both mobile app and site feature weak aesthetics, but excel in functionality PrOVENcE International S.A. 6 TIFFaNY & cO. Watches & Jewelry Tiffany & Co. 133 Gifted What Makes Love True mobile app demonstrates strong geolocal aptitude Differentiated app approach on iPhone (Gifts) vs. iPad (Catalog) works 8 NEIMaN MarcUS Retail Neiman Marcus Group 125 Gifted to its advantage INTErcONTINENTaL InterContinental Presence across four of the five mobile app platforms; Concierge Insider 9 Hospitality 119 Gifted HOTELS & rESOrTS* Hotels Group plc Guides iPad app provides unparalleled local insights for 100+ global properties este Lauder Illumination iAd campaign and high-functioning mobile site compensate for 10 ESTE LaUDEr Beauty & Skincare 115 Gifted Companies, Inc. one-dimensional apps este Lauder New My Style app invites users to upload personal hairstyle while mobile site 11 aVEDa Beauty & Skincare 113 Gifted Companies, Inc. provides exclusive offers for mobile customers Ralph Lauren Digital innovator demonstrates balanced investment across mobile app, mobile 12 raLPH LaUrEN Fashion 112 Gifted Corporation site, tablet experience, and mobile advertising 13 SaKS FIFTH aVENUE Retail Saks, Inc. 111 Gifted Strong iPad catalog app compensates for low-impact mobile site L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 6
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description 13 YVES SaINT LaUrENT Fashion Gucci Group (PPR) 111 Gifted New mobile site brings fashion label in sync with advanced, beauty-centric apps 15 DaVID YUrMaN Watches & Jewelry David Yurman, Inc. 104 Average Mobile site launched in November is a welcome replacement for aging iPhone app DIaNE VON M-commerce does not carry over from site to app; instead promotes exclusives like 16 Fashion Diane von Furstenberg 102 Average FUrSTENBErg Signature Skin iPhone covers, the App Wrap dress, and DVF-endorsed music ermenegildo zegna Singular focus on iPad virtual store, which is consistently promoted across all 17 ErMENEgILDO ZEgNa Fashion 101 Average Holditalia S.p.A. digital properties MaNDarIN OrIENTaL Jardine Matheson Cities by MO provides expansion content for MOHotels app depending on 17 Hospitality 101 Average HOTEL grOUP Group users destination or interest Marriott International, Simple, streamlined mobile site and World Concierge campaign on Foursquare 17 rITZ-carLTON* Hospitality 101 Average Inc. compensate for disappointing apps FOUr SEaSONS HOTELS Four Seasons 20 Hospitality 100 Average Industry leader in Foursquare followers, with tips for 83 properties aND rESOrTS Hotels, Inc. Sophisticated, technologically advanced Gucci Style app immerses user in 20 gUccI Fashion Gucci Group (PPR) 100 Average brand-curated content that extends well beyond the clothes Second highest-scoring mobile site in Fashion enables brand to compete without 22 BUrBErrY Fashion Burberry Group plc 99 Average investing in apps este Lauder Early adopter of in-store iPad kiosks and one of only three beauty brands with an 22 cLINIQUE Beauty & Skincare 99 Average Companies, Inc. active SMS campaign Marriott International, Universal Marriott International app allows booking at JW properties and 22 JW MarrIOTT* Hospitality 99 Average Inc. provides external links to strong mobile web assets Hyatt Hotels Cross-brand Hyatt app allows booking at Park Hyatt hotels; parents mobile site 25 ParK HYaTT* Hospitality 98 Average Corporation provides extensive photo galleries of Park Hyatt properties Strong search elements on mobile site; fragrance release (Thierry Mugler Angel) 26 cLarINS Beauty & Skincare Clarins S.A. 94 Average proves a fan favorite in the app store L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 7
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description Touch-enabled mobile site compensates for unfocused, fragrance-centric app 26 gIOrgIO arMaNI Fashion Giorgio Armani S.p.A. 94 Average store offering 26 OMNI HOTELS & rESOrTS Hospitality TRT Holdings 94 Average Mobile app and site do little to go beyond the basics 29 TOrY BUrcH Fashion Tory Burch LLC 92 Average Mobile store finder features Foursquare integration; no apps Shoe Salon app and Foursquare Mayor specials prevent brand from falling too 30 BErgDOrF gOODMaN Retail Neiman Marcus Group 91 Average far behind fellow retailers in absence of mobile site Mobile users greeted with in-store signage that unlocks exclusive information on 31 cOacH Fashion Coach, Inc. 90 Average Kristin collection Leverages Accor Hotels app and parents mobile site to its advantage, but 31 SOFITEL* Hospitality Accor 90 Average these assets dilute Sofitel brand Fashion and accessories elements of mobile site still prove inaccessible, forcing 33 cHaNEL Fashion Chanel S.A. 89 Challenged strict reliance on apps cONraD HOTELS Unique app development for Conrad brand that proves interoperable with Hilton 33 Hospitality Hilton Worldwide 89 Challenged & rESOrTS* Honors account Dolce & Gabbana Fashion Channel replicated across both mobile site and apps, but stops short 33 DOLcE & gaBBaNa Fashion 89 Challenged Industria S.p.A. of m-commerce este Lauder Mobile site features extensive user reviews of products but provides no way to 36 OrIgINS Beauty & Skincare 88 Challenged Companies, Inc. submit ones own opinions on the go Compagnie Financire Multiple iPad apps and strong universal Cartier Bridal app, but mobile shopping 37 carTIEr Watches & Jewelry 87 Challenged Richemont S.A. experience leads to Call an Advisor FaIrMONT HOTELS Fairmont Raffles Presidents Club participation allows guests to share stories, with user photos 37 Hospitality 87 Challenged & rESOrTS Hotels International appearing alongside official property images CK One augmented reality experience available on three of the five mobile 39 caLVIN KLEIN Fashion PvH Corporation 86 Challenged platforms assessed L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 8
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description WESTIN HOTELS Starwood Hotels & Innovative ad campaign in Weather Channel iPad app takeover; eight property-specific 40 Hospitality 85 Challenged & rESOrTS* Resorts Worldwide, Inc. apps with limited functionality undercut superior utility of SPG cross-brand app Innovative tie-in between Amble app and Foursquare does not save dead-end 41 LOUIS VUITTON Fashion LvMH 84 Challenged mobile site experience este Lauder Strong video content and MAC Artist profiles only exist on mobile site, not the 41 Mac cOSMETIcS Beauty & Skincare 84 Challenged Companies, Inc. app store Advanced user-generated content element of mobile apps only partially 43 LaNcME Beauty & Skincare LOral Group 82 Challenged compensate for lack of mobile site Starwood Hotels & E-Butler app provides guest-specific functionality that goes beyond the basic 43 ST. rEgIS* Hospitality 82 Challenged Resorts Worldwide, Inc. guest services book Brochure-ware app mitigated by functional mobile site leveraging Hilton 43 WaLDOrF aSTOrIa* Hospitality Hilton Worldwide 82 Challenged Honors system Clean mobile site navigation provides outlet for browsing but not buying 46 KIEHLS Beauty & Skincare LOral Group 81 Challenged (Call to Order) Starwood Hotels & Heavy reliance on SPG app for mobile bookings; property-specific app limited 46 LE MrIDIEN* Hospitality 81 Challenged Resorts Worldwide, Inc. to Dubai Shiseido Company, Be a Force of Beauty campaign incorporated QR codes tied to models bio, 48 BarE EScENTUaLS Beauty & Skincare 80 Challenged Limited look, and associated beauty products 49 raYMOND WEIL Watches & Jewelry Raymond Weil S.A. 79 Challenged December launch of official app rounds out mobile investment Audemars Piguet Comprehensive promotion of mobile footprint on site as brand extends app 50 aUDEMarS PIgUET Watches & Jewelry 76 Challenged Holding S.A. experience to Android App Guides provide novel path to property discovery, but R&C remains the only 50 rELaIS & cHTEaUX Hospitality n/a - Global Fellowship 76 Challenged hospitality brand without a mobile site SHaNgrI-La HOTELS Shangri-La Asia Tokyo and Manila property apps do not extend to wider resort portfolio; mobile 50 Hospitality 76 Challenged aND rESOrTS Limited site allows for limited property exploration L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 9
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description valentino Fashion Site and apps still lack m-commerce, but do include innovative features like color 53 HUgO BOSS Fashion 75 Challenged Group S.p.A. matching via camera image Compagnie Financire My Reverso app provides user the freedom to visualize custom engraving 53 JaEgEr-LEcOULTrE Watches & Jewelry 75 Challenged Richemont S.A. before reaching out to a concierge SCVNGR hunt in London demonstrates willingness to experiment beyond the 55 SWarOVSKI Watches & Jewelry Swarovski AG 73 Challenged app store Emirates Towers property claims sole app; iPad defaults to mobile site designed 56 JUMEIraH Hospitality Jumeirah Group 71 Challenged for smaller screen Sections of mobile site (City Guides) revert back to main site; iPad defaults to 57 MOrgaNS HOTEL grOUP Hospitality Morgans Hotel Group 69 Feeble mobile optimized site designed for a smaller screen 58 PHILOSOPHY Beauty & Skincare Coty Inc. 68 Feeble Strong gift finder and navigation filters differentiates mobile site valentino Fashion Encyclopedic iPad app lacks personalized features, but mobile-optimized 58 VaLENTINO Fashion 68 Feeble Group S.p.A. shopping portal hints of progress 60 OMEga Watches & Jewelry The Swatch Group, Ltd. 66 Feeble Parallel mobile app/site designs feature comprehensive search tools este Lauder Innovative product QR codes direct users to video tutorial by makeup artist Lori 61 SMaSHBOX Beauty & Skincare 65 Feeble Companies, Inc. Taylor; recently optimized email marketing for mobile screens Compagnie Financire Mobile placeholder site offers access to catalog and store locator, circumventing 61 VaN cLEEF & arPELS Watches & Jewelry 65 Feeble Richemont S.A. flash-heavy site 360-degree product views, augmented reality features, and video content in app 63 HUBLOT Watches & Jewelry LvMH 64 Feeble do not distract from aging mobile site rOSEWOOD HOTELS 63 Hospitality New World Hospitality 64 Feeble One of only two hospitality brands without an app store presence & rESOrTS Brand replicates all product-specific apps across iPhone and iPad without 65 BULgarI Watches & Jewelry LvMH 61 Feeble customization; Bulgari Touch site lacks m-commerce L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 10
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description August test of in-store iPad kiosks demonstrates increasing innovation in mobile 66 BENEFIT cOSMETIcS Beauty & Skincare LvMH 59 Feeble space beyond HTML5 site Hongkong and Shanghai Mobile site requires guest to call or email reservations desk, forcing reliance on 67 THE PENINSULa HOTELS Hospitality 58 Feeble Hotels, Limited buggy app Strong demand for third-party reference apps demonstrates (missed) opportunity 67 rOLEX Watches & Jewelry Rolex Holding S.A. 58 Feeble beyond mobile site and tablet e-magazine Remains the only retailer in the Index to shy away from the app store; no longer 69 BarNEYS NEW YOrK Retail Istithmar PJSC 57 Feeble redirecting to mobile site Compagnie Financire Strong app presence and product specific-promotions do not compensate for 69 MONTBLaNc Watches & Jewelry 57 Feeble Richemont S.A. lack of a mobile site App presence focused exclusively on Happy Diamonds collection; mobile site 71 cHOParD Watches & Jewelry Chopard Holding S.A. 56 Feeble features simple photo gallery Harry Winston Timepieces app has limited functionality; HTML5 enables solid 72 HarrY WINSTON Watches & Jewelry Harry Winston, Inc. 52 Feeble tablet experience 73 ELIZaBETH arDEN Beauty & Skincare elizabeth Arden 51 Feeble Mobile site for Prevage line of skincare products only Limited mobile site and heavily promoted iPad apps are all about presentation, 74 TODS Fashion Tods S.p.A. 50 Feeble not functionality Compagnie Financire 75 aLFrED DUNHILL Fashion 49 Feeble E-magazine iPad app tests mobile aptitude by mirroring Day 8 microsite Richemont S.A. Shiseido Company, 76 SHISEIDO Beauty & Skincare 48 Feeble App store experience caters exclusively to Chinese market Limited este Lauder Mobile-friendly email marketing demonstrates awareness of mobile consumers, 77 BOBBI BrOWN Beauty & Skincare 47 Feeble Companies, Inc. despite the lack of mobile apps/site 77 DE BEErS Watches & Jewelry LvMH 47 Feeble Lack of a mobile site and apps partially offset by move to HTML5 L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 11
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description Compagnie Financire 79 IWc ScHaFFHaUSEN Watches & Jewelry 44 Feeble Best-in-class quarterly e-magazine content does not include comments/ratings Richemont S.A. Popularity on Foursquare compensates for continuing lack of 79 Marc JacOBS Fashion LvMH 44 Feeble mobile apps/site Mobile app with updatable catalog and gift finder make up for the absence 79 PaNDOra Watches & Jewelry Pandora A/S 44 Feeble of mobile site Compagnie Financire 82 cHLO Fashion 43 Feeble Mobile site provides look book, but no m-commerce functionality; no apps Richemont S.A. 83 VErSacE Fashion Gianni versace S.p.A 40 Feeble Lack of a mobile site and apps partially offset by move to HTML5 Catalogs featured on main site require Flash player, but email marketing 84 BOTTEga VENETa Fashion Gucci Group (PPR) 39 Feeble is mobile friendly Shiseido Company, Full HTML5 site provides a strong asset from which to build a 84 NarS Beauty & Skincare 39 Feeble Limited mobile-specific experience Mobile site is relegated to in-site map; multiple apps pulled from iTunes store 84 Tag HEUEr Watches & Jewelry LvMH 39 Feeble during study period Christian Dior S.A. App presence only partially compensates for frustrating mobile 87 cHrISTIaN DIOr Fashion | LvMH 37 Feeble browsing experience 88 PraDa Fashion Prada Group 35 Feeble Site browsing experience proves untenable on mobile device Compagnie Financire 89 VacHErON cONSTaNTIN Watches & Jewelry 34 Feeble Snow Golf makes for a poor outing in an industry obsessed with apps Richemont S.A. Flash fail on site; meanwhile, app store presence caters exclusively 90 SK-II Beauty & Skincare Procter & Gamble 32 Feeble to Korean market 91 FENDI Fashion LvMH 31 Feeble Aging mobile site resembles brochure-ware L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 12
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQBrand Beauty & Fashion Hospitality retail Watchesranking Skincare & Jewelry rank Brand category Parent Mobile IQ class Description Salvatore Ferragamo 92 SaLVaTOrE FErragaMO Fashion 29 Feeble Seamless tablet experience has yet to migrate to the phone S.p.A. Compagnie Financire The brands two product-specific apps have not been updated since August 2009 93 PIagET Watches & Jewelry 28 Feeble Richemont S.A. and August 2010, respectively 94 HErMS Fashion The Herms Group 26 Feeble No app, no mobile site 95 aLEXaNDEr McQUEEN Fashion Gucci Group (PPR) 25 Feeble Flash fail on homepage, but online store functions 96 BaLENcIaga Fashion Gucci Group (PPR) 24 Feeble Whatever you do, dont pinch and zoom Oscar de la Renta, 97 OScar DE La rENTa Fashion 22 Feeble Flash fail exacerbates lack of mobile site/apps Limited 98 BaccaraT Watches & Jewelry Baccarat Crystal 17 Feeble Flash fail; relies on Neiman Marcus to facilitate m-commerce 99 MOVaDO Watches & Jewelry Movado Group, Inc 13 Feeble Site browsing experience proves untenable on mobile device 100 PaTEK PHILIPPE Watches & Jewelry Patek Philippe S.A. 8 Feeble Please Note: the next generation doesnt use Flash *Hospitality brands that leverage mobile assets maintained by a parent company and/or shared by sister brands (reward programs, booking systems, etc.) receive credit for those components L2 2012 L2ThinkTank.com 13
  • Want to know more about your brands Mobile IQ? CONTACT US Mobile IQ MOBILe IQ DISTrIBUTIOnKey % of Brands per Mobile IQ ClassFindings Sephora Nordstrom gENIUS MOBILE IQ Macys Dispersion Bloomingdales >140 NeT-A-PORTeR LOccitane en Provence 4% Almost half the brands in the Index register Tiffany & Co. as Feebledemonstrating widespread Neiman Marcus gIFTED David Yurman JW Marriott underinvestment in mobile by a considerable InterContinental Hotels & Resorts MOBILE IQ 10% Diane von Park Hyatt este Lauder 110139 Furstenberg portion of the prestige sector. The disparity Clarins Aveda ermenegildo zegna between the Index leader (164 IQ points) Giorgio Armani Ralph Lauren Mandarin Oriental Omni Hotels and the Index laggard (8 IQ points) suggests Saks Fifth Avenue aVEragE Ritz-Carlton & Resorts that this mobile gap is more the result of Yves Saint Laurent Four Seasons Hotels Tory Burch nonparticipation than subpar performance. & Resorts Bergdorf Goodman MOBILE IQ Gucci With a median score of only 76, the majority 19% Coach 90109 Burberry Sofitel of brands are just beginning to make mobile Clinique investments, while a select few early investors are pulling away from the pack. Chanel St. Regis Conrad Hotels Waldorf Astoria cHaLLENgED Morgans Hotel Group IWC Schaffhausen & Resorts Kiehls Philosophy Marc Jacobs Dolce & Gabbana Le Mridien valentino Pandora Origins Bare escentuals Omega Chlo Cartier Raymond Weil MOBILE IQ Smashbox versace Fairmont Hotels Audemars Piguet 7089 23% van Cleef & Arpels Bottega veneta & Resorts Relis & Chateaux Hublot Nars Calvin Klein Shangri-La Hotels Rosewood Hotels Tag Heuer Westin Hotels & Resorts & Resorts & Resorts Christian Dior Hugo Boss Bulgari Prada Louis vuitton Jaeger-LeCoultre Benefit vacheron Constantin MAC Cosmetics Lancme Swarovski FEEBLE The Peninsula Hotels SK-II Jumeirah Rolex Fendi Barneys New York Salvatore Ferragamo Montblanc Piaget Chopard Herms MOBILE IQ Harry Winston 44%